Snow partially at low altitudes at 19°C in LOWI

I wonder if something like Rex weather force would fix this then there is paying for another Rex product…

Anyone know if this has been fixed in SU10 Beta?

it was not fixed in SU10 Beta

What a shame. I really hope people keep reporting it and Asobo will listen.
It’s such an annoying bug in live weather!


we can use weather addons for specific regions… this is only way for use real weather somewhere

sadly it seems that specific areas still have the problem.

It is the middle of August and there is still snow on the ground in Austria. We just had a heat wave and there is sill snow in MSFS. How many degrees does Asobo need to get rid of the snow ?
This issue has been reported over and over for more than a year and it is still not fixed or addressed. How many bug reports have been written about this? All I saw was some lame excuses from certain fanboys here.
Just installed the beautiful new Zeltweg AB LOXZ scenery and what do I see ? Snow on the ground surrounding LOXZ in August! I am getting tired to see snow on the ground during European summer.
Please Asobo take care of this! Thank you!
End of rant.


Saw the same in that famous Pakistani airport Skardu. 26 degrees celsius. SU10 beta…

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Same here. We are experiencing an unprecedented series of heat waves, but in the sim, there’s partial snow in the area around EDDN.

Same thing in Alaska. Many of the harbors and channels along the panhandle never freeze over but not according to Asobo’s unreal weather.

It’s late August and MSFS screenshot suggests Skagway, AK is under permafrost including frozen over harbor.

Realtime web cam from Skagway, AK suggests otherwise. Look ma! No permafrost!


Snow everywhere in 13C… yeah… T_T

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Yes, snow everywhere. There is now snow in the Alps below 4000 meters now.

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I really wish they would adress this. They had more than enough time to focus their attention to it.


how in su10?

It’s the same

may be in su11

Su12 or maybe Su13 would be fine too. Snow from November until March may be right.

i joked about they will fix that in the next winter long time ago. so this time wasn’t a joke. they can fix it in the winter. but it will works some later. i hope… and don’t sure if we haven’t something like that in deep south hemisphere. rare fly there. if there we have some same cheat with snow under +15*c. so in that case, winter is same native time to fix it


Still absolutely baffling how little attention this immersion breaking bug gets. I wonder if really that many users simply fly with weather presets or outside affected regions…


They don’t even talk about this really big problem in the live Q&A. Pretending it’s not a problem.
Asobo, please give us proper data of snow coverage in the alps.
We have a massive heat wave and Asobo still freezes lakes in Switzerland, France, Austria. It’s ridiciolous.