Sim freezes when pressing esc to go back to main menu since update 5

when pressing esc to go back to main menu since update 5

I noticed that i cannot change any settings once in the game, but if you press ESC again it’ll bring you back into the game

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I have something similar, sometimes, when i wanna go back to main menu, it just stays black and nothing happens anymore. can only kill MSFS with task manager

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Same here, earlier when I pressed ESC, there were no options other than those with key commands on the banner at the bottom. However later on once I’d completed the flight and pressed ESC all the options came back that used to be there, so not sure what’s going on with that.

After completing the flight, I still couldn’t press ESC and immediately stalled. You can only force out of the game. The BUG suddenly started appearing yesterday.

Same here. Pressing in-flight the Esc key freezes the sim. No recovery other than return to main menu or quit the game.
Never ever happened before update 5; hot fix 1 and 2 did not address the bug

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the same with me but if I press y button on Xbox controller which I use for drone camera it takes me back to flight, give it a try might work for yous

Filed a Zendesk request. If we keep sending tickets they might recognise the bug

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This is an excellent example of how inconsistent the various development teams are organized (or should I say “disorganized”) at Asobo. Otherwise, code would not be accidentally reverted to some unexpected or undesired condition. I can’t imagine they would want the esc key to work this way, to have you need to restart windows to really close down the simulator.
Development teams and sub-teams are usually responsible for properly maintaining specific subsets of code for just this purpose—to maintain continuity between revisions and upward and backward compatibility. Having worked on systems code in my career, my best guess is that these principles are not observed at Asobo, unfortunately, because they appear to have people touching everybody else’s code, and then are very apologetic after an update clobbers working functionality to a lower state. Tragic lack of proper management of development and quality control. But when the product works, it is GREAT.

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It happens randomly…very frustrating!

Hi AndySax88. Have you received any response from ZenDesk?

Just the automated message that they received the message and will look into it.

Had to unistall and reinstall from scatch. Now it works

that sucks big time !!! happens to me all the time

Update on the ESC button bug. No reply from Zendesk, the sim worked as it should for a while after total reinstall. But, two days ago the issue reappeared: mid flight, press ESC and instead of the usual windows (Options, etc), the sim froze and the Return Jew wasn’t working. Yesterday I checked again, after 10 minutes into the sim the Esc was working as expected, but at the end of the flight the issue was there. Random behavior, not easy to fix I suspect….

Very frequently since a couple of weeks ago I get the issue when pressing escape that the usual options in the centre are missing and I can either load/save or return to the main menu by key press only. Mouse clicking does not work. Returning to the game therfore does not work as this requires a mouse click. Means that if I want to change some options or pause the game mid flight by pressing escape I run the risk of having to restart. This happens maybe 1 in every 5 time I press escape.

It’s happened to me too for the first time today - no options, just the banner at the bottom which doesn’t respond to mouse clicks but space, home and end do their job. Unfortunately since there’s no key mapped to “resume”… you just get stuck.


Same here…did you get it working?

Please tag your post with #pc and/or #xbox.


Are you on Steam or Microsoft Store version?

Microsoft Store

Do you have any add-ons in your Community folder? If yes, please remove and retest before posting.


Are you using Developer Mode or made changes in it?


Brief description of the issue:

The Sim sometimes only shows the Bar below after pressing ESC (Continue, Restart etc.) and i’m unable to click on Continue. Settings are not showing up either.

Build Version # when you first started experiencing this issue:

Since Sim-Update 5

Did you submit this to Zendesk? If so, what is your ticket #?


Same issue, the only option is too force quit the sim as nothing responds.