Sim is suddenly performing superbly

If they didn’t do anything, then why is the in game fuel menu different now? It now shows the CG info like the flight planner does, and it definitely was not there last night.

The in-game fuel menu looks the same to me?

Also, I downloaded zero patches today. Nor has the server gone down for a reboot since I’ve been online.

Things don’t just magically change.

I had a small patch install when I went to launch the game today. Something was definitely pushed live without any patch notes.

It is always fascinating to see how posts start positively and to see that people are happy about what is being reported there and share their joy with like-minded people. But it is just as interesting how quickly a handful of negatively thinking people can turn this positive post into a negative with just a few comments. It’s always a shame to see that!


I’ll admit that I shouldn’t have taken the bait, but I wanted to put the change to the fuel menu out there since it was something I had an issue with before the update now that I’m getting into OnAir.

I’ve read this thread and now I’m excited to go home and :fire: up the sim. I’m really hoping they made hardware upgrades on their end and things really have improved and it stays that way. :slightly_smiling_face:

I hope that your experience is amazing. But, it is extremely unlikely that a developer would push major updates to a piece of software without trumpeting those updates to the users.

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I dunno, it seems the same for me… blurry in distance with 150 LOD and rest high/ultra. Seems like a placebo to me.


I was enjoying it yesterday, and I’m enjoying it today. So, yes, nothing has changed.


I did two flights today. First one was EDDF-EGLL. Noticed dropped fps on the ground in both airports. I dialed back settings just a tad as I was honestly running things just a smidge too high. But no stuttering throughout the flight. Then, I loaded up a flight from KSAN-KLAX. The flight went great, even through the descent! I thought, wow this is great, they had to have updated something. Then the turn for final and the stutter was back… :expressionless: Not as bad as before though, so a step in the right direction. Then smooth sailing after that, until short final. Then the low frames kicked in, of course during the flair resulting in a Ryanair of a landing. So, no performance boost it looks like for me. I never had this stuttering and low fps problem before the patch, even into LA. Now, LOD did look just a tad better IMO, they just need to get rid of these fps issues and we will be golden! The sim runs great otherwise and is silky smooth for all other phases of flight. So maybe they are tinkering a bit, who really knows though.

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I just flew over Cape Canaveral. You can clearly see the Vehicle Assembly Building but it doesn’t say NASA on the side… Launch Complex 34 where the Apollo 1 astronauts died is also visible but there is no 3D imagery there.

My conclusion is that perhaps some people got slightly better visuals/server connection for whatever reason, and congrats if its better for you. It’s the same for me and I strongly encourage everyone to actually wait for patch #3 to for some concrete, defined results.


So here’s something interesting, on the 787 I couldn’t switch from Mach back to IAS. Today out of the blue it started working. I also did a test flight out of Gatwick with the 787, overcast skies with decent amount of AI and my FPS were fluid.

I tried really hard not to see it, but I couldn’t not see it. Definitely something up. Very smooth even when not locking my frames and that’s a first for me back to day 1. I usually lock to 30 and I just spend an hour flying in different locals with frames unlocked and around 40 and it was very very smooth.

What do you have the LOD set to 4.0?

I’ve seen this in the A320 and the B787 … I filed a Zendesk ticket for this for the A320

Glad for all of you who feel something changed for the better. For me, and it seems others, the 10 FPS bug has appeared. Fly for about 30 minutes and suddenly I am dropped to 10FPS. This setting remains even if changing cloud cover, etc. Only restarting FS2020 changes it for me. I have tried the fixes suggested in other threads, but no. This did not happen until the last two days. I add this only for context, as I do rejoice with those who experience different… in case the developer is looking :slight_smile:

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Since the last patch, I’ve come across so many bugs I can’t be bothered to file all the bugs. I’ll just wait for the Japan update to see if they have been fixed.


That is how I feel too.

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Thank you. This is the reasonable response, rather than speculating about server-side changes that were unannounced. If there is a server-side improvement it would have been announced and I am waiting for the concrete patch to judge fixes.

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