Seasons broken: Countries looks way to brown and desatured. Needs fix

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Description of the issue:

It’s great that we finally have seasons. HOWEVER, despite the good intention, the execution of the seaons is terrible. Everything I will decribe now excludes the trees. The trees look awesome in all seasons.
But unfortunatelly, the rest of the season system is broken and needs to be reworked / adjusted.

The main problem is: There seems to be a (what I now call) “season filter” above all aerial imagery / satellite imagery. Basically a filter that changes the colour and saturation of an area based on the season.
Good idea, but really unrealistic execution.
Most of the alps, vallies included, turn completelly brown from Nov. till May or so.
Far from anything remotely realistic. Because in reality, things might turn brown to some degree above 4500 ft or so… but in the valleys, things STAY green. At least in central Europe, for example.
But the sim basically turns whole countries into one big pile of brown pudding ^^
No green grass less anywhere. Nothing. It looks aweful and is extremely unrealistic. It makes MSFS2024 look way worse in these cases than MSFS2020.
Which is probably not the idea.

But there is also another issue with the “season filter” that does affect the world in a very negativ way, even in spring and summer: I call it the “milk filter”.
Lots of areas, in the mountains, but not only there, just get desaturated to a ridicoulus amount. Also: Not even remotely realistic.
It looks like somebody poured milk over vast large regions.
Textures get “washed out”, not in an unsharp way, but in a extremely desaturated milky greys/whitish surface.
Of course again, this is just silly looking and a huge downgrade from MSFS2020.
What’s the point of having seasons when they make things look so awful (besides the well done trees)?

This needs to be fixed. As fast as possible. It’s a dealbraker for many reagions of the world.

Some suggestions, at least for Switzerland / Austria and eastern Europe:
Areas above 5000 ft could slowly get more brown in late fall till spring… but below 5000 ft, things should more or less, at least to some degree, STAY GREEN. ALWAYS. (an less they are covered with snow of course).
At least 50% of all agriculture fields, etc. should stay green. There is also a lot of non acriculture fields with grass… they all should stay green below 5000 ft.
Rougly, of course.

Below are severl screenshots that illustrate these massive issues that make the sim just look unrealistic because of the “brown filter” and the “milk filter”:

Switzerland and Austria in November. Huge parts of the countries are just brown. Completelly.
This is utterly ridioucus. Things tend to go brown from 5000 ft till 7000 ft or so.
But not below. You can’t just turn whole countries brown Asobo! ^^

The result in these brown areas is something like this. Lake Zürich, close to Rapperswil. Everything brown in November. This does not reflect the real world in any shape or form. at least 50% of all the surfaces should still be green.
And also: This look milky/desaturated in an unrealistic way.

This shows the “milk filter”. From a certain hight (very low though), things get desaturated in a very poor way. This leads, even in summer, as this screenshot from the Mythen area in Switzerland close to Schwyz shows, to very washed out, desaturated fieds of grass, etc. Even the houses and rocks look desaturated. Totally silly. Looks bad even when the sim is set to July.
Things should then be very lush and saturated.

You can see the “milk filter” even here in the world map when zoomed in.
(time set to July).

“Brown filter” again. Vast areas of Switzerland and many other countries look like this in Nov. or February, even when at least 50% of it NEVER gets brown but stays green.

The world map shows well how this terrible implementation of seasons turn whole countries into one big brown puddle with not a single green leaf left. (except for the trees)

This needs to be adressed ASAP.
If you can, change the thresshold of the height when things start to turn brownish. Things below 5000 ft should NOT turn brown in these regions.
But also: Fix the milk filter! You can’t just desaturate grass fields by 80% and assume it looks realistic. My screenshots show well that it just looks terrible.

I see the good intention and the ideas. But the implementation needs to be fixed and improved to something realistic and believable.
Now it’s very, very far away from that.

Thanks a lot for adressing this soon!

ICAO, coordinates, or specific location:
Switzerland, Austria, most parts of eastern Europe, but also to some degree Canada, etc.

[PC Only] Did you remove all your community mods/add-ons? If yes, are you still experiencing the issue? YES


How often does this occur for you (Example: Just once, every time on sim load, intermittently)? ALWAYS


Please list clear steps you took in order to help our test team reproduce the same issue:

  1. Start Sim
  2. Start Freeflight
  3. Set date to something like late November or February
  4. Look at Europe in the worldmap, compare it to my screenshots.


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[PC Only] What GPU (Graphics Card) do you use?
RTX 3070ti

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Do you have the same issue if you follow the OP’s steps to reproduce it?
Yes. This is default sim look in the autumn and winter months.

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Satellite maps are de-saturated and tinted brown making whole area look like too brownish not true to real life. This affects major part of Europe, essentially everything which is brown here making it look like it’s in some desert area.

