RTX4080, monitor set up - tearing?

Hey guys,

Upgraded to a 4080 - blown away with the perforance on FG and TAA. But… as i have read here, I’m struggling to get the correct V-sync set up with my monitor.

I run 1440P with a 165hz monitor… I’ve tried enabling V-sync in the contol panel, low latency mode, changing the resolution of the screen between 120/144/165hz but nothing seems to be helping the wee tears when panning around the cockpit.

Any help would be wicked thanks!

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I would say if you set your monitor to 120 fps and vsync to 50%, it should be good

cheers for this, have just tried it - makes it worse in my opinion. :pensive:

Sorry to hear this. I don’t have a 165 Hz monitor but I do have a 144 Hz one but haven’t done anything special to address vsync. However I let Nvidia control this instead of the game. I would start by installing or reinstalling the latest Nvidia drivers and make sure you click on advanced and check the option to remove the old driver. While your at it, load the disk clean up tool and remove DirectX shader cache. The rest is probably down to your particular monitor, so see what drivers might need updating for that.

I have found a similar thread, maybe you can also look through this to see if any tips work?

sure about “tearing” ? … it happens if you get more fps than your monitor can handle. Is that the case ?

Do you own a Gsync monitor ? if so, have you enabled in NCP then “in window and fullscreen mode” ? Also for some monitors, some thing must be enabled within the monitors setting.

And have you stuff like nvidias frame generations enabled ?

Otherwise I would start like @sneaky74 mentioned: reinstall the drivers and here choose the option “completely reset”.

Without any vsync on, the sim exhibits “ripping” on vertical textures as you pan. I don’t use Vsync in 2D, so I just get used to these screen artifacts.

Are you sure you don’t have a Gsync or Freesync monitor? Look in the Monitor settings. Turn OFF all Freesync, Gsync, and Vsync settings you find in the monitor settings AND in the Nvidia control panel. Then try Vsync 50% again in the game settings.

Gsync monitors tell the card how to behave, so if you are not getting 165fps, Gysnc won’t turn on Vsync until you get more than 165fps.

thats what I mentioned and asking @MarkLeith15 :laughing:

But why should the OP disable GSync if he payd for that ?

Gsync sync’s below the monitors max-fps and with VSync the gpu not send images to the monitor which the monitor can not render. Thats also the reason why Gsync AND Vsync should be enabled ( or , if you dont like vsync, then set a max fps limit like “max-monitor-fps minus 3-5fps”.

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:grinning: Well, I don’t have Gsync. I had one for 3 days before I gave it away. That’s all I’ll say about Gsync.

The reason you turn off Gsync is that you can flip the vsync switches all day, and they do nothing if the monitor has Gsync enabled. If you want to test vsync, you must turn off gsync.

thats not true… as mentioned are both ‘technics’ different things and Gsync does not affect what happens if you send more fps to the monitor, as the monitor can handle. For that reason only Vsync exist… You still get Tearing if you own GSync , have VSync disabled and send 160fps to a monitor which is only able to “render” 120fps.

Therefore I asking the OP whether he is sure about that he run into that “too high fps” situation and whether it is realy “tearing”.

Yep, I get it. I don’t think he’s seeing “tearing” at all, but those ripping artifacts on vertical textures. They don’t go all the way across the screen like “tears”. Turning on vsync removes these artifacts.

also found a topic with example images to “tearing”

@OldpondGL, yes… “tearing” are more frames on the screen and therefore these “tear” go across the screen.

What the OP can do anyway is of course to do test-cases with disabled G-Sync, who knows… but at first we need to know whether he own a Gsync monitor :sweat_smile:

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Perfect example.

I know, right! That other thread was solved by turning both Vsync and Gsync on. Seems odd, but also good to check that IF the OP does have a Gsync monitor, that Gsync is enabled correctly. It must be enabled in both the Nvidia Control Panel AND the monitor settings, FYI.

Cheers for all the replies guys! Will work through a few and see if it improves.

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a quick info:

we have here a parallel topic, where again the point “Nvidia Frame Generation” come into the focus, what I asked whether you have enabled it.

So, may be try out also with disabling that, just in case its enabled. May be there is something “special” with that.

Yes! Happy camper since I activated and configured both V-Synch & G-Synch - no more tearing!!!

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