Yeah, you can’t unfortunately…And even only using the drop downs to avoid panning and zooming, it still zooms in on each airport as you select them anyways, resulting in a CTD as well, a lot of the time…
If anyone ends up here with this same issue, make sure you scroll back up to the start of the topic and click the “vote” button, next to the title…
I just updated my navigraph AIRAC data to the release that came out yesterday - which had a problem with missing VOR’s. This hasn’t eliminated the problem as after a while if I continuously zoom in and out if still CTD - but I can definitely zoom in/out for longer until the CTD
It seems disabling the cloud/weather layer on the worldmap fixes that issues. I have reproduced over 5 crashes on the worldmap playing around, zooming in and out, with or without an empty community folder.
So I turned off the cloud layer in the filters (no mod) and now the world map seems stable. Using the IFR map instead of sattelite imagery also helps eliminate stutters and slections being stuck.
Not 100% sure if turning clouds off alone does the trick, but it hasn’t crashed now in 5 minutes clicking new landmarks to mark them as “read”. Will investigate further.
I can not confirm that the weather alone is causing the CTDs, but turning weather off and the map to IFR has given me 0 crashes in over 20 minutes of fiddling around with the world map.
I used JayDee’s Mod and edited it a bit, so that both weather is off and IFR is set by default. Works good so far!
To achieve that you need to edit line 14 in worldmapfilters.xml of the mod files like this:
“< MapType >IFR< /MapType >” (had to enter spaces for editing reasons! Leave them out.)
Yesterday night, when I started MSFS, it installed/reinstalled for no reason. I’ll test to see if I had again CTD when lauching/ during a flight
I was getting inflight crashes and just completed my first flight in a week with no CTD. Was on VATSIM and it was epic - missed it so much. I’d uninstalled Rex Weather Force. I don’t know if this has fixed it entirely.
I can confirm the zoom in/out CTD on the world map is still there - seems to be worse if I load a flight plan.
After almost 3 weeks without a flight due to CTDs at launch/during a flight (+ zoom in/out CTD), I was able to perform a flight with the A320 Fenix (+ spad bridge module; navigraph data in my community folder). What a pleasure !
I hope to be able to do other flights by gradually adding other elements to my community folder
I can confirm as well…Since turning off the cloud/weather layer in the filters, I’ve had zero CTD’s zooming and panning the map. Have flown about six different flights, intentionally zooming and panning like a mad man, in the map, with no crashes…
An update: I accidentally forgot to change my NIC to 100 Mbps on the last 3 flights, but DID change the map layer to IFR/weather off, and no problems either on the map/planning or the flight itself. B737 x2 and B787 x1.
Thank you for sharing your finding. It helped in my case. This is maybe linked to the weather outage MS has. Probably the world map makes the game crash when it tries to fetch weather data. Just an educated guess.
I’ve been getting CTD’s for the last couple weeks fairly frequently with zoom in on the map or even flying. Just flew this evening and got about 90% to my destination, then the sim just stutters and then CTD, with no errors, program just closes. Only addons I have is Fenix and PMDG 737. I really hope MS digs into this, really frustrating.
Same here. Along with the world map crashes, when I have a shutter I know the program will close. It’s totally random I can’t predict when it’s going to happen. For me all started with SU13, before that the game worked fine. Because of these CTDs I stopped investing money in addons.
It’s unfortunate especially when you know the company behind is the one developing the OS and graphical libraries on which the game is running. At least CD Projekt were able to deliver a game that runs smoothly, why not MS/Asobo?
I was able to do 2 flights without CTD (after 3 weeks with CTD). When I wanted to restart it I got 3 CTDs with the zoom on the map (even when turning off the cloud layer/satellite view). And 2 more CTDs when I click Ready to Fly. It makes no sense…
I seen to be suffering from this particular CTDa lot lately, no mods in community folder, it appears to happen on the first run of MSFS with the second being just fine. Has happened with different Nvidia drivers, currently using the latest and still happening.
I disabled weather from the filters section, but didn’t use the IFR map. There were no map crashes on any of my computers running Flight Simulator since.