SimWorks Studios Kodiak 100 one the best aircraft for MSFS 2020

I’m sure it’s very nice but it would be financially irresponsible of to buy a new expensive yoke to get a little less sensitive elevator control.

To be honest I don’t mind the limited pitch in the Honeycomb. Considering the pitch movement is pretty stiff and you don’t have to deal with turbulence I don’t have any problems making fine adjustments.

You were talking as if you were considering the new Honeycomb which I think has the same travel as the existing one. Hence why I suggested a look at the Fulcrum.

Any clues for when it will be available for Xbox?

I love this plane but man is it heavy on the fps in VR. Just switched back to the WT CJ4 expecting it to be worse but it was so much smoother. I don’t know what’s going on but the Kodiak might need some optimization.

I find it heavy without VR
Most planes I’m getting a solid 60fps but with the Kodiak I’m down to the high 40’s and that’s with the that backup panel thingy fused pulled!

I’ve found that deactivating the C/P PFD does give me few more frames. While I’m there I deactivate a few others also, just in case.

The main problem I have is time to fly. Half and hour here, half an hour there, I don’t really want to waste the time “Setting up” the aircraft by doing all the fiddling around every time I fly.

Even with the workarounds the frame hit and stutters are quite heavy for me at the airports in the Kodiak. To be fair I don’t have a top end PC but the less sophisticated Stock Caravan, the BlackBox BN-2 and the stock 172 fly very smooth so I think I will stop using the Kodiak.

I’m also worried that other, “more sophisticated” future aircraft may give me the same problem. Twotter and DC-3 are both planes that I was looking forward to.

It’s a shame, the Kodiak is an otherwise beautiful plane that flies well.

Turn off the secondary attitude indicator as it really helps…see posts above on this. Many reported a 10+fps difference in VR and it’s easy to turn off.

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…thanks for the suggestion. It’s already in my list of things to deactivate “while I’m there”.

I’ve heard that the pre-release Twotter is very good on the fps, so I might replace the Kodiak with that one unless SWS does something about the performance.

Just for the record. No issue with performance here with nothing disabled.

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I have a Ryzen 7 2700 with an RTX 2060 with 32G ram. And the Kodiak is very smooth with nothing disabled. Sometimes, I will pull the #3 circuit breaker and get the extra 10fps, but I usually forget.

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Are we talking 2D or VR? It seems like the stuttering is mostly in VR for me.

It’s nice you guys don’t have issues but it would be more helpful to know the actual fps. Is it lower than other aircraft of the same class? It has the same G1000 setup as all the other aircraft so I’m a bit surprised to get such bad performance.

That’s because its not the G1000, but that ESI instrument. I’ve not tried benchmarking the actual differences, but I will try to do that now.

I’ll find an airport to spawn at that gives me a hit anyway so I’m not hitting my frame rate cap, then look at what improvements are brought by popping various fuses.

I’ll also switch off all AI/Live/MP traffic so that doesn’t taint things as well.

EGSC, cold & dark:


Electrics on, both PFD’s, MFD, and ESI enabled:


ESI fuse pulled:


ESI fuse, plus Co-pilot PFD fuse pulled:


ESI fuse, plus Co-pilot/Pilot PFD, pulled, which also disables the MFD:


The G1000’s in total perhaps cost ~0.5fps. The ESI is closer to 5fps for me.

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Thanks for the testing and sharing!

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I couldn’t care less about the FPS as it’s just a number. What’s important to me is the sim experience and as far as I’m concerned I can fly it just like any other aircraft. If you truly can’t put up with this then It’s a simple choice, either don’t fly the aircraft or turn your graphics settings down.

I don’t know man. I paid 30 euros for it and I expect an optimized product. We shouldn’t have to pull certain fuses to have acceptable fps in an aircraft that is not a complex airliner.

Once again, I love the plane and it’s my go-to bush plane right now, despite the performance issues I’m having.


What I found interesting from that exercise is that when the ESI fuse was pulled, frames were gained, and the manipulators time reduced. When the G1000 fuses were pulled, the manipulators time actually increased a small amount. It could just be noise, the time I hit the screenshot key etc, but it was the same for both of the last screenshots, an increase of ~1ms.

It’s all relative though to the user’s system. Some people may be getting ~45fps stock and 60fps+ with the circuit breaker removed. It isn’t necessary for everyone but at least it is an option if you are tight on performance. This is a highly regarded aircraft in the sim but that fidelity is always likely to come at a cost. Some aircraft have the systems but perhaps not the visuals or vice versa but this appears to have both.

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No issue with FPS performance here compared to other aircraft. Twin Otter will be popular on released and hopefully up to the standards of the Kodiak.

And their settings. If I move my view up a thousand feet or so, I get 60fps pegged. Cambridge has PG, and at 400/200 it shows no mercy!