[Released on PC and Xbox] DC Designs Aérospatiale/BAC Concorde

makes sense. and i have tried msfs reinstall/restart/flight restart etc etc. hense why im out of ideas. removed all keybinds. re-keybind everything 1 by 1…i can keep going. just a shame tbh

Just finished an EGLL/KJFK , started with 90000 kg of fuel, and max load 185k kg.

Followed all rules, noise abatement, climb supersonic, descent etc… a lot of time in engineering panel to fix trim fuel!

Arrived with 25000kg +/- visual approach Rwy 13L.

Next time i will try a different fuel layout… Tank 11 should be with less fuel for better trim


Is it possible to add a TLA for a better descent procedure ? :wink:

So when flying from Heathrow to New York I’m loading up with 95% fuel (because that’s the max before I’m over weight. Yet I’m still running out of fuel?!

I only use reheat for the first minute on take off, I then use it for about 7-10 minutes to get form Mach 1 to Mach 2. I monitor the AT to make sure it doesn’t engage the reheats - but as I say, I run out of fuel way too early.

What am I doing wrong, why am I not getting the best fuel efficiency and what can I do to reduce my fuel consumption?

I think I have solved my performance issue by emptying my community folder. Not sure what the conflict was, but perhaps it makes sense that having lots of scenery addons that work nicely at 120 knots may cause a strain on the system at 1200 knots :smiley: Had two full flights since and performance was excellent.

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You have to to respect the envelope …

Subsonic till 28000ft and mach 0.95… when you are over the ocean climb to final altitude and speed… Reheat on till 1.7 MACH then off and continue climb and raise speed!


@Kraghton is correct. And don’t climb straight to FL 600 either. Aim for FL 500 first, as Concorde will still be heavy with fuel and although it will climb higher if commanded, it will burn a lot more fuel trying to do it. Also, your fuel balance - CG should be 54% at take off and landing, and 59% at Mach 2. You can get away without doing this, but Concorde will be aerodynamically inefficient and will burn more fuel as a result.

Brilliant, that’s spot on and 25T fuel remaining means you did a good job too. Concorde sometimes lands at JFK with 15T or even less.

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Sorry…i did a mistake :smiley: 20600 kg

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Yesterday I put in a ton of fuel as my last couple of flights before I ran out of fuel but things seemed to click on this flight as I ended up with way too much fuel. Had to let rip with the burners to try and burn off excess fuel. Ended up at M2.08 at one point, probably could’ve gone faster but the temps looked pretty high so I backed off. Felt pretty satisfying though. I also had ATC on and it was pretty amusing getting passed on to the next centre every couple of minutes as I was flying over the US (don’t tell anyone I was going supersonic over land).

But yeah it’s all about flying the profile. The checklists and tutorial flight in the manual go over them pretty well I found. Also I didn’t use much autothrottle as I find it likes to go reheat happy too often. Managing the CoG with the fuel pumps is pretty fun in a way.

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Ahh thanks for both of your help, @Kraghton. I think my issue was trying to fight for 60,000 straight away.

I also had full dry power during the cruise which made me cruise over Mach 2.04, rather than having the auto throttle set along with max cruise - so I’m guessing that used a lot more fuel. I didn’t realise you cruise without Mach hold or IAS hold buttons pressed (literally just max cruise and AT).

With max cruise engaged, will Concorde gradually climb as it burns its fuel - just slower than it would in max climb mode?

I’m pretty sure, but not certain, that ISA was no colder than -60C at the time. I was flying north over Indonesia just crossing the equator at the time. If it happens again I will take a screenshot of the conditions and post it up here.

Is true, and fixed for the next update.
It was a line of code that I didn’t notice. :slight_smile:



Okay, I think fuel transfer is another thing borked in SU9 Beta, but as I wasn’t 100% sure I had a handle on it to begin with, I’m not sure if the problems are with SU9 or not.

I would dearly love to watch a video that demonstrates just the simple acts of moving fuel from Tanks 9/10 to 5/7 and then to 11, and vice versa, and shows the quantities changing in the Fuel gauges. I spawned on a runway and tried it, and I spawned cold & dark, started up all four engines and then tried it at the gate. At MOST I got like 2 gallons of fuel (~14 pounds, or 6 kilograms) to flow into Tank 11 after waiting around 10 minutes. So clearly I’m either missing something or the custom fuel transfer code Jack slaved over is going to be ■■■■■ in a few weeks, and I’d like to know which.

I made that video. It’s finished. Give it about 45 minutes and it will be uploaded and your problems should be solved. Here is the thumbnail at least. I will post it here when it is uploaded.


When you wanna move fuel from tanks to another… who push fuel need to have only PUMPS active and VALVES closed, who receive VALVES open :slight_smile:

I don’t know if OVERRIDE VALVES are working, by the way … i’ve used both Normal and Override ones.

When you need to put fuel in tanks 5 and 7 you have to open VALVES located near the TRIM section :slight_smile: the 2 outside on the left and 2 on right after the white vertical line :slight_smile:


Yeah, well that’s what I’ve been doing (I think) so it may very well be that I’m hitting my head against another dumb broken thing from another Sim Update, but once I watch @TCPD5091 's video, I will be able to confirm. :slight_smile:

It is coming. For the 2nd time I uploaded the video with raw footage on the end of my timeline and it ended up being over an hour vs 6 minutes. I am as frustrated with this as you are with the fuel system. 3rd time is the charm.

Here it is. I hope this helps:
Concorde - DC Designs - How to Control CG with FUEL - Microsoft Flight Simulator - YouTube


You have used SI valves to transfer in tank 5, and it’s wrong. Those valves are Standby Inlet Valves

You have to use the other IV Inlet Valves in the panel below.