I see there has been some topics on rudder sesitivity I cant sort this the plane dont taxi properply , taking off, landing . could someone please post a pic of their settings that work for them. Feel like giving up.
I’d guess you’re encountering the flawed crosswind/ground handling physics that’s been here since release. There’s a few threads on it, I’ll see if I can find and link them here.
[All aircraft] Crosswind takeoff/landing physics very flawed since release
Ground effect too strong in windy conditions
Personally, I just use the default sensitivity curve for the rudder (and elevator/ailerons too, actually) and got used to it.
The problem with using sensitivity curves (I find) is that when you lower the sensitivity somewhere, you’re increasing it somewhere else. Because if you don’t then its just a linear sensitivity adjustment, and you’re losing your full range of control. For example if you use a sensitivity curve to make it half as sensitive near the center point (a common thing people do), it has to become twice as sensitive near the extremes in order to still allow you to have full range of control. Most of the time this works fine. But once you get into a situation where you need to use large inputs, it comes back to bite you because now you’re in the high sensitivity part of the curve.
Like high crosswinds for example. if you’re using almost full rudder in a 15kt crosswind, you’re gonna be in the high sensitivity part of the curve and not the low sensitivity part that’s near the center point. This makes it even harder to deal with the crosswind. That’s why I prefer to just leave the sensitivity alone whenever possible.
Following this topic because I’m curious about what others have done to solve for their sensitivities, but I really liked this thoughtful response. Food for thought here.
A perhaps better way is to adjust the planes config, so obviously not for MP.
There are settings to control the max angle of the nose wheel steering at different speeds. You get that level of control without messing around with the rudder itself.
If I could I would do this for planes like the Vision Jet, which can be very twitchy at high speed as the nose wheel doesn’t feel like it has any damping as speed increases.
Thank you for you post very infomative
Which plane? You’re saying it’s too sensitive?