SimWorks Studios Kodiak 100 one the best aircraft for MSFS 2020

I have a Ryzen 7 3700x with a RTX 2060 super, my performance with the kodiak is not much different to what i get with other planes, thats around 35fps in ultra/high settings, This in KLAX.
With ESI off i get around 10fps increase.


I have a 2nd gen I7 processor with a GTX1650, pretty low end so not running ultra graphics. With the ESI pulled I am getting the same fps as the Caravan with the C208 Mod. Very smooth and no stuttering. With the ESI about 8fps less.

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Are we talking 2d or VR?

My poor frames and stutters (which are noticeably without knowing the FPS) are in 2d and it only seems to be noticeable at airports, take off and landing.

Iā€™ve been simming for decades and I used to be part of the tweak and fly brigade. I used to like nothing better than having a rummage through the various config files to get a few extra FPSā€¦not so now, I just donā€™t have the time, all I want to do is fly a decent aircraft VFR. I suspect stock aircraft are going to be my answer.

On a more general note:
If Microsoft and third party developers want to crack the gamer market with MSFS: hacks, workarounds, constant searching for some sort of holy grail of tweaks is not the way to go. Neither is installing 3rd party apps to make up for deficiencies in the original coding. That way lies madness and instabilityā€¦been there, got the tee-shirt, done that donkeysā€™ years ago. Had enough.

For some flying or flight simming is a way of life, for most it isnā€™t, especially these days.

EDIT for clarity:
The Kodiak is a cracking good plane, the best VFR so far. Just too frame heavy and stuttery in airports for my average PC. Hopefully future updates will make it useable for me.


hello kodiak flyers

Is there anyway to see my current weight of the plane? I am guessing it is a weight and balance page not yet implemented in the G1000nxi. I figured I would ask here just in case I missed something.
Followup question: if weight and balance info isnā€™t available is the best option for calculating v speeds to ā€˜ballparkā€™ it and estimate it? So far I havenā€™t had any issues doing it that way and winging it but I was curious to know if there is a better way. The plane handles like a dream I am enjoying it very much.

You can see that in the fuel/loading screen in the top bar.

thank you for the reply. I have been using that sometimes but I donā€™t trust it to always display properly. For example if I use onair or neofly to load weight it seems to be loaded in the actual plane but not show up on that screen from the toolbar. Same with the aerosoft CRJ and loading weight from the EFB. It definitely works for now though, thank you for the hint.

Iā€™ve noticed that with onair. It also spreads the weight evenly which for me causes CG issues. So I now do not use auto weight within OnAir and use the weight screen as advised in previous thread.

Did you try with the latest OA patch from Tuesday? They specifically addressed the balanced auto loading in the Kodiak. I havenā€™t tried it myself yet, but someone in their Discord said itā€™s now loaded properlyā€¦


Ah no. Actually paused my subscription as playing with NeoFly at moment. Thanks for the heads up though.

The Kodiak has what appears to be a weather radar pod on the wing but no weather radar in the cabin, as far as I can tell. Does anyone know if SWS is just waiting until it is fixed by Asobo?

The Kodiak has NEXRAD. There is a placard warning about proximity of personnel when the radar is powered. Perhaps not implemented? I do know that weather radar is inop at the moment for all aircraft. A fix by Asobo is in the worksā€¦

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The weather radar is controlled and displayed by the G1000 so It would need to be implemented and functioning in whatever G1000 you are using stock or Nxi. Once fixed it should just start working the same in all G1000 equipped aircraft. Non G1000 aircraft may have custom Wx radar implementations I guess.


No idea what you are talking about. I have a 7 year old PC with 8 gigs of system ram and with the Kodiak, all settings medium at 1080 p with Live Weather enabled, I realize an average of 25 fps. This is with addon airports.

In fact, I find the Kodiak to be very frame rate friendly.


The Kodiak, using the current WT G1000 NXi, does show the weather. I canā€™t speak for the stock G1000.

Hereā€™s a screen grab I did this morning sitting at KATL.

But you have to have a 3rd-party weather service enabled, right?

Thatā€™s NEXRAD data. If I understand things correctly, this differs from onboard weather radar that functions independently of NEXRAD broadcast data.

From the NOAA website:

ā€œThe Next Generation Weather Radar (NEXRAD) system is a network of 160 high-resolution S-band Doppler weather radars jointly operated by the National Weather Service (NWS), the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), and the U.S. Air Force. The NEXRAD system detects precipitation and wind, and its data can be processed to map precipitation patterns and movement.ā€

This is NEXRAD an online service, not the weather radar.

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Can the REXRAD DOPPLER radar system, detect wind in the absence of precipitation ,?

The Doppler radar can detect precipitation, and itā€™s component movement (in a direction to or from the radar station) when acted upon by wind, as itā€™s a Doppler radar, but without the Precipitation, are there any returns for the radar to process to get Doppler returned, generated wind information ??


The same effect takes place in the atmosphere as a pulse of energy from NEXRAD strikes an object and is reflected back toward the radar. The radarā€™s computers measure the frequency change of the reflected pulse of energy and then convert that change to a velocity of the object, either toward or from the radar. Information on the movement of objects either toward or away from the radar can be used to estimate the speed of the wind. This ability to ā€œseeā€ the wind is what enables the National Weather Service to detect the formation of tornados which, in turn, allows us to issue tornado warnings with more advanced notice.

This might mean that it need two or more radars (not in the same horizontal line) to compute the wind speed and direction ?

It seems Nexrad and on-board Radar have different puproses. Nexrad works if you want to avoid the storm or land; onboard radar is best if you want to fly through the storm.

I also understand that NEXRAD is top-down; meaning you donā€™t know at what altitude the severest portion of storm is. Onboard radar (with tilt) can show different altitudes and the left right scan can put that on the scope.

That said, NEXRAD is a more robust and long-range picture. Onboard radar is typically not powerful enough to show weather far in advance of your flight path.

Prediction on winds aloft seems to be an extrapolation of available data. Your ā€œtwo radarsā€ approach might work well at a given altitude, which is all you really need when at flight level.


Not that Iā€™m aware of. I just turned on NEXRAD in the NXi and used the simā€™s ā€œlive weatherā€.

Granted, it only gives a one-dimensional display, but itā€™s enough to let me drive around the bad cells.

Since the Kodiak we got has the radar dome, I wonder if Working Title will provide the Garmin GWS-70 weather radar so we can get a two-dimensional display?