So everybody happy with SU6?

The performance we gained in SU5 is almost gone for me. For me that doesn’t matter that much because the visuals are better now. I would be happy if they got the colorbanding and make the clouds cast shadows on the aircraft fixed as well even if that would cause more fps loss. I think i need to upgrade my gpu to get better FPS in the future. They can’t magically increase performance without sacrifice the visuals. We need to understand that we need better hardware to get better fps with those visuals intact.

I have had zero CTDs since SU6. I’m running with zero mods. Still some goofiness - I only fly the default Longitude so I’m dealing with the frequent ITT alarms. Azure voices come and go. The occasional bandwidth warning (no bandwidth issues at my house). ATC going silent here and there and only being able to hear my replies. Other little things - but compared to the CTDs I’ll take them happily.

I’ve mixed feelings about it.

Stability is better. Still get the odd CTD, but it’s better than before. I can be reasonably sure that I’ll actually be able to finish a flight. No guarantees, but odds are in my favour.

A bunch of SDK changes have broken external stuff, or at least changed the way it works, meaning work on my end to fix ■■■■. Probably for the better in the long run, but still a pain in the here and now.

Stutters that I haven’t had since before SU5 are back. Mostly on the ground, but in flight as well. SU5 may have had its faults, but at least it smoothed out performance. This feels like a step backwards.

Overall performance has decreased for me since SU5. At the same settings as before, I’ve lost about 5 fps on average in the air, and almost 10 on the ground. Lowering my terrain LOD from 200 to 150 regains most of that, but at a degradation of graphics.

After SU5, my main CPU thread was being fully utilized. It’s now back to hovering around 70-80% usage at most, and I’m main thread limited despite my CPU’s main thread not being fully utilized. This was what I was seeing prior to SU5 as well. Another huge step backwards IMO.

Our beloved brain-damaged ATC apparently got smacked across the head with a baseball bat a few times making it dumber than before. I remember in a previous thread where someone said ATC couldn’t get any worse. Apparently, one of the devs took that as a challenge.

I’m having issues with the AP in every plane except the CJ4 and G1000 planes (which using the NXi). Since those are using WT’s custom system, I’m guessing Asobo broke something in the main AP system. Just can’t get planes to properly follow the flight plan any more since SU6.

Audio panel is non-functional in my Baron, which sucks because it’s the plane I love to fly for Vatsim and now I can’t since I only have 1 com radio available.

Asobo giveth, and Asobo taketh away.


All - aside from the KADW CTD issue, SU6 is a vast improvement over any of the other updates. The LNAV and VNAV in the 747/787 is vastly improved, and suspect any plane with it will show improvement. I don’t as a rule get CTD’s, so I cannot answer for that. When SIM announced back spring of last year, I spec’ed out a gaming laptop at the top or near the top of the food chain, and so that one thing makes a huge difference.
I keep mods to a minimum, only maybe have a total of 6 and one of those is coming out, not getting rid of it, just taking out of the community folder.
So for me, SU6 was a vast improvement to lots of things, it is not perfect, and believe SU7 and GOTY both are going to make this sim very good and much more stable.
I do not overclock, and my temps are in the range of 85C on the GPU, I have played the sim for hours doing this. Server issues have been plauging the sim for the last few weeks so that is out of my control.

I’m extremely happy with SU6. Still some small issues particularly with flight planning adding waypoints. But, overall this has been a great update regarding performance and graphics for me.

Didn’t play after SU5, and now full on it again after SU6. The FBW only crashes for me (randomly, not always) when printing metar. Other than that, it’s pretty stable. Using the dev version btw, marketplace version is no longer recommended.

The AI pilot has gotten much worse, as well as direct VFR route planning, a mess of extra unwanted waypoints (that don’t show on the G1000 so it looks like AP is not following the route)

It also insists to fly higher than before yet starts descending too early, then wants to climb back up again to attempt to land (which often fails).

To find a suitable (repeatable) test flight I tried London City to Heathrow

The AI pilot insists on climbing to 1,800 ft, then descends, just to start a loop before the airport in which he climbs back up again before landing.

I tried Innsbruck to Hoefen, AI pilot goes way off and flies into a mountain.

Quito to Quito, looks like a mess in the world map with this result

At least he managed to land the plane (at an angle to the runway, close enough)

ZBNY to ZBAA (Bejing). The AI Pilot climbs to 1,800 ft again, then descends to 1,000ft before climbing back up again before trying to land 800ft above the runway. Stall warnings and all, AI aborts the landing not finding the ground 800ft above the runway and just sets off straight to the horizon.

Newark to LaGuardia, this time the AI Pilot decides on 1,300ft cruising altitude. Starts descending early, almost hits the roof tops in East Harlem then decides to climb again to attempt to land 800ft above the runway, same as Beijing. Heads of straight after failing to touch down.

22CA to KSFO, float plane (Skyhawk with floats). Here the AI climbs to 1,500ft, starts descending early again (near miss with the hill at Guadalupe Valley Quarry, yet instead of landing the AI first climbs to 1,800 ft in a loop. But he lands!

The reverse is more bizarre. The Ai climbs to 2,200ft over the Golden gate bridge then aims for the water runway descending, almost hits a house before climbing again to take a huge detour to finally land in the water after a final shimmy.

Completely useless, either the AI doesn’t land or inserts a big loop. Trying to modify the .PLN file is useless as the game ‘rebuild’ the plan on loading and messes it up again. Trying to save the flight at the start, then modify the route in the .FLT file is pointless as well since the toolbar and AI pilot options are gone when loading a flight. (Plus I think the flight plan is gone as well)

Oh and altitude hold is broken as well in the Bonanza G36.

I am happy. I wanna see the mouse issue solved, but it is ok to me.

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I am not happy at all. I receive CTDs all the time, immediately after take-off.

For the love of GOD Asobo, please DO NOT remove that spinning circle. It is an indication for me whether I have an internet speed issue.

I think it is safe to state that generally this update was well received.
The causes of regular CTDs are usually located on the local machine. To establish whether it is the SIM causing the CTD in combination with your machine and possibly third party items and Mods you would need to run a vanilla setup.
Then slowly add your various mods, addons etc until you hit the one causing your CTDs.
It is very unlikely to be the actual Sim software if that same software runs fine on thousands of other machines.

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There are more and better proper ways of figuring out if you have internet issues. Having something in the middle of a game telling you that is not the proper way.

In ANY game!!

No issues and 0 CTD’s so far with SU6

CTD on CTD. Unable to complete a flight that last more than 2h30.
787 : CTD when long haul.
Crash every time around Florida vicinity.
747 : CTD too
FBW 320 in dev mod, impossible to make a flight since 1 week. CTD when takeoff or during approach. SO frustrating. better graphic but still so unplayable…

Well I disagree.
That’s OK yes?

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