[Released on PC and Xbox] DC Designs Aérospatiale/BAC Concorde

Wow, my CPU is getting spanked flying supersonic M2.04 over photogrammetry areas in the USA.

I’m still pulling 30+ FPS in VR though, so all is good :grin:

does it even load in PG at FL500+ ?

maybe you have your TLOD set really high?

TLOD is 200, so not really high. I’d say it is loading PG because wifi activity is quite consistently high. I’ve flown half the world so far from Sydney Australia and this is the first time CPU activity has been that intense.

Intensity of CPU spikes reducing as I get slower. Here’s what it is at M1.0

That makes sense as using the slew mode and panning across the terrain really fast will emulate the same CPU behavior. At times you can even notice the photogrammetry struggle to keep up at those slew mode pan speeds.

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I’m pretty sure engaging reheat was a manual-only event on real Concorde. Is there any way to stop reheat being engaged when autothrottles are engaged?

Also, is there a way to stop the horn going off when slowing down at idle during descent? I can understand the horn going off sub-250kts if you don’t have your gear down but why does it do it when I’m slowing from say 350 to 300 knots on approach profile? This particulary applies to autothrottle where it is quite happy to throttle back to idle.


Yes, turn off autothrottle and keep throttles at max and reheats off. When you get to your desired speed, turn autothrottle on again. This is the required workaround until Asobo fixes the bug.

If you have throttles at idle and landing gear up, the horn will sound. To stop the horn, either keep throttles above idle or extend landing gear. Easy peasy.


So basically don’t use autothrottle until stable at a speed? Makes IAS ACQ mode a bit useless then.

Not during descent. I mean… it’s a bug… what do you want me to say?

Your reply indicated the first question re reheats was a bug, but imply the second question re landing gear warning horn at > 250kts is a feature or is this latter one a bug too?

Not a bug as far as I know. It just is.

For the gears horn I encounter another occasion, during VHHX ILS 13 approach there is a steep banking turn to align to the runway, when I start banking the horn just keep going off until I am more or less wing level again

The stock Auto-throttle is coded internally to use all available power to achieve it’s “target” airspeed or Mach, hence why the reheats engage. Not much we can do about that as it’s an Asobo thing really.


I also did a pdf scan of a checklist for anyone who wanted it, and sent it to a few people who pm’d me, although I didn’t scan in the abnormal, emergency procedures and performance stuff. I take it you have the original as well, if not and you are missing any info, let me know.

[RELEASED] DC Designs Aérospatiale/BAC Concorde - Third Party Addon Discussion / Aircraft - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

LAX runway 07L tested with ILS freq 111.10, straight as an arrow when intercepted at 12nm in this case and 4,000ft.


why no hyperthreading? you should have 20 logical processors.

Because with HT turned off I can OC my CPU 400MHz higher, which results in around 5-8% better FPS in MSFS and it runs just as cool as its stock speed with HT on.

Hi all, I’ve made a calculation tool for fuel and take-off performance based on the original manuals.

With this, you can get not only the total fuel needed for your flight but also how much fuel to put in each tank. As for moving around the fuel, you would need to use open/close the valves&pumps manually.

It also has a Vr and Throttle decrease (for noise abatement) calculator as well.

It’s still WIP project, I still need to check if it matches with the aircraft in sim, but feel free to try & leave comments and feedbacks!


Thanks Dean, and I’m sorry to have wasted your time on this. It’s clearly my system or the same issue I share with a number of other MSFS users who have recently had ILS/LOC issues involving multiple aircraft on MSFS. Glad to know it’s not a problem with Concorde. I look forward to continuing flying it and hope I can work though this ILS/LOC problem in the near future.

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Just got the email for the 1.0.1 update from JustFlight. :slight_smile:

EDIT: here’s a link to the change log:


@AnimalClover789 I think that this may be due to how you start the plane: The plane can not catch the glide slope at landing when I start it in the beginning on the runway, but it works nicely when I start my flight Cold & Dark. Does that fit with your experience?