SimWorks Studios Kodiak 100 one the best aircraft for MSFS 2020

I haven’t checked yet but how different is performance in regard weight and drag between the version with and without a pod?
I assume being able to change the version on an EFB would only change the look whereas the current method should change them as well. Or am I wrong?

It’s a sacrifice, of course. There are a few planes that have an EFB now, popular examples being the JF Arrow, and PMDG DC-6. I think the argument to realism is somewhat moot as there are many other things all planes will let you do but we turn a blind eye to it, like mid air refuelling, or slew mode.

It’s similar to the arguments made by some people about sci-fi shows depicting scenes they consider unrealistic, while happily accepting FTL travel, and artificial gravity.

My take in this would be, if you don’t want to use the EFB, then don’t, but don’t make that choice for other people by denying it.

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I am super ok with that as long as I have the option to not see it. Meaning if it’s discreetly between the seats and you have to click to enable it into view then fine. But I certainly don’t want a tablet in full view without being able to hide it as that would then take away my choice to not want to see it. Even better if it had an associated event or LVAR to show/hide.


Yeah, that would be the idea. I believe the Carenado ones are hidden behind a button on the yoke. For the Arrow’s its a flip switch on the co-pilots side. Very discrete.

Best options menu I’ve used was controlled by clicking the call sign and yes it could also be controlled without a mouse. Can’t get much more discreet than that. If it’s something like that then that’s fine if it’s just for pre flight type setup items.

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I do hope that having all those liveries doesn’t slow down loading. It may not be too bad with one model, but when you get a lot of models over a couple of years, if all of them have 40+ liveries it must start slowing things a bit.

One of my biggest beefs in FSX was devs releasing models with huge amounts of liveries - I’d rather have maybe half a dozen, with the rest available on a website (for e.g.) to go and select which ones you want - or even all included in the download and you just use which ones you want.

Another option that I think was excellent, is like Just Flight did with many of their releases - you get about 50 repaints in the package (such as with the DC-10), then you simply delete the ones you don’t want and then click on a config tool included in the aircraft’s root folder, that rewrites the aircraft.cfg file with the textures that are left in the folder. It’s a really easy, slick solution.

Of course., if all those textures won’t ever affect the running of the sim, then it doesn’t matter! :grin:

It would be nice to have an easy way to have only the liveries you want to use actually in the sim. Not only to reduce load time but also to reduce the number of Kodiaks seen at various airports.


I was never much into bush flying/island hopping type of missions, however after seeing such positive reviews, I took the plunge, bought the aircraft and I’m very happy I did. I don’t own the Just Flight Arrow, but of everything else I own, this is the best GA aircraft in MSFS. I wish it had the ability for a hot start. The main fear a pilot has starting a turbo is that hot start. It would be great to see that modelled. This aircraft has set a standard that I hope other developers will follow. If you are on the fence…JUMP!

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Agreed, a hot-start random simulation (maybe one every 1000?? no idea of RW frequency) would really make me pay attention during start up. Wonder if the devs have any comment whether such a thing was possible…

3080ti …i have more then 12 fps increase when deactivating sby att

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Real World Kodiak Start Up… Kodiak 100 Series II; Demo Flight by American Kodiak (1 of 2); Start-up, 1st time flying a turboprop - YouTube


Yeah I tried to get a hot start on purpose to see if it was there.
The old Aeroworx B200 King Air for FS9 was awesome for that!

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Is there any way to stop the storm window from opening? Unless I pan the view first, it will always pop open when I click on my second screen (extended to the lower left of the primary). I’ve put aircraft stress damage off to stop me from crashing when it happens, but it is still a small annoyance.

Annoying isn’t it! I’ve noticed that if I move to my 2nd monitor and wait for the storm window tooltip to disappear I can click in the 2nd monitor.

I also just pan away as you’ve said to avoid the tooltip pop up.

I haven’t tried disabling tooltips. Maybe that would work.

Nope - I don’t use tooltips! I might try spacing the two monitors in the monitors setting page in Windows. It’s like there is an overlap between the two screens if they are position right next to each other in the diagram.

Can’t think how many times I’ve accidentally opened the coffee cup tray as well :grin:

About 6FPS difference for me on a ASUS STRIX 2080Ti OC 11GB and a i7-12700K. Ijust turned on NanoVG in the dev mode so i dont have to pull the CB. Works without issues.

But it is not without issues. With more complex planes, it will not work to just select it from there, it can lead to issues like frozen insteuments and stuff. Thats why it is only in dev mode.

Id not recommend to change planes from there.

Yeah I know that’s why I said it’s in basic form. It would obviously have to be improved.

Got the plane 2 days ago, and this sim and plane are like the perfect combination. This has to be the best plane for this sim at the moment. Everything from how it looks to how it handles is so good. Throw in some great small bush airports and the Alaska mesh and it becomes an expirence that I never knew I needed. Happy flying everyone.


It really does complement the DC-6 for those airstrips which are too short for the old girl :slight_smile: