Snow Cover or No Snow Cover

There is no worldwide database that will tell you if the ground is covered by snow and ‘calculating’ that from weather reports would lead to a situation where you complain that there is no snow somewhere you know there is snow.

Not saying there are no bugs, but the sim will never be able to reliably show how much snow there in the ground in Innsbruck.

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But this is a flying simulator not a snowing simulator. I would rather see less snow than have a winter like the one from The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe lmao.

Its quite simple to figure out that where the temperature is above freezing, snow will melt…

Case in point. OAT 14C. At sea level. In New Zealand. In Summertime. This is Milford sound right now with Live weather turned on…

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Both Meteoblue and Windy have snow coverage maps. And Meteoblue is a partner and the main supplier of weather data of the MSFS. I can’t see a reason why this data can not be utilised to improve the snow coverage.

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There is most certainly a world wide database for snow coverage of the southern hemisphere in summer, it’s called a calendar.

You could not be more wrong, Meteoblue has a pretty accurate snow coverage map for the entire world. Meteoblue, THE weather partner of Asobo for this sim, yet they seem to be unable to properly include it in the sim since release. No further comment needed…

The instant changes are off putting as well. Yesterday, I spawned on the ramp, and it was green grass everywhere. By the time I had the engine started, and had started to taxi I was surrounded by snow. It’s rare for me but it happens from time to time.

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Here’s the meteoblue map for “snow depth”, centered in NZ.
Cartes météo - meteoblue
Note that precision varies with zoom level.

Yep I’ve just checked that out and its very accurate. Would be great if that would be included in the sim

I think they are using that data in the sim… That’s what they said in a past Q&A.

That happens every single time I fly. While flying snow will be disappearing and reappearing constantly along with clouds. It’s a real mess.

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Me I cannot land on frozen lake currently (always sinking) - was working in north Quebec last year (Réservoir Gouin) but not anymore :frowning:

They absolutely are not, the snow data for innsbruck in the valley is 0cm, in the game its showing enough to completely coat the runways.

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Yes I don’t know if this has been logged but now the wheels goes underwater and we cannot take off anymore. It’s everywhere like that unfortunately.

I filled it last week on Zendesk


The funny thing is that while today is the Summer Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere, the game has New Zealand buried under snow :wink:


Its amazing isn’t it! I found a glacier in a lake in Argentina at sea level!

Heres a comparison for Innsbruck…


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Here is Lac Leman, the largest lake i

n Switzerland, completely frozen over. I think that has never happened in all of recorded history.
Also notice how the Swiss authorities have cleaned the snow from the fields onto the roads!


Yes there is. Meteoblue has one.

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Wow, that was a LOT of work to shake the snow out of all the trees and dump it on the roads :slight_smile: :rofl: