[RELEASED] Wilga 35/80 Series | Got Friends

Double Ender. Plenty of power, impressive stol capabilities (especially on take off) and great views. Also very easy to manage, no need to fiddle around with oil shutters, mixture, prop and other switches. A modern airplane. A big plus for stol competition.

On top of that it has a very well done wear&tear/damage and configuration system, maintainance/repair (it can be turned off), fuel load options. Different configurations: fuel/cargo pod, single or two seats, all the nice camping stuff adding in the cargo space and the camp options on ground. In terms of stol performances the Kitfox is also a good option, especially with the most powerful engine. Of course the Wilga is a very good stol aircraft but needs more interaction with his systems. Maybe not a good thing for competition, even more if the competition is in altitude. No worries with the fadec Rotax.

I own the 3 addons and after flying, taking off/landing many hours on the Wilga and Kitfox, I came back to the Double Ender. Bought it day one, flew around a couple of hours then it gathered dust in my virtual hangar. I recently give her a try again to really (re)discover how great of a plane/addon she is. For me, the best Got Friends product considering all it offers.


Yeah, Iā€™m really liking the look of the DoubleEnder. Although I personally love engine management so that sounds like a plus for me for the Wilga, itā€™s just that the Wilga, itā€™sā€¦ wellā€¦ itā€™s not a looker lol.

I really need to find some good bush strip scenery similar to the strips included in the GotFriends Acadamy.

Youā€™re lucky she canā€™t hear you, buddy!!!

*Lala Llala LAAAaaaa La La


The DoubleEnder ainā€™t exactly beautiful either. In both cases it doesnā€™t matter ā€” they are beautiful inside!! :stuck_out_tongue:

And when they donā€™t kill your for landing in places other planes would kill you for, you will forgive them :wink:


I started putting a list together but itā€™s pretty out of date now. Still, all the 5 star ones areā€¦ wellā€¦ 5 star lol

Try the Gran Canaria, Teriel and Pyrenees packs first!!

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder ā€¦


Got to add these:

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RTMM has 11 icefields for the ski equipped Wilga.

Look for Stikine Glacier Icefields

Ah nice thanks!

Lol, thatā€™s Wilma, not Wilga :stuck_out_tongue:

Very true, but I find it oddly interesting, plus itā€™s got that view.

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Wilga is great plane, I enjoy it a lot. One small glitch that I see is the built in ATC that is not able to recognize it correctly. I have a simple fix that needs to be added to all aircraft.cfg files to resolve this:

atc_type ="TT:ATCCOM.ATC_NAME PZL.0.text"
atc_model ="TT:ATCCOM.AC_MODEL WILGA.0.text"

Would it be possible that developers would add it to the next update so I donā€™t have to fix it every time new version comes out please? :pray:
So far it seems to be working fine and in-game ATC calls out Wilga correctly.

Official Wilga 35/80 Series Update: Version 1.1.2.
Navigation Overhaul Update and Built-In GTN-750Xi!

We apologize for the quick update cycle these last two weeks. This was our first navigation overhaul and unfortunately the Wilga was a very complex animal to contain. This version is very stable and we do not plan on releasing another update so quickly in the future. This update will also be available on the Marketplace either tomorrow or next Thursday.

Please Delete the ā€œgotfriends-wilga-gtn-750xiā€ Replacement Package from your Community Folder if you were previously using this optional package. The GTN-750Xi is now built into the Wilga and available to the right of the GTN-750 Switch. Also, if you are using ANY old replacement packages for the Wilga, please delete them from your Community Folder. All navigation options are now built into the Wilga by default and you will never need to install optional replacement packages for this aircraft in the future.

If you download directly from the ā€œUpdate Emailā€ you still we be downloading from Amazon Web Services. Thus, you may encounter slow download speeds. However, if you log into your Got Friends account on our Website and download directly from your Purchase Order History, you will now be redirected to a new download server, which has proved to have faster speeds.


  • Updated Navigation Overhaul to Include TDSā€™ GTN-750Xi Option
  • New GTN-750Xi Switch (Built-In) (Replaced Extra Engine Realism Switch)
  • New Systems.cfg on All Variants
  • Added Permanence for Navigation and Tablet Options
  • NOTE: Engine Realism Toggle is still accessible via the Clipboard
  • NOTE: 35X/80X Does Not have a 2nd Aera by Design
  • NOTE: PMS50 GTN-750 Required for GTN-750 Use
  • NOTE: TDS GTN-750XI Required for GTN-750Xi Use
  • NOTE: Sky4SimNG Required for Sky4Sim Tablet Use

Download Available:


Post deleted

Just bought the Wilga earlier today.


