[Released on PC and Xbox] DC Designs Aérospatiale/BAC Concorde

Indeed. The reheat/afterburners thing is definitely an SU9 Beta induced bug, and I’ve filed a report with video for Asobo to look at. There MAY OR MAY NOT be a fuel transfer bug from SU9 as well, but I have not confirmed that.

Having said that, I was still able to make a full 90 minute flight including Mach 2.04 at FL600 cruise, despite the reheat bug and in spite of my inability to manage CG (which - again! - MAY OR MAY NOT BE SU9-RELATED).

The plane flies great and looks just fine, and in the main SU8 sim version, everything is working fine, as demonstrated by dozens of videos.

I’ve flown Concorde four times now and the only issues I’ve had was figuring out the CG/fuel transfer stuff (which was not hard) and figuring out the autopilot/ILS (which was a bit harder). Last night my flight went perfectly. It was a bit exhilarating landing at 210 knots (necessary because of weight) and I used up all but 50 feet of runway at KSEA, but it went exactly as planned.


Okay, lots more testing after work has revealed a mixed bag. First, I was - in fact - “doing it right” as confirmed by Corporate Pilot Dad’s video. Second, SU9 has broken some of the fuel transfer stuff partially - not completely, but bad enough.

The bottom line is, it’s possible to transfer fuel out of Tank 10 - both into Tank 11 for moving CG aft, as well as into Tank 9 if you want to move CG even more forward. HOWEVER … as soon as you turn on the Tank 9 Left pump, fuel transfer stops even from Tank 10. And even with the Tank 9 Right pump turned on, fuel quantity in Tank 9 never goes down. So that fuel seems effectively useless except as forward ballast.

it’s true Lefty but it’s not a bug, the right and left trim transfer trim channels flow fuel in both directions, so if you try to flow fuel to tank 9 from 10 you should open inlet valves 9l and 9r and stop the pumps or the fuel will never reach its destination (you would be flowing against the current). this is unlike the rest of the tanks that make up the main transfer and engine feed (those channels only flow in one direction except for interconnecting channels 5-8, 6-7).

Tank 10 only can receive fuel through its Stby valve.

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210 seems reasonable to me considering the weight of the plane and the CG at that moment, you can always practice at a lower speed, but make sure that your AOA is between 10-11 degrees so that the landing is as smooth and controlled as possible. Consider 13 degrees the critical point. And consider 165 knots the minimum landing speed if you have very little fuel. If you use autothrottle to land in conjunction with IAS ACQ, you can speed up or slow down with the rotary selector to control your AOA. That will give you the reference that you are going at the right speed.

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Yep that’s what I did. I don’t know if it’s accurate but I’ve been using the Vref shown in the PERF page. Around 200 plus or minus seems to be a good landing speed. 16L at KSEA seemed to be barely long enough though.


I will take a look at the performance section, it is possible that it is calculating correctly or not, because in the JavaScript code I see that it calculates taking into account the weight of the plane and the wind speed but I do not know if it is accurate




Jack, I’m not sure you get what I mean - I was following Corporate Pilot Dad’s Video trying to move fuel OUT of Tank 9 aft, and as soon as I turned on the Tank 9 Right pump, fuel transfer from Tank 10 stopped. This is NOT what happens in his video. Worse, fuel is never LEAVING Tank 9 regardless of th e Pump switch settings. It can only receive fuel, but not pump any out elsewhere. This is an SU9 bug, I’m pretty sure.

Oh ok, sorry, i thought you were talking about SU8.

Let’s see, it is possible that, although the operation is not altered, Asobo has changed the name of the events at the SDK level, that is to say that the switch is invoking an event that does not exist or that has changed its name, until the documentation is not updated, I will not be able to see it. In the same way, that they have made adjustments to the MFD of the airlines and therefore the Weather radar does not work for us in the SU9. But that will be comparing the base files and making the changes

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No worries, I’m just trying to figure out what might be broken and how to maybe work around it and still enjoy the plane, as well as documenting stuff for you guys when you get around to having to fix it in a few weeks.

So the tl;dr for me seems to be: I can move fuel INTO Tank 9 from either Tank 10 or Tank 11; and I can move fuel OUT of Tank 10 into Tanks 9 or 11. But I cannot seem to move fuel OUT of Tank 9 at all. It’s effectively a ballast sump for now that cannot be drained so far as I can tell in SU9.

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Found a very old website, seems like you can search for all the standard/charter flights of concorde.

Le Vols de Concorde


Another highly informative and technical video on Fuel Management by UPS1000.

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How do I turn down the brightness of the floodlight circled in red that lights up the centre pedestal?

I’ve tried every lighting knob on the pilot and copilot’s side panel, overhead panel and flight engineer’s panel to no avail.

two further questions…

  1. is the default load in the concorde supposed to be the full loaded one?

  2. after I completed a flight I can’t load into any start in the concorde, need to use a default aircraft, load into the game, quite and reload, any idea?

Panel knobs in the OVHD both off

No, is a presset load that ensures CG for take off is at 53.4%

Sorry, no idea.

Do you mean these knobs circled in red?

If so, turning any of these have no effect on that light on the left I circled.

Edit: The console knob on the right seems to not adjust anything and by name sounds like the knob I should be using.

so any idea on the full load (booked) weight for Concorde to set? for the reloading it seems the same for only Concorde and the A32NX
