[Released on PC and Xbox] DC Designs Aérospatiale/BAC Concorde

I have already tried to change the default chase view, but it appears that no matter what I input into the camera.cfg entry, nothing changes it. I’m assuming it’s non-alterable in MSFS at this time.

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Taken after lining up at 15 nautical miles at 5,000ft into Bristol Airport, UK, live weather. GLIDE and LAND engaged at 15 miles, Concorde nailed it despite some mild gusty weather into the approach :slight_smile:

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just wonders, I swtiched to RAD, the yellow arrows shows it detected the ILS, but when I set to Glide and LAND it doesn’t seems to follow the auto land, is there anything indicative on does the plane intercept the ILS?

Do you have both AP switches on? Auto Land requires both Autopilots. ILS only needs one active.

have both AP on, but it seems the ILS arrows is working and the plane is veering off not following the ILS signal

What lateral nav function do you have on? Options are: HDG HOLD, TRK HDG, INS, VOR LOC.

I have found that the way to get it to work for me is: Starting in the approach in INS and ALT HOLD. Between IAF and FAF, switch from GPS to RAD. Stay in INS. When the glideslope indicator starts moving, push GLIDE only. LAND will push on it’s own. INS will disable on its own. Autoland will illuminate. Then the plane will capture and land.

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From the SU9 patch notes

21. Added an optional settings to camera.cfg files allowing to change the distance between the external camera and the plane

Finally this issue is fixed!

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Well, I’m running the SU9 Beta so it’s certainly not fixed by default. :wink: It sounds like something Dean and Jack will have to mess with for a future update.

He’s not saying it’s fixed by default. He’s saying that you now can change the camera.cfg file to fix it. Why not try and modify it and let us know how it works?

Well yes it will require cfg values to be altered per individual aircraft…

Because I’ve never once messed with the camera.cfg file and I’m not about to start now. I’ve got plenty of other things to worry about being broken in SU9 as it is including helping the developers out as a flight tester for another recently-reduced plane, not to mention figuring out to simply FLY this one given how SU9 breaks reheat, fuel flow out of Tank 9 and (possibly) LNAV.


I felt bad about my habit of minor bank adjustments during flare so close to touchdown at Kai Tak in both of my sim scenerios but now after watching this video its really necessary in certain wind conditions I see.


I made a printable PDF (WIP) Checklist in my usual layout.

This checklist is derived from an authentic Concorde Flight Manual.

Even if the Concorde is even officially not meant to be “Study Level” (whatever that even means^^), you can roleplay through the checklist with a great accuracy.

My checklist is work in progress and contains so far:

  • Safety Check
  • Preliminary Cockpit Preparation
  • Preflight Flows of Flight Engineer, Captain and First Officer
  • FMS Setup/Flighplan Input
  • Before Start, Engine Start, After Start
  • Taxi and Before Takeoff

It includes thinks like De-Airation, Switching LO-HI Idle, a simplified Flight Control Check for green, blue and mech channels and manually starting C.G. Managment (Pumping Fuel) at Taxi. Even if some systems might not even be fully simulated, you can at least switch the switches^^.

You can spend easily an hour in the aircraft before even taking off, if you want.

If you speak german you can watch my two videos for this process so far:

You can get the original manual for 10 $ at CONCORDE - Flight Manuals

Kind Regards


The Manual is great, not anly for a checklist. In the manual you get a kinds of procedures (normal, abnormal, emergency), lots of performance data and system descriptions. It includes several PDF with 100s of pages. For a Concorde enthusiast is this Flight Manual a great source of original informations.

And just to avoid missunderstandings - my checklis PDF is for free, as always.

Kind Reagrds

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I’m really liking this plane, and after finding a video to balance the fuel, I like it even better. The one major issue I’ve been having it getting it to follow a number of ILS approaches. Sometimes work, many times not. The Rwy 07L approach to LAX is a good example of a sure-fire fail. I’m doing things correct and get it to work with some approaches, but never this one. I’m forced to fly in fair weather with this bird until this problem gets resolved. It’s possibly linked to the ongoing issue with MSFS ILS approach bug that I and others have been having with other planes like the TBM930, so not sure it’s with the Concorde specifically.

I will test LAX tomorrow but I’ve had Concorde nailing every ILS perfectly since ensuring the approach set -up is correct. In brief, MSFS likes the ILS intercept as far out and as neat as possible before switching on GLIDE / LAND for the AUTOLAND. My calculations revealed that the ideal intercept is at a distance of 15nm, altitude 5,000ft, facing the runway and on the runway heading. Engage the AUTOLAND and Concorde flies the approach and touchdown fully automatically. My last test, imaged up-thread, was in live weather with 45 Tons of fuel aboard, auto-throttle at 200 knots IAS HOLD ( due to the higher weight ), 11 degrees AoA. Autoland was flawless, even in live weather with a slight crosswind.


It honestly seems to capture the ILS every time for me, but sometimes it might drift a little laterally before kissing the runway.

Like Dean says, its good to try to be as close to the crs as possible when intercepting, and be configured as early as possible with correct speed for your weight. Also very important to have your CG up front. And of course make sure that your frequency is both! on active and not standby.

Thanks Dean, I’ll have another go at it, but I’ve tried this approach repeatedly (about 5 times I think now with little success. I was flying the published approach for 07L with IAF of WAKER (entered at the start of the flight using MSFS for flight planning and setting rwy 7L there before the flight was loaded. It’s possible that it’s simply in too close with a sharp angle toward final.

Just landed in KORD ILS 10C with Autoland…and all perfect…also autoland is very good :slight_smile:, total weight 142.000 kg so the IAS HOLD was at 182 knots .

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