If relevant, provide additional screenshots/video:


I flew live weather today in NC expecting to see some fall foliage, but saw only deep greens. A few trees had no leaves but most had leaves and fully green.
I live in NC and the trees currently have lost about half their leaves, and there is still a lot of fall color in the real world here today, definitely no fully green trees other than pines.

It may work fine if you select specific fall dates but would hope that live weather could pick reasonable foliage.

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There is also another issue with seasons:
Some high mountains are now ALWAYS covered in snow by default. And the snow can not be removed.
A “good” example for this is the mount Denali region in Alaska.
The sim now covers this area in Snow all year long.
Which is NOT correct.
Check out this lake here: Bing Maps - Directions, trip planning, traffic cameras & more
In Summer, this lake is NOT covered in snow. As you can clearly see in Bing maps.

There is even videos of people landing there with the Beaver:

And there is a mod from MSFS2020:

But in MSFS2024, this is all broken because of the automatic, PERMANENT Snow coverage there.
You can set the month of the year to anything you like in the world map.
This area is ALWAYS covered in snow now in the sim. Which is wrong!

Here you can see the fake/wrong (way too extreme) snow coverage of this area.
It covers the described lake I talked about above even in summer. Which is not accurate.
Yes there is constant snow there on the mountain tops, sure. But not in the lower areas where that lake is for example.

This needs to be adressed along all the other inacuracies of the current poor season implementation.

It’s clear that there is a good intention behind all this… but the exectution is too extreme and in many areas just plain wrong, as described in the first post of this thread.

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Summer months in MSFS2024 look ugly in most places. 2020 has vibrant greens while everything in 2024 looks either washed out or yellow/brown. Alps may be the biggest disappointment. NZ also looks nicer in 2020. Huge step backwards in terms of visual enjoyment.

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I agree, in the uk the grass is often greener in the winter than summer due to all the rain. The first time I came across the ‘milky’ texture problem I thought I had somehow put snow on in the weather settings. It makes the ground look terrible. I can’t imagine this changing any time soon though, it would mean changing the entire system.

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Also the seasons apply globally when they shouldn’t. I get autumn trees in New Zealand in November which is false as it is spring in the southern hemisphere.


This ugly snow cap is everywhere : Himalayas, Alaska, Alps… This is Mount Cook, NZ. It has a pretty nice satelite imagery, but you can’t see it cause this ugly snow cap covers it all year long, and you can’t disable it, even setting the weather manually, with the snow slider to 0.

Please vote for this wishlist item : MSFS 2024 : Ability to control snow coverage


This affects photogrammetry buildings as well. I have a bug thread on it here. In winter they turn to a mud brown

Here’s Epcor Tower in Edmonton, real photo. Nice blue glass

In MSFS2024, Summer vs Winter.

Summer looks quite accurate. Winter is brown.

Ugh yeah these fixed snow caps are awful indeed. I agree with you.

I just flew into Milford Sound, with Live Weather it is covered in snow. Hey Asobo/MS, it’s SUMMER down under right now! REX managed the seasons in the different hemispheres correctly with their AccuSeason product for 2020, so it is possible for it to be done.


This isn’t related to seasons. I just flew into Milford in MSFS2020 and same picture, snow everywhere. It has been like this ever since the start.

Voting for this, New Zealand has autumn trees all over it which has been started already as being wrong, we are coming into summer. Also as we are coming into summer the sim should not being showing snow and ice down to sea level like it does in Milford Sound or the rest of Fiordland. This is just incorrect, it’s a warm and humid rainforest at this time of year.

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Have you ever been outside? This is what winter looks like if there is no snow.

Are you refering to me, meaning the original post?
Where do you live exactly, if I might ask?

Because no, this is NOT what winter looks like if there is no snow. At least not in Switzerland, Austria, Germany, and pretty much any other central or eastern european country.
Like I said, most fields with grass stay green all year long.
Fields with crops are different, they are often brown (ploughed) with no crops.
But a lot of fields stay green all year long in these areas. Grass does not die in winter. Not even under the snow.
Things might get pretty much all brown above 4000-5000 ft. But not below.



MS/Asobo please remove that terrible brown filter!

It truly makes MSFS 2024 look horrible around the Alps and other regions of the world where the grass is green and not brown.

Thank you in advance!

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also pretty sure its not snowing in new zealand in december. its dead of summer right now there. mountains are covered in snow.


It must be stressed that the issue is not just the excessive brown aerials visible during winter, but also the blue aerials (with a green tint) shown in summer!
So in Switzerland’s alpine regions you now have the choice to fly in brown season or blue season, but no proper green anymore, even during Spring or Summer.

Whatever material Asobo bought for the Alps must be returned to the sender immediately. Revert to whatever was there in MSFS2020 while new material can be sourced.
I really don’t want to fly in ugly Switzerland for the next year or so. This must be fixed as soon as possible!


Valberg, french Alps

Blue in summer

Red in winter

This is on May 1st

This is how it should look in spring