Slow Download Speed Megathread

Thx a lot! I’ll definitely give that a try. I’m just using Microsoft Defender as Anti Virus, but it’s been turned all the time during my download attempts.

Click in the Windows Search Bar and type in:
Windows Security
and click on it. Click on “Virus & threat protection” and under Virus & threat protection settings select Manage settings. Switch Real-time protection to Off.

Note: If Tamper Protection is turned on, you’ll need to turn Tamper Protection off before you’ll be able to turn Real-time protection off.

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What helps me the most was to turn on delivery optimization in the networking advanced settings in windows. My download speed went from 5 to 6 Mbps to '80s and '90s! I didn’t even have to disable windows defender.

what the heck, are you sitting right next to the server? 5ms :open_mouth:

I think the North Europe MSFS server must be on a CDN as I’m in Australia. Also I just picked a random Finnish website to ping and got a 7ms reply:


Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=7ms TTL=59

So I picked another Finnish website and got a reply that was more expected:


Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=271ms TTL=42

Maybe MSFS is picking an overseas server with a low ping to its CDN server but the CDN server doesn’t have the update files and so MSFS has to connect directly to the overseas server resulting in slow download speeds?

I think this worked for me, I was only getting ~4mbs down. I looked away for a moment and all of a sudden I was getting 60+Mbs. Thanks for the advice!


??? :flushed:

I can not recommend that. You share with these setting windows updates with the “whole world” and if you have already limited upload bandwith ( which 99.9% of the users ) , you not realy want that.

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What? What are you talking about?

Well you will be using a bit of upload bandwidth with those settings but I’ve never seen it using more than a few hundred KB/sec.

If you are that worried about your upload bandwidth just switch it on for your patch downloads and then switch it off after.

you mentioned these recommendation… But let your PC act as a windows update “torrent” server, will fix no issue, more in contrast it can cause other issues.

The fix was may be the netsh setting, which is mentioned within official FAQ since a long time:

When …

  • Enter: netsh int tcp set global autotuninglevel=disable

@XTCQuinn it is often not only “a few hundred KB/sec”

It also enables downloading from other PC’s on the Internet in a torrent like fashion.
That’s why I included it in my potential fix procedure. If there were any issues in getting the downloads direct from the server then it can improve speeds as it gets the files from other sources.

As I said, in my testing I’ve never seen much upload bandwidth being used but if you are concerned about that you can just switch it off again.

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yep… given a hint about was my indention.

We should just mentioned what these setting can cause: “The users PC acts as a ‘torrent’ server”. We have some users which reported they have contracts with limited data volume and also the most users are not aware of how limited in generaly the upload bandwith is, compared with download rate. Lots of users report about dream-download-rates like 1G/s , but get 6Mb upload… In special users which are connected to a shared medium ( coax ) are affected here.

(and just only 100kB/s is 1Mb/s)

I have here 100m/40m and would not have an issue, but I need my upload bandwith for my own usage :slight_smile:

Yes I agree it was a point worth mentioning and one that I had forgotten. I suppose I’m just one of the lucky ones who haven’t had to suffer from limited connections for many years now.

You can limit how much upload bandwith you allow though in the settings.

From this screenshot you can also see my machine has uploaded 5KB in the last 12 days

Well in that post of recommendations, it actually does say to enable the Delivery Optimization settings.


If you have limited connectivity or other network constraints, you can limit how much bandwidth Delivery Optimization uses for background downloads. Lower values use less bandwidth but cause updates to be delivered more slowly.

  • In the “type here to search” bar, next to the Windows Start menu icon, type Delivery optimization
  • Select Open
  • Click on Advanced Options
  • Check the box "Limit how much bandwidth is used for downloading updates in the background" and move the slider to 100%.
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LOL… you are right… omg :rofl:… well, at least you know now what these setting realy do and may be you disabled these again after you downloaded the game content :wink:

I just realized, we’re not talking about the same thing.

may be… let us summary

  • I mentioned better disable these “delivery optimization” at all if you not want that your PC acts as a windows update torrent server
  • Quinn mention it will help , because may be also game-downloads are shared with this setting , not only windows updates, and so you can may be beneffit from other users which let here PC act as a windows update torrent server too if in your region ms-servers are limited in bandwith ( I doubt that )
  • the FAQ mentioned to not disable this but increase the default windows limit 45/90 ) to 100% ( so, you lost the last safety mechanism that your pc will not work to 100% as a ms-update-download-server

The decision is of course by users… I just must had mention that I can not recommend such torrent strategies at all. The provider of a software have to ensure, that enought bandwith for downloads exist and consumer not need such misusage of consumers pc / bandwith…

VPN on or off doesn’t matter. And why is MS store version 300 k download speed? Same computer same vpn same same same everything???
And don’t tell me Steam has a different compression algorithm. The problem starts after the Steam initial download with just the msfs game download. I’ve contacted Steam support and they say it’s a MS problem. MS support says it is a computer problem, which makes no sense to me with the 300 k dl of the MS version. Sorry if I sound ■■■■■■ off, but I am, and not at you, at them.

It’s a bizarre problem. The trouble with your current VPN setup is that you are still connecting to the same MSFS server whether your VPN is on or off.

See if your current VPN provider has servers on the west coast and connect try connecting to them.

If your current VPN provider doesn’t have any servers on the west coast of USA then sign up to one of these VPN providers: Best VPNs for California in 2022

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i think its Microsoft throttling. Since the game still streams lots of data potentially. they being cheap with speeds. re-installing probably for a 5th time at this point cause finally got a new video card, so wanted to try again. When i was connected to one IP i was getting 40-45 Mbps, i noticed speed went up to 120-130 Mbps, checked monitor, was connected to a new IP. Noticed it dropped down to 60ish Mbps. New IP again. with all the times ive downloaded, id say 130 Mbps is the average. pretty sure there was a time tho where i actually downloaded around 250 Mbps. But this also will answer another question for me. Which was, at some point after an update. i started getting better FPS on my old 980ti but photo data seem to not load in nearly as fast. to the point were was not fun to play. and forget about using the fighter plane. basically was like flying over low mesh surfaces. Is all of this because data couldnt stream in fast enough or because my video card. Prob a bit of both. But first 3-4 months after game release. My FPS wasnt as great, but citoes loaded in fine. Then an update happened and increased FPS, but photo cities load in like garbage.