Slow Download Speed Megathread

When you put “minutes” everywhere you put “seconds” that was about the situation during SU-5, when this topic was opened. I downloaded SU-5 at speeds of 4-9Mbit. There were also members who reported 1-2 MBit. For MSFS, count hours for world updates… I may as well run it on Wifi ! Scenery files are huge… airports too… the datacenters try to balance it.

Also, you may experince “wait” times during MSFS downloads via Content Manager or Market Place. That has to do with decompression of downloads, it’s dependent on the CPU, not internet connection.

I don’t seem to have the same problem as described here but I thought I’d throw out an idea. I don’t know if it will work but it might be worth a try…

Change your DNS server. If you are using whatever your ISP provides by default, it might be sending you to a particular endpoint (IP address). Another DNS server may give a different answer.

I’m not in front of a windows machine to describe the steps but it’s pretty easy. Google it for instructions. You can change it at the PC level or at your home network level (your router), if your router lets you.

Pi-hole is a more advanced option to look into as well.

Even more advanced would be to manually redirect a DNS query on your router to a known “better” endpoint IP address. I doubt consumer level or ISP provided routers will let you do this but something like a pfSense router definitely can.

DISCLAIMER I have not tried this and I don’t take any responsibility if you bork your interwebs. I do however have a pfSense router running on a server and it works wonderfully. Setup is not for the faint of heart.

I’m not an IT guy and I don’t even play one on TV. :slight_smile: I’ll let the gurus vet this concept and shoot it down if it’s not worth the time.

Wow, I just tried it and it quintupled my download speed to close to the bandwidth I get from my ISP. Thanks!

hmm I have ATT Fibre at 500mpbs but am only getting 70-80mbps download…

Hi I have also a problem with clean installation. First DL from Xbox goes perfect at full speed. But when ingame - downloading the contect +100GB of data i`m getting stuck on first file. Tried direct ethernet connection, wifi, vpns and nothing helps. I am after several hours of unsuccessful tries. How to fix that ?
BTW im using 1gigabit fiber connection.


@XTCQuinn sorry for my late response, but please take into account that your tip only works for very good and reliable (continuous) server connections. The autotuning you set can cause download loops…

I didn’t actually suggest changing the auto tuning level as my instructions just change it back to the default which = normal.
I had somehow got mine set to disable and have found changing it back to default I.e Normal , resulted in my connection going back to full speed.

In understand it works for you, but when doing downloads, Zendesk has put the advice to switch the option off when downloading big files, like game updates. Take into account this forum has many readers, not everyone is enjoying a 300Mbit/s modem.

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This is the only thing that helped me.

Went from 30 Mb/s up to 120 Mb/s immediately.

I hate Micro$oft.

Thank you, this completely fixed it for me.
■■■ Microsoft.

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Happy to be of assistance.
I’ve been getting over 200 Mbps on every update since I changed my settings. :grinning:

yeah none of these suggestions work for me for some reason. 8-10 Mb/s

I can get like 500-600 Mb/s on services like Steam and Origin, but MS Store and MSFS, just these slow speeds. No idea why.

VPNs works sometimes. Doing free Proton VPN server 9 right now, 50 Mb/s

Hello guys,
i bought the ■■■■ thing on Steam (there was a sale) on Sunday. Normally i fly in X-Plane, and i love it, but i wanted some eye candy too, so i decided to purchase MSFS as well.
I started the install process Monday early morning. It’s been running nonstop, yet the monstrosity is STILL downloading the 666 exabytes of data it needs to run.
I obviously have the same issues as everyone in this thread. I’m in Prague, Czech Republic. I got 300Mbit cable. No FUP, no shared line, no data limit. I never had issues with download speeds or connectivity. Ever. Leave it to Microsoft to make something soo common as everyday SW download completely demented, user hostile and barely working.
My download speed is throttled down to 10Mbit, sometimes going even lower to around 5Mbit, which means that my TOP speed is around 1MB per second (and some loose change). For a monstrosity that demands download of almost 150GB, that’s just completely insane. (Normally i can download stuff at speeds up to 40MegaBytes per second, unless throttled on the server side, obviously)

I tried the netsh command (autotuning off and on again)
I tried switching off TCP/IP v6 (that did nothing)
The only thing i haven’t tried yet was using a VPN (isn’t it a bit counterintuitive, putting more hurdles in the way instead of less?), i’m planning to try it though, because there’s nothing else for me to try.

After a full day and half, it only downloaded 115GB, and it looked like there’s only 20GB left, but then it jumped back to 60GB again. I wasn’t at the computer at that point. It’s possible that the main download finished and download of some subsequent update started, i really have no idea. It seems like the installation process is designed to punish/break will of anyone who was stupid enough to purchase an unrefundable product.
Insane. This whole process is insane. It’s like i was kidnapped into a year 2006, to a flat with wonky ADSL with huge agregation, punishing FUP and running over commie-era switchboards.
WHYYY Microsoft, WHYYY?

TLDR - it’s horribly slow, none of the methods from the tips how to remedy the situation helped.


Hi @PcbZorg,
Welcome to the forums!

One of the reasons to try a VPN is to bypass your ISP as a trouble shooting method. Please see this topic regarding some ISPs:

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Thanks, i’m already installing one of the free VPN clients. I doubt that the issue is with my ISP (it would be the first issue of that kind), but i want to try anyway. It seems to help some people, so who knows…

Also, since i commented, the download went down to 3Mbps. As if Microsoft was punishing me for complaining, lol.


OK, holy hell, the VPN actually did the trick! I went from 3-10Mbps to 40-50 on a first random server i tried (something in Netherlands). Thank you sooo much!


Now if we could figure WHY this happens!
My theory, as I wrote in the other topic, is that some ISP’s throttle the Xbox gaming servers OR there’s an issue in how the ISP handles that traffic from those servers.

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Yeah… I get that feeling, 100%. I hate when something fixes an issue, but i have not a clue WHY it helped… Especially in IT.

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Can Asobo either

  1. update this to download everything in one go rather than constantly opening new connections where we must wait for speeds to restore to a sensible value
  2. Update the Steam version to use Steam CDNs. You are not going to defeat their speeds. Let them deal with it for the Steam version.
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