[Released] Wing42 Boeing 247D

The oil temps on the gauges read too low, it is a known bug with the gauge. Right it off as typical dodgy 1930’s tech and use oil pressure instead.

Basically keep an eye on oil pressure and make sure it stays around 70 or 80 - be aware that it can change very rapidly particularly with changes in altitude/OAT etc . Try and “stay ahead” of the oil pressure.


Are you using time compression by any chance? I’ve never used it with this plane but I’ve heard it makes Ts&Ps do wild stuff. I’m not sure why you’re experiencing that, it’s hard to know without watching.

Looking at your power settings I humbly suggest pulling those RPMs waaay down. When I’m taking off I keep it at 2150 and for cruise I don’t go above 1900, usually 1750-1800. That might be a big contributor.

Hi. I dont know what time compression is so I cant tell you if I use it. As every other planes work wirhtout issues Id say no.

Well I tried both high rpm (>2k) and low rpm (<2k) and both seem to have the same effect.

Nothing happens for 3 minutes, then drastic change (between 70 psi - 120+psi) back and forth.

Ill try new stuff today tho

With so many recent posts in this thread I thought the developer came here to finally talk to his customers.

But yeah… no.


If he did he would have to fix stuff on this aircraft instead of working on his next release.


3rd flight done. 2. flight on VATSIm 1. night flight

I couldnt tune 123.925 bcs the radio only goes up to .9 so I communicated with the controller via private chat. PLS ADD A FUNCTIONING RADIO or imidiate positions !

I didnt touch the oil shutters the entire flight. Just left them at the same setting from last flight and nothing happened.

13 min after takeoff right engine gotr up to 90psi and then 2 min later back to 70.

Tbh not touching the oil shutters during all phases of flight cant be realistic either. Still not convinced with this plane.


Time compression is a way to accelerate time in the sim so you can run longer flights in a shorter amount of time. Search “Sim Rate” if you want to create keybinds to increase/decrease the rate.

The closest thing I’ve experienced is having the sim stutter for a second and when it catches, my gauges all go Bermuda triangle for a second which I guess includes oil pressure maxing out but it’s very brief and happens enough on successful flights that I’ve never blamed it for anything. Sorry I haven’t been more help.

I’ve never been able to ignore Oil Shutters, just adjusting for where I think they’ll need to be 5 minutes in the future. Once I’m settled into cruise I don’t have to tough them a ton but incremental adjustments here and there until I reduce power for descent.

Well I dont messwith the ingame time.

Well this time I said to myself: ok Im only gonna make tiny adjustments in the 90-100% oil shutter closed range. But I didnt have to. Not during startup, not during or after takeoff, not during cruise not during landing.

Whats a typical oil shutter setting schedule for you? Like could you estimate a % and say your conditions (altitude, oat) and your power setting? Do you have certain settings for takeoff and landing?

I do not understand nor do I get it in my head that they use the acceleration of time for a flight, and then they complain about the plane failing in this and that, I do not understand.

I hope there will be no new aircraft from this developer…


I laughed entirely too much at this comment.


Still one of my favourites. You do need to learn it’s idiosyncrasies and be aware things can change very quickly with quite minor changes in altitude and OAT. That just adds to the charm.

To be honest, giving the somewhat demanding entitled attempts to undermine future sales of this product (basically anytime someone posts that they actually like the aircraft, it is followed by a tirade of people claiming it got their daughter pregnant and killed their cat) I would not be inclined to update it in a hurry either. if it were me I would just be updating whenever I got around to it.

It is not as if a patch next week that fixed all the bugs (most of which relate to optional features you could always just turn off) would stop the complaints as the main source of disgruntlement seems to be people taking offence at lack of personal feedback or maybe just jumping on a band wagon “I hate Nickelback” style.

In vPilot, you can type .com1 121.9 to tune the frequency. I know you’d rather do it in the aircraft, but since you can’t, this will work.

Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks sincerely

Im starting to like this plane. Today in Frankfurt I got complimented by ATC and someone from USA for flying this “historical aircraft”. Warms your hearth :wink:

Oi shutters: Yes they do react to little changes but you can still keep them at one position for the entire flight from startup to shutdown and your gonna be fine.


sticking to this guidance I managed a flight from Cleveland to Meigs - just under 300nm. zero issues with the engine - finally. My one issue was the landing gear not extending!

I tried to land gentle with no gear, but it didn’t like it

Make sure that as a preflight item you add ‘Alternator ON’ by keypress (look up / assign binding). This is a bug, because default is off so the battery is not actually charging even if there are positive amps. This may affect the gear. Otherwise use the handcrank (the white lever at co-pilot right side) to lower the gear.

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Ahh. Interesting. I do have a switch on my bravo yoke for alternator and wasn’t convinced it was doing anything. I did check battery usage at one point and it was maxed. Didnt understand why.