I own a lot of the top 20 aircraft. After two flights I could tell that this plane will be in my top 5. I feel kinda bad for my Kodiak 100. In danger of being a hangar queen with the Wilga (and I love the Kodiak!).

First flight I tried the ā€œengine realismā€ setting and it didnā€™t end well. Heat management issue Iā€™m sure. First flight and Iā€™ll get the hang of it.

2nd flight a joy from Tacoma Narrows airport to Renton (KRNT).

Super excited to fly this non stop for awhile and reaching new landing areas.


I fly a lot of bush flying and like the Wilga and Monster NX best for the diversity between the two. Either are great for gonzo flying and only need the piano keys for runways. Kinda covers the T/D and trike with different worlds of avionics.

I like all the other usual suspects, and more tame ā€˜naturalā€™ STOLs like the Husky or Savage, and the likes of the Solo, Shock, and Double-ender too.

I just have a different comfort with those two for ā€˜if I see it, and want to be there, it will be parked thereā€™. Well within one iota of reason, the Shock can still find the top of the Jefferson Memorial as ā€˜good enoughā€™ for a campground.


Question for the experienced Wilga pilots (I only have about 15 hours in her).

I am having a heck of a time staying straight after touch down on a landing. I can hit an under 1 G and -300 FTM in the middle of the runway with flaps on middle position pretty consistently, but I also a) hop typically, b) immediately drift hard right or left, c) end up skidding all over the place with massive instability on the runway. Any tips on how to ace the post landing? Few questions:

  1. Assuming good conditions and concrete runway, what is your landing speed? Adjust if grass or gravel?

  2. Iā€™m considering just not using flaps at all. I was using flaps in landing position (two clicks) but felt it was way too floaty and unstable on touchdown. Better with flap 1 position but still a little wonky.

  3. Are you brake turning, just rudder, or a combo of both? On a few occasions Iā€™ve hit the brakes too hard and tipped over and crashed. I have a mediocre to bad foot rudder set-up (Logitech Pro), so wondering if I just finally need to bite the bullet and get better rudder pedals.

I can land most GA aircraft with ease, stay on the runway, etc. But the Wilga has been tough.

Tips appreciated.

First, what were the surface winds like?

Aside from that, Iā€™d wait a bit on changing anything hardware-wise as it sounds like SU15 is addressing ground behavior pretty significantly. Iā€™m not sure how much devs will need to update models following that, but either way, itā€™s kind of well-known that the current ground physics are less than realistic.

But let me know on the winds and we can go from that angle.

Also, it almost sounds like youā€™re carrying too much speed at touchdown and thereā€™s still too much lift on the wings and not enough weight on the wheels. Try to touch down right at the moment the airplane stalls. Use proper crosswind correction, etc. And donā€™t forget itā€™s a left-turning (counterclockwise) prop, so it requires the opposite rudder inputs to counter turning tendencies than most other planes.


For sure you need to dance on the pedals a bit so maybe your hardware is holding you back?

Main technique for me is:

  • Try to come in around 50 to be safe. Can be slower, or faster. Doesnā€™t matter too much but like any plane you ideally want to stall at the same time as touching down. So depends on wind, weight, altitude etc.

  • Use full flaps, then retract fully either just before or just after touchdown. Helps to have the flaps control bound to a button or switch you can use without releasing the stick or throttle!!

  • Reduce power AND prop pitch together (if you have 2 levers move them as one, or maybe even for Wilga bind them both to the same axis) as you come down, then cut completely when youā€™re sure you want to come down (not too high above ground). She will drop like a stone if you retract flaps at same time (i.e. before touchdown) but the suspension can take it.

  • Finally, as you do those two things (cut power, RPM + retract flaps) also pull back on the stick gradually but fully and brake quick but progressively if you need a short stop, or take your time and let it roll first if not. If you were slow enough, she wonā€™t try to take off again but the back pressure on stick is important to give you a lot more steering control and ā€œgripā€.

  • Then dance the pedals but not TOO much. Let it get a bit out of shape and bring it back slower rather than making big corrections and over-correcting constantly. It takes a second to react so give it time and let it flow.

Good luck!

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Thanks for the tips - good stuff. Iā€™m almost certainly coming in too fast. Never done the ā€œalmost stallā€ landing so Iā€™ll try that and the other tips you two suggested. Thanks a bunch.

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This is the sort of thing the Wilga can do ā€¦


I thought you always needed to land with 100 pct prop to be ready for a go around?

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