[Released] Wing42 Boeing 247D

Thanks! This is encouraging news indeed. I hope it remains that way for future updates :slight_smile:


Honestly if that is so I’m fine with it. He put in the work. So he can get the price money.

But: What I think is not ok, is that a project like this that has that much potential gets abandoned with the bugs it has after we paid for it.

If he is unable to fix it for any health or personal reason that’s a different story of course.

So I guess until we hear directly from him we won’t know for certain.


Well “SlideRule4848” if so because it doesn’t give signals, you leave me calmer, and I’m very happy with the 247D.

Greetings and good flights

As mentioned by someone just before, it seems that the developer has form for doing exactly that.

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I can’t attest to that. I haven’t bought any of his previous products. I sure do hope the 247 gets updated at some point though

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Just completed a grueling 17-hours non-stop realtime flight in the B247. Had to modify range… and disable engine failures because there is not enough oil on board. 2225 miles, across pitch-black pacific ocean.


That second shot is amazing!

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Using Reshade, not default MSFS

Care to elaborate what you used to navigate across such a distance? :smiley:

Celestial navigation by Sextant (developed by myself…)


Absolutely genius! :smiley:

Thank you for allowing me to fly the longest legs of my world tour in the DC-6 (Vanuatu to Fiji, Fiji to Bora-bora, Tahiti to Easter Island, Easter Island to Salvador (Chile), Natal to Dakar) without a GPS in sight. I learned many things, and it was lots of fun !



Is anyone able to access their download from the main Wing42 site? I haven’t been able to re-download it.

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I can’t re-download it.

No, I can’t even get into most of the account-related pages at the moment.

not good,my first and last buy from Wing42 :-1:,
good it is not to much money


For all the bashing the Marketplace gets around these hallowed halls, it has one advantage in that your purchases can still be downloaded when the individual developer decides to go AWOL.


Seems it was a good idea to get it from the marketplace after all… although, without any updates it’s only a matter of time before there is an update to the sim which will make it unusable :frowning:
Haven’t tested it out in SU10 yet, but I’ve heard some people in the beta said it worked fine.

I flew it yesterday and it was fine.

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Thanks, that is good news. In DX12 as well?