Don’t know what’s going on. Emptied Community folder apart from both fsltl folders and still same thing. Reinstalled TE5. Still the same. May have something to do with having MSFS2020 on a different drive from C, though ET works fine so long as I don’t start the injector. Too hard for this old ■■■■■■ lol.
Sounds very odd. I run MSFS from a different drive to C: and don’t have this issue at all. Have you tried running MSFS, Tobii and the injector with Admin rights?
Something interesting I found this morning. I ran FMS MCA Mobile Companion Map while I was in the sim using ET 5 and as soon as it linked up my ET 5 froze, same as when running FSLTL. May have something to do then with my internet???
You probably minimized MSFS when activating the FSTL. There is a bug vote for TOBI disappearing after MSFS is minimized.
Yes, you are quite correct. I do have to minimize to start FSLTL. Thanks.
Yes I tried running as administrator but it didn’t help. Thanks anyway.
Hi all,
I had the problem of Tobii not working in FS2020 but working everywhere else. Found that the problem was related to a previous use of OpenTrack. Uninstalling OpenTrack did not solved the problem. I had to follow the following trick. Hope this will help other. Going to fly now !
why during my flight my initial camera point is slowly going up during the descent of the 737, having to press the reset button continuously to return it to its initial state?
There is an option in the Tobii 5 settings to allow your view to gradually drift towards the set point. It may be that, and something I turned off as soon as I got mine.
Is it worth getting the Toby Eye Tracker 5 to use with standard, flat 27" 2K screen (2560 x 1440) ? Is there a newer version on the horizon? How about firmware and software updates, are the released as they should etc? =)
100% Yes. It’s a great product and works well once set up. Never had any issues with updates. Not aware of a new version and not really seeing what could be improved with a hardware perspective.
My biggest gripe with Tobii Eye Tracker 5 is that I wish it had additional mounting options (ether as seperate purchases or as part of a kit).
Most modern monitors have their display controls centered along the bottom of the of the bezel - which interferes with mounting of the Eye Tracker. Throw in a curved display and things can become even more tricky.
Unfortunately Tobii requires that Eye Tracker 5 be setup below your display, so top mounting isn’t a good option.
Otherwise, I thoroughly enjoy the product!
I used double stick foam (both single and double layers) to attach mine to my curved display and it’s been very secure so far. The cable slightly interferes with selecting the display buttons but not too much.
Agree with the desire for more mounting options. There is an opportunity here for clever third party (or 3D printed) mounting options from some ambitious individual.
You could find a mount, like a small tripod, so that it sits just below the monitor. You might need to calibrate it every time you used it though if you didn’t put it back in the exact same spot every time.
I agree, there’s definitely room for someone (or Tobii themselves) to come in and create additional mounting options.
With my former LG 38" ultrawide display, I was able to use the included mount. It slightly interfered with the display control stick, but was workable.
Now with my current Samsung Odessey Neo G8, placement has been much trickier to get Tobii attached. This required using the default mount, some sturdy rubber pieces (used as stand-offs to lower the mounting position of the eye tracker) and CA glue to secure the mount to the rubber and the rubber to the bottom of the monitor. Admittedly It’s not ideal, but does look reasonably clean and gives the eye tracker a decent line of site - something which is hard to achieve because of the significant curvature of the Neo G8, and having to mount the tracker towards the bottom back of the monitor due to the position of the display controls.
A desktop mount of some sort could easily work as well - something I had definitely considered - but has two issues…
- To mitigate having to re calibrate the tracker often, you’d probably have to glue or stick the mount to your desk.
- If you ever need to move your monitor (I have mine on a desk arm), you’ll want to make sure the tracker can be easily freed from the mount so the USB cable doesn’t pull and detach the mount from your desk.
Sorry if this has already been discussed and answered but I have not read all posts in this thread.
Recently “upgraded” to the Tobii5 (from TrackIR) and well pleased with it.
2 annoying niggles that I wonder if anyone can solve for me please?
1: Often, I think when I change aircraft, or when I restart the sim, it’s gone back to the Default profile (with the Position disabled). Why does it change from my custom profile? All other controllers don’t behave this way.
Sometimes it sticks and I can’t see a pattern yet - but it’s very annoying.
Alternatively is there ANY way to adjust the default values permanently (in a cfg / txt file or something like that)? If so I can just delete my custom one and then it only has one option. That would be ideal.
2: More minor point, but when you FIRST recentre (I have a button on my Stream Deck for it, had to change it to not be F12, because that was taking a screenshot in Steam even if I disabled that function in Steam!), it actually centres to a weird position… usually too far forward or too high,. Have to press it a second time for it to take the proper neutral position. Why?
I don’t know why, sorry, but my personal routine once the plane’s ready, is to press F12 then CTRL+SPACE to recenter the view.
I find the pitch to be quite annoying, Say I only wanted yaw how do I disable pitch?
You can do that under the sensitivity settings - can’t recall the naming but I’m sure it was y axis and reduce to to a lower value or 0 to effectively disable it.
unfortunately the yaw and pitch are under one settings