I’m convinced that GPU drivers (in my case NVidia) have some contribution to this, interacting somehow with the rendering of the network map data.
How did I reach this conclusion?
I’ve been tracking this issue for a while in case it impacted me (and Location Manager) but wasn’t being affected by it, no matter how much I zoomed in and out.
I’ve been doing the NVidia driver swap for a while, as ever since the 40* series released they have been consistently inconsistent, causing CTD’s not just in MSFS (proven) but also other games like Starfield (proven).
I’m running an older RTX 2060 6GB OC (don’t laff, great workhorse GPU;-), and have always had great performance on MSFS with a combo of high/ultra settings (TLOD 120) + DLSS Quality and some NVidia console tweaks IF I can manage to settle on a NVidia GPU driver release that is stable.
For a long time I was on quite an old version that was stable (forget the version #) but pre-su13 I started keeping up to date again. Most releases seemed to have issues, but occasionally one release would seem pretty stable so that became my current goto GPU driver version.
Drivers 545.92 seemed fairly solid for me out of the most recent releases.
I recently updated to 546.01 and strangely enough the map zooming CTD’s started. Not all the time, but I’ve had about 4 so far which I wasn’t getting under 545.92
I also experienced map zoom CTD even with the optimised map filter mod.
ref: Sim crashes when zooming in at the worldmap - #331 by Sonicviz
I’ve just switched back to 545.92 and no amount of map zooming will trigger a CTD (so far) and I also have the optimised map filter mod enabled as well. Additionally, map zooming seems qualitatively smoother, with less hitches.
Upshot: Correlation isn’t causation but given how twitchy these NVidia driver releases have been I suspect GPU drivers also have a part to play in this issue as well, given the map is rendered outside the regular UI framwork (which I know from my experience developing Location Manager as an integration into the World Map).
I know from my experience so far there are some strange non-linear bugs that can occur with the UI, and GPU does contribute (confirmed from some user testing results as well).
I’ll keep monitoring and testing to see if I can trigger it with 545.92 drivers though.
my 2 yen