Snow Cover or No Snow Cover

Meteoblue Snow map for Innsbruck and surrounds.

What gets displayed in the Sim… cmoonnnnn its not DIFFICULT ■■■■■.


i pointed that out since day one of the sim! As so many essential things of what a sim makes a sim gets, by now clearely showing, ignored by Asobo.

I’m beginning to lean towards the base sim being “it is what it is” as long as it’s stable, if you want to polish it you’re going to have to add mods, probably payware.

Correct. I noticed looking at Meteoblue recently that it had snowed in Italy, in reality probably above 1200m. If I zoomed into the snow cover page, snow cover was accurate. If I zoomed out to regional level eg (2-300miles) the snow cover was identical to what was shown on the sim. It may just be a matter of getting higher resolution data. This of course may mean higher bandwidth requirements and lower performance. So we would probably grumble about that too. Worth a shot though. There’s nothing more immersive than the thought of having snow only above freezing levels, and nothing that ruins it more than having snow everywhere and frozen lakes in June when the temperature is 25 degreesC…

yes. I’m quite sure they use a “large” zoom level coverage, so the area is correct, but not the altitude. inside the area of snow they cover in white everything from top of the mountains to sea level…

Mountains are off limits for me in winter with real weather, too much unrealistic. it was better before the snow effect… sadly.

I’m also having issues with snow. No snow was being displayed at KDEN yesterday, only fog :frowning: and then it got clear after you flew out of KDEN. Something is amiss.

Live weather is totally broken now. Flew from Frankfurt to Ivalo (northern part of Finnish Lapland). Landed in a perfectly green area, not even a single cloud.


Might be because LIVE WEATHER is down, and has been for the last couple of days.

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I do enjoy how this is the most viewed topic in Weather bugs and yet… no one seems to be doing anything from their side

I do love how cold it is at Lake Tahoe recently. The whole thing is frozen over! Amazing!

Why is there snow on runways, taxiways and aprons???

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Just now, flying out of Queenstown NZ, up the lake direction Milford sound and at the end of the lake, snow coverage. Even down in the valley. Now, in January. SERIOUSLY? And then there are people who seriously insist that THIS is no game-breaking bug? I know, I can switch to a weather preset, but come on…

Any chance to have decent LIVE weather soon?
I have snow everywhere in the northern part of Italy and it’s not true. :frowning:

Do you know if REX helps?


Yes north of Italy had 4 weeks of sun, dry weather and high temps but in Flight Simulator has snow everywhere

For all those with no snow, no clouds etc.
LiveWX sometimes takes up to 30-40min to load in. If pressure 29.92(1013) liveWX prob haven’t kicked in yet.

I’ve had MSFS for about 2 weeks. Today I loaded into Santa Monica using live weather and found the whole area to be covered in snow! Manually changing the month to July didn’t make any difference. But then I quit the game, restarted it, manually set the month to July again, with sunny weather, and loaded in. This time there was no snow. I then set the weather and date/time back to Live and everything was fine. Gremlins I guess :man_shrugging:.

Might be a workaround, I am certainly trying this the next time I encounter totally wrong snow coverage…

Today, Vancouver, Canada’s Pacific coast, “seen” by our MSFS2020…
Here are the real min / max temperatures (°C) during the 5 last days :
3rd of february : 2 °C / 6 °C
4th : 4 °C / 9 °C
5th : 4 °C / 8 °C
6th : 0 °C / 7 °C
today : 5 °C / 10 °C

So look at the snow covering the city (at sea altitude), and especially the presence of the ice pack!
Besides, the sea never freezes in Vancouver…
It would be nice to solve this problem.
I’m sure Asobo could do it without much difficulty!

Vancouver, today, in REAL LIFE :


Right now, in New Zealand… it’s the end of summer, so there is NO snow at all at low altitude there…
I see this !

Please rectifiy this !!

Or this !!


It is pretty sure this ominous blob of snow coverage still existing on top of south island when heading over to the meteoblue snow coverage map and dont zoom in. No idea why it is there and certainly not the best idea to have it in the sim. It ruins immersion, point.

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