SimWorks Studios Kodiak 100 one the best aircraft for MSFS 2020

That’s because he’s a serial killer. Look at those cold empty eyes…

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Say, on a more serious note, does anybody else have issues with the PFD/MFD on auto brightness? Mine don’t seem to dim at night and in VR they are really bright. If I apply manual dimming all I have to do is change it from 30% to 29% and they dim abruptly. Then I can put it back to 30% and then back to auto and they’re the right brightness. However, sure enough, on the next flight they’re stuck on full bright once again.

If you are new to the Kodiak, or just want to learn it in more depth, check out my series of tutorials, which I’ve been making with endorsement from SWS. More details and link to the YT channel here:


I’ve just seen some u-tube videos, on this bird, just purchased, hope it lives up to the hype.


Same here, purchased it yesterday and took it for a couple of trips today. Dived into some tutorials on the interwebs on forehand, that helped a lot.
Until now still didnt regret the purchase for 1 second.
Even better, it even took the spot of the twotter in my top 10 fav aircraft (see top 10 planes thread on this forum)


Anyone got a blank on the Enviromental Controls after update?

Ok resolved it lol. Conflict with third party livery


Removing the co-pilot is not an option correct?

Just Set co-pilot weight to 0 :wink:

Just to show a few screenshots from Kodiak 100 flown by Mark, Director of Marketing Kodiak, with speeds as low as 65 KTS. These slow speed videos are available on Kodiak YouTube channel:

Also, notice that the aircraft isn’t descending in any of the photos. In fact, the first photograph is of an ascent demonstrated at an intentional slow speed of 65 KTS at 10°.

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He is flying slow, but not idle. His Np is 2000 and torque is 800,which means he is far from idle and doesn’t experience the prop drag that you referred to in your original post.

I’m having some trouble with the Autopilot.

I preset my initial assigned altitude and preset a VS of +800.

Upon engaging the AP, however, the aircraft immediately begins nose diving. If I level off and then toggle OFF/ON ALT, it will default the VS to -900.

I’m trying to understand what’s happening here. Is the +800 I’ve set, while on the ground, not really being set and instead the system is really at -900?

I tested the same functionality on the 172, and it works as expected, so the issue doesn’t seem to be with the NXi overall.

What’s the altitude target that you’ve set?

If no altitude is set, that might be causing the experience you’ve been having.

What is your VS when you press the button? IIRC it starts with the VS you currently have from flying manually, and you manually adjust VS from there AFTER turning VS on.

But my initial gripe was also about flying at a low speed where the aircraft goes into an unrecoverable stall.

Same problem here, set a target altitude, set flc to 101 kt, engage AP after takeoff, kodi goes into a dive…

That seems to have been fixed now.


As stated, I’m presetting my assigned altitude, so from a sea level takeoff I had 6000’ with a VS preset to a modest 800’/min.

I’ve done this same procedure before without it doing this, so I’m not sure what is different.

I had a large load of cargo on board and more nose down trim for takeoff, as a result, but the AP shouldn’t nose dive regardless. It ought to maintain my climb rate at AP engagement, modifying for my set VS and adjusting the trim from there, shouldn’t it?

It did this to me on two different flights.

When were these flights? Where did you buy your Kodiak? Were you on the latest build? The Marketplace only JUST got the Kodiak update.

I am sorry I kinda ignored part of your post about AP and nose down because the issue has been patched. But if you weren’t flying with the patch it would have still been an issue.

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