[RELEASED] Miltech Simulations CH47D

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Time for another Dev Update! (ALL IMAGES ARE WIP - NO RELEASE ETA)

Busy past few weeks as we’ve been working on all the final touches to the aircraft model, textures, flight model, and systems. The aircraft is now in a very much flyable, nearly “complete” stage - with only the final implementation of “special features” missing/in progress:

  • Liveries and Final Exterior Texturing Details: The CH47D will include a total of 14 liveries - RCAF, RAF, US Army, Spanish Army, RAAF, JGSDF, NASA, Firefighting, etc. All repaints have been completed, and we’re currently adding the final decals and weathering details since the CH47D is usually not a “clean-looking” aircraft.

  • External/Internal Loads: A total of 12 (!!) different load configurations will be available upon release for all your different missions. These include:
    Cargo Bay:

    • Humvee
    • Troops
    • Troops + MedVac
    • Cargo Pallets
    • Special Ops Rhib

    External Sling Loaded (dual cable)

    • Humvee
    • Humvee
    • Large Rhib
    • UAV Container

    External Sling (single Cable)

  • Missions: Around 20 (!!) different missions (initially 8-12 planned, but had too much fun creating different scenarios), featuring firefighting, military ops, rescue and heavy cargo transport scenarios. Typically missions consist of carrying different loads from point A to B. Missions generally start at included custom-made sceneries. Such sceneries include (fictional) military compounds, earthquake relief areas and even military bases (such as RAF Odinham). Some features, such as the functional firefighting simulation, will only be initially available through predefined missions.

  • Autopilot: This is probably the most complex (and most frequently asked) feature… MSFS does not support any kind of Autopilot on helicopters, and in general, developing an autopilot system is incredibly difficult. Rudimentary versions of HDG Hold and Alt Hold are currently implemented but are far from perfect and lacking roll/speed/pitch control. We are still unsure to what extent the AFCS System will be implemented prior to initial release - At minimum it would be a 2-DOF system (HDG+Alt), and at maximum a full 4-DOF system (though this may not be available on initial release).

  • ETA: NO ETA - Please stop asking. Any estimate would be pure speculation at this point. We want to make sure we deliver a fully functional, nearly flawless product to the market.

  • XBOX: Yes, it’s coming to Xbox. Yes, all features supported. We are considering a timed release on all platforms - so PC and Xbox at the same time.

  • Pricing: Mid 30’s $, Around the same price as other popular addons in the same category.



The Miltech Simulations Yearly Customer Survey is available now - your feedback is greatly appreciated as it will help us decide on what to work next. It will only take you 5 minutes.


Looks great, it really does. I am excited to see the functionality. What’s the word on sounds? Are you using a custom soundset? Best of luck with the next phases of development and bringing it to market.

All sounds (internal and external) were recorded on real aircraft - so the soundset is all custom and representative of the real Chinook.


Awesome! Really pleased to hear that! Sorry if this has been repeated elsewhere, but do you have plans to model later versions like the 47F (RAF HC4 and HC6) and RAF HC5 (“Fat Boy”) including the electronic/glass avionics suites? AFAIK, no one has done that on any sim to date!

We do have plans for the 47F/Glass Cockpit instrument displays. That being said - this would be a paid expansion pack, would take some time as developing glass cockpit instruments is more resource-intensive, and its subject to popularity of the variant.

Similarly, other variants requiring modeling changes (eg. passenger variant, MH-47, etc.) would be included in such expansion pack.


It’s a race between DCS and MSFS. I wonder who will win?

I’m pretty sure we’ll see it in MSFS first.

Well hopefully MSFS first :slight_smile:

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DCS are incredibly slow and provide zero updates. Really winds me up.

Their modules are incredibly detailed and they have a lot to work on, hence “being slow”. They just released an update involving the chinook and have done a few last year since announcement. So I don’t think your statement is fair.

Anyway, this isn’t about DCS. I’m excited for this one here as well :slight_smile:

DCS concept is fine but we are in 2024. Many upgrades are needed to stay up to date with current industry standards. Systems are still superb but graphics are the same from 15 years ago for instance. Both factors are really unbalanced and does not make DCS an attractive alternative to me nowadays, despite I spent years on it. As modules production usually took years the risk of publishing things when platform becomes obsolete is high. I also got tired of waiting for some while I saw how engine was getting older.

Creating a TacPack alike solution for MSFS/FS2024 and making it grow in complexity over the years has more future I think and also leaves room for developers to expand market with more complex models based on it as well.



Tac pack with dedicated separate servers would be great, that way those that dont wish to rub shoulders with military style pilots could totally avoid it. Also would avoid MS’s contractual agreements with the major airliner manufacturers (this stops native MP weps).
Maybe the really really nice guys at Miltech and their partners could get this ball rolling in future? (Including console) then we could have missions for the Chinook and the awesome Osprey.

This is currently beyond our plans but I do know a few people doing R&D towards this. That being said - I very highly doubt such an addon will ever see the light of day on consoles.

If it ever comes out, it would be PC only.

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Yes i know a couple aswell. There maybe some interesting times ahead

Testing, testing, testing…

No ETA yet - lots of polishing/refinements to be done, but we are getting there 🙂


Please test it on xbox too, with controller and no assists.
Its a day one purchade for me, was in the swedish airforce on a helicopter base with this choppers sibling, the sea knight!
So looking forward to this.

In fact we do testing primarily using an Xbox controller with no assists (though on PC). Xbox testing will begin next week.