SimWorks Studios PC-12 (47 and NG)

I would be willing to lean on the side most of the landing issues are speed & trim. And disconnecting the YD and once again trim. Loving this plane


Maybe I havenā€™t read the manual carefully enough, but last night I tried to make a flight and it was impossible because the cabin was completely dark, and I couldnā€™t find any courtesy lights that would allow me to locate the switches.
Can someone help me?
'Thank you!

Use the default MSFS flashlight.

Where can I find that flashlight?

Try ALT+Lā€¦

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Switches at rear of pedestal.

When can we expect the marketplace release?

We want to do a couple more improvements before it goes in the MP. Iā€™d say late January.


Thanks for the info, Iā€™m looking forward to it :smiley:

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Thank you! Appreciate your detailed response. I think, the standard A/P logic with its bugs is indeed a problem in many GA addons but I can see that rewriting the entire A/P logic would be a big undertaking and is something outside of your scope.

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Hello, I am happy to have purchased this aircraft but there is one thing I struggle with, and that is landing. The whole final approach from the moment I switch off the YD is an unpleasant experience. Rolling the aircraft to make a turn feels veryā€¦ weird compared to other aircraft in the sim (including other payware addons). As if turning isnā€™t really doing anything, the aircraft keeps going in a straight line even though I turn the yoke. Itā€™s almost as if the PC-12 wants to fly skewed.

I do have rudder pedals but they are not helping me. I think my problem has something to do with the rudder trim? I have trouble to set the rudder trim in a way the aircraft flies pleasantly on those final parts of the approach, the workload is a bit too high for me (flaps, slowing down, follow FD, etc etc).

The weird thing is that this feeling is not present in similar aircraft such as the TBM850 or in less similar aircraft that do have a praised flight model such as the FI Spitfire or the Wilga. I donā€™t know how to describe it since I am not a real pilot.

Anyway Iā€™ll take any tips I can get. Thanks!

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Why do you disengage the YD that early?
You need to turn it off only during takeoff and landing which means below ~400ft.
At this altitude you should be fully established with no configuration, speed or power setting changes.

If the workload is too high, simply keep the AP engaged. Same IRL.

Why do think that the pedals arenā€™t helping.? Use the rudder to help keeping the turn coordinated, if the aileron-rudder interconnect isnā€™t correctly working in the sim.

Last but not least, whatā€™s the flap setting you are using? The lower the speed rhe greater the directional control problems.
IRL you donā€™t use full flaps except on very short runways.

Thank you! I disengage the YD early so that I can make sure Iā€™m comfortable with the flight model for final approach. I guess it has the opposite effect and I should try what you suggest!

The rudder pedals is just not enough practice from my side. On other airplanes I never really felt I needed them off the ground, so clearly now I need a lot of practice.

Flaps usually 30 for landing. Should I try 15?

The YD should be engaged as long as possible. If thereā€™s no crosswind you could theoretically even touch down with it engaged.
You only need to disenage it to be able to control yaw better when decrabbing during a crosswind landing.

On most airplanes you need the rudder for turn coordination. Itā€™s mostly jets where the YD is engaged at all times that you donā€™t need rudder for turn coordination.

Flaps 15 is the nornal landing flap setting.

AFAIK this PC-12 FM does have a problem with the flight model and turn coordination, but they are working in it.

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Read the manual on approach and landing. 9-10 psi torque, flaps 30, rudder trim one notch left of the green, trim up (a lot) to get ready for the flare, throttle back over the fence and land close to stall speed.
If flying sideways the rudder trim is in takeoff position (to cancel out the left yaw tendency at full throttle - at landing throttle settings that leads to over compensation).


This guy makes videos on the Pc12 and explains very well technical stuff

And at 1:40 here you see how he disengage the ap and the yd


So as previously discussed now we are into 2024 hopefully we can get the KAS 297 altitide and vs rate variables available as Lvars in the next update.

New SimWorks PC-12 pilot here. Iā€™m reading the manual and learning the plane as we speak. One thing I ran into is I canā€™t seem to click the headrests to show/hide the PAX. I looked all over the headrests but no click spots. Anyone figure this out?

I want to hide all passengers.


Oh thatā€™s no longer an option unfortunatelyā€¦

They put that in, in their last update I thinkā€¦

Some were complaining about not being able to have the option of keeping the copilot visable (whyā€¦ Iā€™m not sureā€¦ Iā€™ve watched too any zombie films and find those avatars triggering :rofl::rofl::rofl:)
When you clicked on that spot, it would clear the copilot first, then the passengers but it sounded like a majority didnā€™t like that so it now just clears the copilot but the passengers remainā€¦ Pending on if you have weight selected in the corresponding seat

well thatsā€¦frustrating. i absolutely detest passenger avatars in MSFS. they block the views of the beautiful plane (custom camera views) and look incredibly un-realistic and creepy. it really brings you out of the immersive experience. I canā€™t imagine why anyone would want to remove an optional feature.

If the devs are reading this, please add this back in. Iā€™m sure myself and many other would be grateful. If not, please let me know how I can remove these creepy critters from my pretty new plane. Many thanks! :pray:

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