[Released on PC and Xbox] DC Designs Aérospatiale/BAC Concorde

How do I hide pilot avatar in Concorde?

Set their weight to “0” in the sim’s payload manager.

How is this different from the already excellent Concorde Performance System that is available for free?


What a changelog, DCD have been hard at work! Compare that to the SU9 second beta changelog and it makes you wonder just what Asobo are doing.

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For me, it needed to locate a folder where FSX was installed, which I didn’t own. I couldn’t find a workaround to it…

I know the aircraft is not level study BUT can you please add a speed reference bug to the air speed indicator. It’s something very basic and quite useful. Specially when the instruments definition is really poor.

Any plans to change the Airbus mcdu for an INS?.

And another thing, the model of the instruments are not right. They are very difficult to read because of the depth of the gauge scale inside the instrument frame. It’s like they are 1 cm into a hole.

Thank You for the update guys flies beautiful no issues on my end !


These questions have already been answered many, many times. Reference bugs and other smaller details will be added later, there is enough for most users to do at this stage - they’re easy to add but I don’t want to over-clutter the instruments until things have been released and settled down on the consoles.

INS will follow when WASM gauges are supported on all platforms - it cannot be created without that.

No other complaints about gauge depth, and I can read them fine both on screen and in VR. Would change them if enough people mention it, but as I say, doesn’t represent an issue yet.


When I press max cruise at over 50k ft altitude, the plane cuts power and starts descending. I still haven’t been able to figure out max climb and max cruise functions completely. Anyone has an idea?

is Autopilot and Autothrottle on? Are Autothrottle master switches on? (ceiling panel)

just completed another flight from Dubai to Rome, with ILS captured and final 4000 ft of descending being visual with AP and ATHR off, quite a joy and easy to fly bird once getting used to it! the only habit needed to change from the A32NX is mainly I need to use the fuel balancing for CG and basically trim control.

Yes and Yes. Also, altitude is set to 60k in MCP

Can you provide a screenshot of the autopilot panel when this happens please? And of the engine gauges (in between pilot and copilot panels)

Two questions: Is it possible to import flightplan, ie. from Simbrief?

How do I enter waypoints for a nattrack into the fmc? Ie. lat longs?

Step 1. Wait for the old style INS system update to the Concorde

Step 2. ???

Step 3. Profit

So, are you saying that the concorde is unable to fly transatlantic flight plans?

No, people are flying transatlantic all the time. DC provided transatlantic flight plans in the Documentation folder. Just import one.

Until DC updates it, just treat the Concorde like any other plane and create or load a flight plan in the World map.

Or create your own in the World Map, or whatever planning tool you want and import into MSFS, then fly the flight.

Up date to su9 and concorde unfortunately reheat still kills the engines on takeoff so still grounded on su9

This has already been reported several times. Please use the thread search feature to avoid re-posting issues.

Also remember that SU9 is a beta and problems are expected when you run the beta.