Yes, even without crashing, often if I started a flight in air - adjusting controls, or checking out terrain - the tanks would be emptied and screw up the save state in various other ways.
So I did a cold start load up, set everything ready to go - tanks filled, oil topped up - and then quit out and set the saved state file to read only. Now it always loads up as expected. The game writes a separate save file on flight close, but only reads the locked file. Makes my life easier.
While obviously it would be great if the product was supported and updated….what exactly do some of you guys think you should get for a $20 airplane? If you can fly it and get a few hours of fun out of it, then it represents great value for money despite any flaws. I have spent more on an iTunes movie, and definitely more going to the cinema. A couple of cups of coffee and a danish at Starbucks would cost about the same…and a round of beers with a couple of friends will cost way more.
With respect that really isn’t the point. This plane was going to be an experiment in selling a quality plane for a low price and recoup on volume. The plane is absolutely quality - no questions there. But it has some bugs which the developer acknowledged and said he was going to address. Then he disappeared. It’s not unreasonable to expect those bugs to be fixed, nor to wonder what happened to the developer.
We all hope Otmar is well and doing okay. And we all hope he will make good on his promise - because this plane could be one of the greats in msfs with a few things fixed. While it’s possible to enjoy it now, it could be sooo much better with these issues addressed.
An attitude of ‘it only costs 20 bucks, quit whining’ adds nothing to the situation.
“Whataboutism” is never a good angle for any conversation. We are talking about THIS specific thing. Other things have no bearing on this. I mean … you can end any conversation with that:
“I cut my finger!” …“Well, but others have broken their leg!”
“My car has a flat!” … “Well, but others don’t even have a car!”
“My house is on fire!” … “Well, at least you had a house!”
Unfortunately non of these “one uppers” make the situation at hand any better. I still can’t drive to work with a flat tire, even if others don’t have a car at all! You know what I mean.
I miss when this thread was all about the excitement of the aircraft rather than endless back and forth over the disappearance of the developer and how everyone “feels” about it.
Ok… well I for one refuse to get bent out of shape over what is still an excellent aircraft that represents great value for money when you look at it objectively. You can choose a glass half full, or half empty mindset. I choose the former.
I think it is a good standard and not unreasonable to expect bug fixes and some communication with customers, and all that irrespective of the price tag.
Now why that is not the case with this particular addon is a whole different matter of course.
Except this is a well known issue with this aircraft and easily avoided by either monitoring oil pressure or just turning off engine damage in the tablet - running out of oil and having the engine randomly explode “for no reason” was understandable when first released but at this point is more a case of incompetence.
A fix was also promised long ago, before many bought the abandonware.
I am used to planes needing to go into the hangar to await a fix.
But usually the fix comes.
I’m not going to Stockholm syndrome myself into thinking abandonware is OK. I bought in on the promise of this getting fixed. That promise at this point appears to have been broken.
And this plane, which could be great, is a hangar queen.
Oil pressure readings, as has been documented at length in this thread, are often erratic and sometimes do not respond to changes in the oil cooler shutters.
That would leave turning off the engine damage as the only alternative to not risking an engine failure. It is only my opinion but that seems to remove much of the allure of the custom coding of the aircraft that the developer touted upon launch.
I think my biggest concern would be, as someone else stated, a sim update breaking the plane. I really want to buy this plane as I love vintage, but I’m so reluctant because of the dev disappearing. It is pretty cheap so it wouldn’t have much impact on my finances, but that’s still $20 I could put towards something that is actively supported.
Yeah, it has been relatively immune to sim updates due to using a lot of custom engine and FM software instead of just relying on the Asobo stuff that changes almost daily, so far nothing has broken it.
Though as you say that does not make it immune indefinitely. Personally do not care as it already more than paid for itself over the last 12 months for me. If it breaks, it was good while it lasted.
Yep. I just downloaded a fix off of and I’m enjoying it very much. I even ran into quite a bit of icing and had to defend to get it all off. We a blast.