[Released on PC and Xbox] DC Designs Aérospatiale/BAC Concorde

Does it not transfer the fuel? There is a limited amount of info on the internet. It does transfer the fuel, it’s MSFS, so as far as it being wrong, it does transfer so I am going with it.

It does transfer but only from certain tanks. And those tanks have to have their pumps on. I suggest you check out that diagram of all the fuel tanks.

I spent 6 hours on that video. It works. I suggest you study the diagram and make your own video. Until then, it stays as is. The point of the video was to transfer fuel aft to control the CG and it does that very well.

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But it’s not the right procedure to do.

The video is great, you have done a very good work but there’s an error :slight_smile: .

And first to be arrogant (previous answer)… as mdapol say…check well how the fuel lines works

I’m not criticizing @TCPD5091 He knows his stuff. I was speaking to @LameLefty and @Kraghton

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From what I understands it looks the small valves are only doing tank 9-11, which is normal balance fuel transfer, and the standby inlet valves are the ones to move from tank 5-7 to and from tank 9-11?

I don’t have the diagram in front of me but from memory I think tank 11 only feeds into 9 and 10. And tanks 9 and 10 can feed into 5 and 7 but not reverse. And yes 9 and 10 feet into 11 as well

Thanks 5 and 7 have standby inlet valves and also they have normal inlet valves

TANK 11 only feed TANK 9

TANK 9 and 10 feed TANK 11

TANK 9 or 10 or 11 or all… feed TANK 5 and 7 with IV open

This is the normal way to use trim …

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@TCPD5091 Do you know for certain that all of the valves and switches start in the correct and balanced state?

I cannot figure out why whenever I fly the aircraft and don’t touch anything other than fore and aft trimming, the tanks 5, 6, 7 and 8 get out of balance side to side.

In fact one time this weekend engine feeder tank 1 was noticeably lower than 2,3 and 4 for some reason mid-flight.

I am not sure of their starting positions. Did you mess with the cross feed valves at all to balance fuel laterally? To be honest, just being able to keep the CG inside the envelope fore and aft makes me happy. Lateral imbalance doesn’t have a huge effect on the speed or trim of the aircraft.

I did mess with a lot of the valves the first flight, but on the second one I just used the one switch and the fuel selector knobs to move fuel back-and-forth. And I still got lateral imbalances.

And same on the third flight, didn’t touch anything else and had the problem with tank 1. Then I had to move fuel around to try to get everything balanced. I somehow managed it but I’m not quite sure how still.

Guys let’s have peace ok?

I understand that there are many switches and that you want to learn everything in the most mechanical way possible. but all switches do something and that’s why they are there.

@TCPD5091 has made a great video explaining different procedures, It is neither the master way nor the right or wrong way, it is a way to manipulate the switches and make the fuel flow where you want it to flow.

I don’t know about you but I’m going to thank him for the time he spent.

The stby valves are used to communicate with the trim system to directly receive fuel from tanks 9, 10 or 11. It allows, among other things, to correct imbalances or simply fill a specific tank. In the same way that you can return fuel from tanks 1-4 to the trim system if necessary through jettison system.

If you look carefully the diagram you will see some valves called SI (stby valves). Opening one of each valves means receive fuel from the trim transfer trim.

IC valves, are the interconnect ones, and communicates tanks 5 - 8 and 6 - 7 in cross line. There’s no pumps between them, they just flow fuel in one or other direction by gravity.

“C” Valves are the crossfeed valves that you have seen at the bottom where the LP valves are, allowing each engine beeing feeded by any of the engine tanks (1-4).

“JV” valves are the jettison ones, and would allow to return fuel to the trim transfer system again.

G and B pumps are two of the four pumps you have seen in the panel 11 (hydraulics), while the rest are electricals.

“LP” Are the low pressure valves, as you have guessed, if they are closed the engines won’t receive fuel at all.

And for last “IV” are the inlet Valves, which are what you have seen in tanks 5,7,9,11 (tank 10 only have a SI valve).

To conclude: it is a system that can execute automatic operations. But it is not automatic, If it were, there would be no point in having an engineer in the cockpit.


You are right, the imbalances if they were are practically unnoticeable given the location of main feed tanks, and different fuel weights.


@CodenameJack447 @TCPD5091 Finally had some success this evening. Flew KLAX - KSEA and balanced the COG as in TCP’s video. It’s nice that you can just do it without using the automatic transfer mechanism. I found that a lot easier. I kept the Concorde in INS mode and flipped the RAD/GPS switch and it picked up the ILS Localizer ( I think). Pushed the GLIDE button and waited and it grabbed the GS and autolanded nicely (mostly). It came in somewhat left of the centerline but acceptable.

Three questions for the developers.

  1. Does the NAV CRS make a difference with an ILS Localizer?
  2. if tanks 5, 6, 7, and 8 are all similar, why does tank 8 show a much, much higher max value in the Weight and Balance menu?

  1. Is the super tiny taxi light accurate? Since you can’t see it from the cockpit, does it serve a purpose or is it supposed to spill further forward? And will this be corrected at some point?

They aren’t



Brilliant work! So much clearer and easier for everybody to understand than the manual text! Thanks for taking the time to make and share this! :slight_smile:


So it’s normal for the engine feed tanks 1,2,3 and 4 to run out of fuel at different rates?

Since all the engines are cross fed we should just ignore all that and only worry about CG?

That seems confusing but OK.

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I watched (am watching) The Corporate Pilot Dad’s video and I’m nearly 100% certain I’ve been doing it right, but I think SU9 broke stuff. I will check again tonight after work to be sure. Either way, excellent video!

That said, part of the confusion earlier on my end (and maybe others) is a minor but important bug: the tooltip for the Tank 11 Right Inlet Valve is incorrect. The text refers to that switch as the Tank 09 Right Inlet Valve.

I so looked forward to this project being published and, as promised, downloaded it within hours of release. But I couldn’t even get the engines started!
Sorry Dean but not impressed with the manual, likewise the in-game checklist is not much better. I’ve been following this thread trying to make head or tail of it and watched every video made - some excellent and some not so. One thing about the videos is that they all seem to do things differently!
Okay I’m not in the first flush of youth but I’m reasonably mechanically minded and think I approach things logically, Having some experience of real world flight (but not Concorde of course) I can usually “wing it” but this long long discussion about how to operate the fuel system is really putting me off firing it up again. One of the vids didn’t even touch the fuel system all the way across the pond! And now there are alleged bugs with the SU9Beta!
My personal motto is “if a job’s worth doing it’s worth doing properly” so I’m not interested in cheats or shortcuts - I do all my other sim flights “by the book”. So it looks like I’ve probably wasted my money; shame as she’s a beautiful aircraft and visually looks to have been really well done.
Going to forget it for a while until things settle down and maybe we get a better set of instructions to follow.

I think your criticisms are completely out of place. The aircraft as released works fine with no major bugs. There is a clear explanation on how to start the engines toward the top of this thread as well as in the documentation and in most of the video tutorials.

The checklist does need work but that’s a minor issue and it’s being worked on.

As for SU9… it’s a beta… if you don’t want issues then don’t use it.

I think you are blaming the product way too much when it sounds like a lot of pilot error involved.