[RELEASED] Miltech Simulations CH47D

From my reading and understanding (I’ve seen CH-47 pilots refer to the AFCS as baby mode :rofl:) stability augmentation is the first or highest priority of the system. It also controls all of the trim and “autopilot” functionality. It would still be more stable than a smaller, single rotor ship with the AFCS turned off…but shouldn’t it be less stable than with it on? much like turning off SAS in smaller ships?

Google search supplied links:



edit: It would be great to hear from any real world Chinook pilots. Are there any here on the forums?

“…first time flight simmer that just want to see if MSFS is fun for them…”

“…ease and enjoyment…”

Explicit meaning: For people who have never flown a plane and do not yet understand the aerodynamics and physics of powered flight, the Miltech CH-47 addon provides a more intuitive and enjoyable “helicopter” experience for first time players - people that typically hot start on the runway the first time they fly in MSFS.

  • No need to verify assists are on
  • Inherent stability
  • Faster than a Cessna 172
  • It can land everywhere, including on water, and can do it vertically
  • Bonus: When viewed externally or from multiplayer, it provideds a soothing sound…like a purring cat. :wink:

I would agree that it’s not ideal for a “trainer” platform, but neither is MSFS itself.

Additional explicit clarification: I did not say it has a soothing sound while in cockpit view.


See LikedHare478430’s post from 3 days ago for details.

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Can anyone help. In VR mode with my Quest 3 the default view is looking down at the gauges and I have to rotate my head up to see outside. I need to be able to rotate my view but am unable to use my mouse to do so in VR. Is there anyway to fix this?

Move your head to whatever default view you want to have. Hit l_alt+l_ctrl+1 to save it as a custom view. Move your head back to the natural position and load that custom view with l_alt+1.

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So I guess if the GTN750 can control the HSI for the path, it can flight routes an procedures also, good.

We’d like to join our American followers in honoring Memorial Day and paying tribute to the brave men and woman who lost their lives serving in the name of freedom, and world peace.

A thanks to all of those who continue to serve, and a special thank you to those who have actively helped us as subject matter experts.

In recognition of their service, we are offering discounts on all Miltech Products at https://miltechsimulations.com/


Are we still on track for 1.1.0 release tomorrow?

Working towards it - will be out when its done :slight_smile:


Great. Looking forward to it.

Thanks but that does not work for some reason. Not even in pancake mode.

Are you pressing correct keys? These are standard MSFS shortcuts, they work for all planes/helicopters in both VR and monitor mode.

Absolutely. Have tried in non VR mode too. When I press L alt plus 1 the screen flashes momentarily and then returns to the default view.

Miltech Simulations CH47D - V1.1.0 Released!

As promised, the awaited V1.1.0 is now out - implementing several engine and system changes, adding support for PMS GTN750, and fully implementing the awaited AFCS Autopilot System! The update is now available at MiltechSimulations.com via the Contrail App, and will be available at ORBX Shortly. MS Marketplace has the usual 2-3 Weeks leadtimes.

:large_blue_circle: ECLs now utilize BEEP TRIM to limit RPM of engines in the GRD Position as per the real aircraft documentation.
:large_blue_circle: Various changes to the fuel Crossfeed system, now aircraft can be started with a single pump on.
:large_blue_circle: Complete implementation of EXPERIMENTAL Helicopter AFCS - Three-degree of Freedom System controlling the vertical, yaw and roll axes.
:large_blue_circle: CH47D Now fully supports complex GPS Systems (GTN750). Toggable through EFB.
:large_blue_circle: Support to blade slap and transmission whine volume adjustments through EFB
:large_blue_circle: Optional Dynamic cockpit vibrations that increase with aircraft speed, present at speeds above 130kts.
:large_blue_circle: Opacity of glass adjusted for better visibility in dark conditions.
:large_blue_circle: Blade droop adjustments in C&D
And several other fixes and new features. The changelog is lengthy - so please refer to the forums if you want to know more: https://miltechsimulations.talkyard.net/-209/miltech-simulations-ch47d-release-notes

PLEASE familiarize yourself with the documentation before operating the Autopilot, as there are a few things to note: AFCS System (Autopilot) | Miltech Simulations CH47D | Miltech Simulations Documentation Hub


Has this also got the actual twin rotor physics thing going on now?

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We have addressed the situation a few days ago, as well as on our forums:

Partial implementation of new SU15 Flight Model/Engine characteristics:
We have not yet attained the necessary fidelity with the new native FM implementation to proceed with a complete migration at once. The new flight model necessitates several adjustments to the engines, fuel system, electrical system, and aircraft handling characteristics. Consequently, we have decided to implement these changes progressively. This update will not include modifications to the flight characteristics of the aircraft, but will focus solely on the underlying systems.

Progress towards full migration of FM will continue and will be progressively rolled out. Switching the FM completely is no easy task and can introduce several bugs. We also are under the pressure of having a flightmodel that a very significant majority of users enjoy - so any change must be better than what we have now. And we are not quite there yet.


If in the future when achieved it, the no implementation of the double rotor flight model is because it is less ease to flight it and more easy-arcade to the masses, but more real and well simulated, please add an option in the EFB to choose between both flight modes (real and helped), for people that do not want neither with the inbuilt MSFS20 helicopter automatic flight assists in on.

Really thanks for the continuous progress of the CH47.

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Is it me, or the opacity of glass is the same dark like before?

Flight Model affects way too many aspects of the simulation to just make it “toggable on the EFB”. This is not an option. Several files are modified to adapt to the new FM.

Forking the project into two different selectable “aircraft” with different flight models is not an option either due to the high complexity of maintaining four versions (two for PC, two for Xbox).

Current implementation is really quite good and nearly all customers find it enjoyable and accurate (which is INCREDIBLY rare in this industry). As such, our CH47 is currently the best-reviewed helicopter on the MSFS Marketplace. A ton of work was been put into it, along with validation from former CH47 pilots, to make it as accurate as possible.

Yes, there are various benefits of switching to the native FM - better taxi handling characteristics, better VRS/descent handling, among others. But we are in the difficult position that such change must be of the same quality and response from public as the current implementation. We are yet to achieve that level of quality, and anything lower will ultimately bring discontent to the community.


EDIT: I stand corrected - a last minute model edit in fact reintroduced the cockpit glass transparency bug.

Addressing this and a checklist bug on a hotfit releasing in a few hours.