[Released on PC and Xbox] DC Designs Aérospatiale/BAC Concorde

It’s already pretty easy to handle the fuel transferring. Why not try to learn how first? There is a great video linked above.

For those of you experiencing engine cut outs on Concorde, this in from a user who spotted the cause;

There was a binding for the mixture 4 axis to the x-axis of my mouse

Check your bindings as it seems that MSFS might like to put things where they are least expected!

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I think I will also agree with FEDEX that the gauges are inset a bit too much. I think they would look better if they were more flush.

I did actually check this out and they are set back further than reality. Not a big deal to change so it’s on the list for an update, low priority for now though, lots of other things I want to focus on as well that are more important.


I know this might not be the best/right place to ask this - but I’ve noticed after updating to v1.0.1 that the aircraft seems to now be consistently targeting M1.96 in Max Cruise with A/T on whereas with v1.0.0 it always target M2.04 or there abouts. Has anyone else experienced this, and does anyone perhaps have any thoughts as to why? Increasing the Autothrottle switch does nothing.


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Yes, the autopilot has to respect the conversion from Mach to airspeed to reach mach 2.04, and that means that it will not target Mach 2.04 if the conversion to airspeed exceeds 540 IAS. that happens if you are at a lower altitude or if you have not adjusted the altimeter correctly.


Thanks, makes sense!

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The second of two ILS approaches into Filton UK, this one totally hands-off, to demonstrate Concorde’s AUTOLAND function is working perfectly. Using SU8 and version v1.0.1. A prior video on my channel shows a bad-weather approach and off-angle CDI intercept in crosswinds. The AP doesn’t track perfectly due to a combination of those two factors, but it does get the airplane down onto the runway with only a minor correction.


Dean, I noticed something in your first video. You go from TRK HDG to GLIDE directly without first pushing VOR LOC. Isn’t VOR LOC supposed to be for capturing the Localizer? Or do you have things coded to use GLIDE for both Localizer and GS? Is VOR LOC only for VOR navigation? I don’t know how it worked with RL Concorde but it seemed obvious to me to use VOR LOC for the ILS Localizer. However, this may be why it didn’t work for me.

Now that I can take off fully loaded with reheats in the SU9 beta, I set off on a long flight and found that, like you have experienced, fuel transfer is basically non-functional. The only fuel I can get to move is a trickle from tank 11 to tank 9, but otherwise pretty much nothing goes into tank 11 from tanks 9 and 10, no matter what pumps or valves are used for these tanks like I have been able to use successfully many times with SU8.

The fuel and associated transfer system is way more complex than I can handle to create a workaround, but I just wanted to give @LameLefty support with what they have observed and to give DCD a heads up on some more rectification heartache coming your way when SU9 hits the streets. Back to SU8 for me!

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Firstly - I’m loving this aircraft, and many thanks for the effort you are putting into this!

Just one quick question - On the lowermost set of gauges in the Centre Panel, % Area Nozzle Indicators, the little white lights at the top left of each gauge seem to remain on all the time. Weren’t these the reheat indicators? Other than the increased engine noise, I can’t see a way of knowing if you have reheat engaged.



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Two points here to clarify, please:

  1. You can use reheat in takeoff without your engines dying? Because other reports from folks are that this is still broken in the second build of the SU9 Beta and v1.0.1 of Concorde.

  2. As to fuel transfer, that isn’t quite what I determined. Specifically, what I figured out is this: so long as I leave the pumps for Tank 9 turned OFF, I can transfer fuel out of Tank 10 and into Tank, and I can transfer fuel from Tank 11 into Tanks 9 and 10. The problem is, the fuel in Tank 9 cannot be transferred manually or auotmatically, so you run the risk of CG issues on landing if it gets too far forward that if affects pitch authority or attitude control rates.

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Yes I can per the workaround I implemented that was described in this post [Released on PC and Xbox] DC Designs Aérospatiale/BAC Concorde - #1032 by ResetXPDR. In short, change the line AfterBurnThrustSpecificFuelConsumption = 1.39 to AfterBurnThrustSpecificFuelConsumption = 1.1 in the engines.cfg file, after you back it up of course, with the noted side effect that fuel flow with reheat engaged is 20% lower than what it should be but at least those engines stay lit!

Well I tried doing what I normally do to transfer fuel forward or aft, which is to switch all the pumps on for the tank I am transferring from and to open the inlet valves on the tank I am transferring to. Doing so, I could never get fuel to go aft at all and could manage only a trickle (like 1 pound every 5 seconds) transferring fuel forward. After switching back to SU8 and trying the same transfer procedure, fuel flowed beautifully in either direction.

Regardless of our different experiences on this, there is something amiss with fuel transfer in SU9 beta.


I feel like I’ve followed the manual and YouTube vids, but for the life of me I can not get fuel transfer AFT to work.

Is there someone who understands how to keep CG in proper markers… could you show me which fuel switches, etc you’re turning on/off. (I know where the pump numbers are)… but for example, I am here on my descent and can not get fuel to actually go forward (or aft for that matter):


If you’re on SU9 Beta, it’s going to be probably too slow to be very effective at all.

If you’re on SU8, simply leave that Master Switch (the one under the cover) alone. To move CG aft, turn the Inlet Valves to Tank 9 to CLOSED, turn the Pumps for Tanks 9 and 10 to ON; then turn the Inlet Valves to Tank 11 to OPEN and turn the Pumps for Tank 11 to OFF, including the hydraulic pumps at the bottom of the Tank 11 panel.

To move CG forward, reverse the procedure above. Turn the Inlet Valves to Tank 9 to OPEN, turn the Pumps for Tanks 9 and 10 to OFF; then turn the Inlet Valves to Tank 11 to CLOSED and turn the Pumps to Tank 11 to ON.

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Brilliant. I think I may have skipped closing some tanks unexpectedly. Let me try your way now on my next flight.

one other question - when I was on glidescope, I pressed LAND and AutoLand came on, she started following my ILS fine, until the gradient mark started going down (which means plane should descend to stay on the ILS) and it did not. What did I not press correctly? THought the manual says "maintain 200 knots and select LAND to engage Concorde’s autoland function.

I also switched it from IAS to Radio so that it dialed into my ILS… it just never descended on the ILS when it should have.

It OK - The reheat indicators DO work!

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I think something broke with the fuel transfer following the latest update. It seemed to work OK with the initial release, but now even with the settings as per the manual, te CofG wont go higher then 54% and even starts heading FWD even with tanks 9/10 inlet valves closed, 9/10 pumps on, 11 inlet valves open, 11 pumps off


If you’re talking the SU9 Beta, you’re correct. Fuel transfer is messed up. Look up-thread for posts from me and others talking about that.

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