Sim Update 5: pop-in is horrible, and bad FPS stutters while switching from cockpit to external view

Asobo strikes again… this is horrible and a definite performance downgrade. This is not a hardware issue as I am running the 10700k, 3080, and 64gb of ram with fast internet.


13 posts were merged into an existing topic: Sim Update 5 performance before and after

■■■! They have told over and over That there is no downgrade!!!

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Exactly. I’ll take the old sim vs this nonsense. You can’t ignore this as it happens every view change… big flop here for PC users.


Thanks for the hint about the .cfg adjustment.

We still have DX12 to be implemented…can you comment on that at all?

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While that’s annoying is there any redraw effects when you pan in the cockpit? Or glance left/right?

My fear is now they are going to favour consoles for performance and keep PC gamers held back. Flight simulators have been PC right from the beginning but to favour the performance of consoles is a step back. Starting to regret buying this sim now; i’ll take P3D, X-Plane or FSX any day of the week at the moment!


Our mother (Asobo) just gave birth to a new little brother (XBOX) so we (PC players) now need to compromise on what we used to have and accept that our new little brother will get a lot of attention. Over are the days where we would get all the attention from mom :sob:


@B787Pilot3222 Why were some posts merged into another topic? I think this issue deserves its own.

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Is this just a simple case of the servers being overloaded so scenery is not being downloaded fast enough to be put into the Sim? therefore you’re seeing pop-in?

More research and time needed before I throw the toys out the pram…


Any crash to desktops in the new version?

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I actually don’t mind if you are switching from external view to cockpit view and the scenery reloads. That’s a much better use of RAM and resources.

But perhaps Asobo should implement a toggle so that people that don’t want the reloading of scenery if they switch from cockpit to external view can have that option, even if it uses way more RAM.


Absolute disgrace. And that’s in a Cessna. Imagine the texture pop-in in an airliner.


Guys, relax!!! It is launch day, servers at capacity, plus there is still all the updates in the market place that need to be downloaded and install. Those updates includes airports and Asobo aircrafts. Have you checked your cpu cores while testing? All my cores at being utilized. Just out of curiosity, I sat at the Dallas airport to check fps and it went from low 30’s before the update to mid/high 40’s, and that was before downloading the Dfw update which I’m doing right now. Wait till the dust settles or you are going to end up eating crow just like I did in the past.


It happens glancing left or right from the cockpit as well…


This is an intended side effect of the performance optimisations. The simulator is now culling the scenery not visible in your current view, which is enabling these huge CPU performance and RAM consumption improvements.

However, it also means that while panning the camera or switching views, it has to constantly load and unload assets into memory which can take a few seconds. This means frame drops and stutters, and scenery pop-in if the transition is too fast.

Performance does not come for free.


Oh man… VR is even worse after the update. You can’t even see downtown Chicago unless you’re literally on top of it! See the picture below all the skyscrapers are missing while flying right by Midway airport. This was not the case pre-update as the draw distance on LOD 100 was excellent.


To be honest I was completely happy with the sim the way it was. I’m still downloading but I’m hoping I’m not disappointed.


I’m okay with this design change. It makes things more efficient so the RAM usage and CPU usage is lower.

Having said that, I think Asobo needs to add a toggle so that people who don’t want a reloading of the scenery also have that option. I probably wouldn’t use such a toggle, but I suppose someone who has like 64 GB of RAM and a monster CPU would want to use such a toggle because their computer can afford to not reload the scenery.


If you don’t like what you’re seeing in the video above (which is recorded on a bleeding-edge system), unfortunately I think you’ll be disappointed. I guess most people will not notice these side effects (just like they have not noticed most of the LOD regressions since release), but some will definitely be upset.

Completely agree. As it is now, it is very hard to get the simulator to use more than 6-7GB RAM. This means that those with 32GB RAM or above have to put up with this pop-in and stutters while leaving much of their memory headroom underutilised.

Unfortunately, we don’t know if it’s possible because it could be a hard-coded change, but it would be a good question for a future Q&A.