Simworks Studios Kodiak 900 announced

To get back to this, it has been officially announced that the other three Daher planes are the TBM850, TBM910 and TBM960 :star_struck:


This is really great news! Here are the details of their announcement:

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The big question in my mind, coming back to this announcement in the Post A2A Comahche world of MSFS, is to what level will this end up being? I can’t fly anything but the Comanche these days because the flight model is just so good - or rather it makes the flight model of ANY aircraft using the default Osobo flight model look horrible.

The Kodiak 900 is honestly one of my favorite airplanes and I’d love to be able to enjoy it at a similar level but that’s probably asking for too much :frowning:

Looks like you are stuck flying one aircraft then until another Accusim 2.0 capable craft comes out. Only A2A has that so it’s introduction makes no difference to any other devs aircraft. The Kodiak 100 is probably my favourite aircraft in the sim so I’m sure the 900 will be equally as good.


What a bad take, but at least it saves you a lot of money. Accusim is only used by one developer and it has nothing to do with other developers’ products, including the Kodiak 900. SimWorks Studios creates extremely realistic aircraft, the Kodiak 100 is still one of the best so the 900 will be of the same high standard without question. Disregarding every product only because you like one of them more only robs you from a lot of great experiences.


I only asked if it would be at a similar level regarding the flight model, not would it be Accusim. Why do people read so much into what people say these days?

Asobo aircraft have very bad flight models in comparison. I’m not saying no other 3rd party can have a good flight model, just that those that use the Asobo model without putting in extra work of their own tend to be horrible.

For my part, I rather question whether I need a Kodiak 100 AND a Kodiak 900 in my hangar and what significant difference there is between these two aircraft that justifies the purchase.

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A similar level of flight model would need programming on the level of Accusim 2.0.

So, the answer to your question is no, it won’t be to a similar level. SWS can correct me if I’m wrong, but I’m pretty sure they’re not going to write their own flight model programming like A2A spent 3 years doing. I fully expect SWS to use the MSFS SDK tools to develop their flight model, therefore they are going to be bound by the features, and limitations, of the tools Asobo has developed. Granted, those tools improve with every SimUpdate, and will greatly change for MS2024.

I could say more in response to your response, but I won’t.

The much more powerful engine. Gives you basically all the advantages the 100 has but ALSO the ability to putter along much faster when you want to get from A to B as well as carry more people/cargo.

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The Kodiak 100’s bigger, faster brother is coming to MSFS! Apart from the bigger spaces, the Kodiak 900 features a 900hp engine to allow the aircraft to carry the extra weight and achieve performance gains. Performance gains are further enhanced by numerous aerodynamic refinements -most notably the wheel pants and blended cargo pod, significantly reducing airframe drag.

While still able to handle shorter runways, the Kodiak 900’s STOL performance is more limited in that regard. Take-off and landing distances are longer and due to the wheel pants you are limited as yo what surfaces you can land on.

Kodiak 100 pilots will feel right at home in the office of the 900! While some functions are different, the overall layout is very similar, making transition from the 100 to the 900 very easy!

The Kodiak 900’s cabin is easily configurable to accommodate different layouts and uses. In this photo, you can see one of the cabin layouts that will be available with the SWS Kodiak 900. You can also notice the new, sculpted wall panels and passenger service units on the wall. Note that we are still working on some cabin items like the seat belts and decals and overall materials. (edited)


Please please please add persistence to this aircraft. For those of us simulating “owning” one of these - I really want to be able to come back to the aircraft the way I left it. Fuel quantities, switch state, engine wear etc etc.

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