Snow partially at low altitudes at 19°C in LOWI

It most definately is necesarry.
I just did a short hop into the Dolomites from Bozen to check out the new DEM of World Update IX. (better, but the Mesh system simply doesn’t do those Mountains justice. Frank Dainese’s 3D Model approach is the only way to go for them, as he has shown in FSX and now X-Plane)
From the Seiser Alm onwards there was snow.
At 26°C outside temperature…
I hastily switched to custom weather to melt it away. (The ground images also need an update in places. It’s really a sad affair)

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This has been frustrating for me all winter. I live in Innsbruck, I’m doing my PPL in Innsbruck. I land with a snowline at 2000m in reality, then come to the sim to practice what I learn and find myself in a snowfield. In May. When its 32C outside… c’mon already I’ve been at this for months. Meteoblue has perfect coverage, just use a higher resolution! The only way innsbruck is currently covered in snow is if you use the Meteoblue coverage zoomed out to display the whole of Europe… FIX… PLSSSSS.


Does the Unreal Weather Plugin still work? If you live in Innsbruck and train for your PPL flights in sim you could use that as an alternative. It’s METAR station based, and LOWI at least has a station, so you’d get a good approximation until it is fixed.

Yeah I just turn off live weather and use REX for that. Its frustrating though…

Just checked the current Meteoblue map at the lowest resolution. Now snow should be gone at LOWI.

If our suspicion about the lowest possible resolution used for snow coverage is true there should be now still snow in Schladming or Grindelwald in the Sim.
Grindelwald is a special case though. Even in the highest resolution the Snow Coverage is completely wrong.

Well, to a certain extent, this might be always the case, as the snow coverage resolution might simply not be high enough to cover each and every valley 100% accurate. But the highest available resolution would still be a huge step up from what we currently have…





Maybe, but it would be enough for 99% of the cases.

Here’s current low res:

vs hires (Schladming mentioned above is in the valley below the blob on top right, just east of Radstadt.

this is easily enough resolution to put snow onto peaks only and clear the valleys.

And if they can’t have access to this resolution for licensing or whatever reason, then please give us a bandaid, never place any snow if above…I dunno 12C below 1000m or something. Almost anything is better than current situation.

If I may, I’ll just quote myself:

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Well then I guess that proves once more what we have been saying for months.
The system itself works, it just uses to coarse a resolution from Meteoblue to yield satisfactory results.

I don’t think it’s a meteoblue resolution problem. In Chile, for example, there is no snow in meteoblue and in the sim there are many sectors with snow for more than 6 months (including the whole summer). In my opinion, the data remained at a fixed point and has not been updated.
I also wrote to zendesk about this issue and this was their response:

Thanks for bringing this matter to our attention.

We just want to confirm that this issue has been tracked in our internal bug tracker. We’ll come back to you if we have troubleshooting steps to recommend before the issue is patched but in the meantime, we are going to close this report.

Bugs and issues that have been successfully reproduced will be categorized and prioritized—game-breaking bugs will receive the highest priority, while middle-of-the-road and cosmetic bugs are prioritized based on reproduction and the number of times reported.

We cannot provide any ETA as to when a specific bug will be fixed in-game but the Community team produces a “bugs & feedback snapshot” on a weekly basis to keep the community informed of the most voted issues. Additionally, do not miss our Weekly Development Updates to find updates on a few of the most popular bugs currently being discussed in the forums. To know if a bug has been fixed in an update, please refer to the corresponding Release notes.


Hi ppl.
the issue of this thread has good chance to be part of tomorrow’s dev Q&A, since it is within the Top10 of questions (#9 if i counted the votes right). Thanks to AnkH for posting it and everyone else who voted it up. At least we get a direct response from Asobo, if there will be a fix soon in the future is another topic. fingers crossed.

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sadly it was not part of the dev Q&A yesterday: Twitch
for sure they had to talk about 30mins about the new Topgun DLC.


hello Guys,

no fix in side for the “too much snow” problem? I get snow in himalaya at 6000ft and 12C in Juni


There should be an easy fix that Asobo could add to the sim without having to rework the whole weather engine. I’m sure it’s possible. All we need is an entry in the graphics menu:

Dynamic Snow Coverage in Live Weather: On / Off

Done! If it doesn’t work properly and ruins summer flying I just want to get rid of it altogether. I don’t wanna see snow covering valleys on the Northern Hemisphere in June with temperatures of 20-30 C° (68 - 86 F°).


Upvoted! I was surprised to find Juneau, AK (PAJN) completely white with snow and the waters of the Gastineau Channel frozen over with ice today (late June, its 72F/22C). Sure, the nearby mountains have snow and the glaciers are ice year round, but this should not trigger the airport and the channel to be permanently snow and ice covered. Zooming in on the meteoblue snow map shows exactly what is described above - the narrow channel is completely snow free but the mountains on both sides are snowcapped. Zooming out, it turns into one big blob.


half of alaska is in the ice age at 70+ degrees…

the issue seems to be concentrated around mountains, regardless of height of nearby terrain. mountain next to you = frozen ocean at 20ft agl… frozen river… feet of snow on ground… trees covered. the works! complete deep freeze!

they are painfully aware of this but not talking about it.

we have the same in austria, chile etc. basically anywhere that involves mountains.

oddly enough north alaska, north russia are fine (even if they are colder) as that area is rather flat. there we have an issue with textures… and any snow that sneaks in is due to whatever sattelite imagery they have for that tile. however you can see the game is not injecting an ice age like in other places

And to add more to this as todays flight was ruined. Apparently it is a moving problem; ie a place can get the snow bug that has been ok before.

June, north carolina in my roaming ground. All was well. Now i take off from mountain air airport today and head east… there is snow on the highest peak right in the path. That is in july. I have no words… Even in dead of winter you will be hard pressed to find snow on that peak tbh except immediately after a snow storm that blew by.

Clearly they are pulling data from somewhere that is completely wrong. There has to be some sort of exclusionary rule that you cannot have snow in april may june july august september october november december etc in some areas no matter what.

Snow Coverage / Live Weather in Switzerland and the French alps at the moment. Such a joke! ://
When will this be adressed? Are they just ignoring it?


bella colla and other canadian regions years with same problem

must be the aesthetic thing, as soon mountains have white textures every day all seasons, they add snow to valleys… but not everywhere. in himalayas some time no snow in the sim

Come play up in Greenland cannot use live weather at all I’m in a snowstorm in plus 12C in July ugh… so I preset my weather for now…

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