Settings & Setup guide for the Tobii Eye Tracker 5

This topic goes way back so is there an update ?? I have my touchscreen to the right of my main monitor and when I look at the TS, obviously the Tobii follows my head movement. Is there a better way to disable the head tracking momenterily ?? I know the H keypad will disable it but I was thinking about binding a button on my hotas ??

Hi, You just have to search for ā€œToggle Head Trackingā€ in the sim control options to bind the function. There is also the ā€œEye Tracking Resetā€ function that may be useful.


@PiperPilot3604 See the post above. Both Toggle Head Tracking and Eye Tracking Reset can be very useful and perfect for when you donā€™t need to look around.

Senior Community Manager
Tobii Gaming


Well, it seems like Tobii is the generally accepted best head/eye tracker out there. It also seems many folks donā€™t use eye tracking, but find the head tracking so good, they donā€™t need it.

I had VR, but never really got into it. Iā€™ve tried Opentrack on an old cell phone and itā€™s okā€™ish, but not as precise as Iā€™d like. I see some of the online streamers who use head tracking and it really does look smooth and helpful. I hate having to constantly switch camera presets while flyingā€¦

Any ā€œrecovering VRā€ users that have gone to Tobii that have an opinion?

Never used VR, but I switched from TrackIR to Tobii 5 recently (a few months ago) and itā€™s much better. Itā€™s very reliable, very smooth, never ever glitches out and just so beautiful and easy to use.

Honestly in my 30+ years of gaming this is the single best piece of peripheral hardware I have ever had. Itā€™s amazing how it works so well without needing to wear anything. Just sit down and ā€œyou are inā€ :smiley:

I have tweaked the settings to perfection now and have it just right. I do have SOME eye tracking involved but reduced it recently and itā€™s perfect now.

My Settings


:rofl: This is about where Iā€™ve set my expectations! Probably not smart, now setup for disappointment :slight_smile:

Thanks for the feedback.

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You ordered one then?

Iā€™ve been looking. Seems itā€™s a bit cheaper on the Tobii site versus Amazon. No one is selling on EBay :slight_smile:

They often have 20% discount promotions on Tobii website.

Good tip, thanks.

Check your discord DM @BigCow74 :wink:

Itā€™s really great, but it doesnā€™t like my beard. :joy:

It seems to see it as an extension of my face, so I have to regularly hit the reset position button to ā€œrehomeā€ it.

If I hold my beard with one hand, itā€™s rock steady. When I take it away it will make little random movements even if my head is rock steady. It will also zoom in, and out randomly sometimes. When it sees my beard as ā€œfaceā€, it sees my face as larger than it actually is, so thinks Iā€™ve just moved closer to the camera so it zooms in.

In fact something else anyone can try is this. Reset your head position, then open your mouth really wide. Because your jaw opening makes your face shape change, it will make you zoom in a bit. If you are one of those people that pulls faces when concentrating, this will be a nightmare for you on final! :rofl:

Weird!! Useful to know. What size darn beard have you got!! :rofl:

I have a bit of one and never had it do that :slight_smile:

Not ZZ Top, but mid chest. Maybe two and a half hands. :blush:

Iā€™ve yet to try a couple of things.

COVID face mask while flying. Iā€™ll just RP Iā€™m transporting infectious passengers.
Tying beard into a rat tail of sorts. If itā€™s really thin the camera may not see it.

Tuck it in to your shirt! :joy:

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That works till I look at the overheads, and it comes out. :rofl:

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They should ship those with the Tobii. :joy:

Welp, currently a 20% discount in effect, so I just ordered oneā€¦

In photography thereā€™s a term used on the forums about people having ā€œBad GASā€ with new toys. Gear Acquisition Syndrome. This applies in simming as well. I have a GAS problem.


For Simming -other than maybe VR- Tobii is a pretty solid investment IMO.

This type of gear is very much worth acquiring :grin:

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