So unhappy with the visuals and performance on Xbox

You know that current consoles are practically condensed, optimaized middle end pcs… don’t you? :thinking:


The thing is MSFS 2020 looks and works so much better than 2024 on Series X. The regressions and downgrades are shockingly bad and I think we deserve some kind of explanation or acknowledgement of Xbox issues from Asobo. Still waiting for that communication…


This is the current state of MSFS 2024 on my Series X yesterday. Footage captured direct from my Xbox, on the latest versions.

Visually, its just beyond disappointing and night and day between the two. Beyond me how its gone this far backwards, when like someone else said, 2024 was supposed to be leveraging more cores, they’d found a bit more RAM to utilise and the cloud would do the heavy lifting?!


What is it that you find so disappointing? To me, 2024 looks more realistic in terms of the lighting and color palette. 2020 looks cartoonish by comparison.

I did notice pop in in 2024 but not in 2020. But other than that and the addition of too many trees, 2024 gets the nod from me.

Granted, I watched this on my phone, so there may be detail that wasn’t apparent. I’ll give it another look on a larger screen later. Nice video, BTW.

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Surely that can’t be a factor when they are not in the FOV. To do so would be a waste of cycles and memory. If they did do this, then look on the bright side – there’s plenty of opportunity for optimization.

Thanks a good point, would be interesting to get a definitive answer from the team.
I know there was one of the inibuilds Airbus aircraft for 2020, had a modelled cabin on pc but not xbox. I’d imagine this was for performance reasons.

For me, level of detail, photogrammetry and the invisible but highly noticeable draw distance box when you’re up in the air are the real deal breakers in terms of graphical degradation between the two versions on Xbox.

In the video on a larger screen, you can see other issues. Ground textures are like low resolution jpgs, assets popping in at the last minute or being low poly. Some of the points of interest aren’t textured at all whilst textures on other buildings appear to shimmer and flicker. The overall washed out/desaturated look of the world doesn’t seem right, unless the real world does look like this and it’s my eyes that are off :laughing:

Don’t get me wrong I have had some stunning looking flights in 2024 but they’re few and far between and depend very much on where and when you’re flying and making sure there’s few trees and plenty of fog thrown in too.


Not this again.

The Xbox is just a cheaper version of an expensive gaming PC rig.
It’s a very capable machine and handles MSFS2020 very well with complex aircraft too… it can be a very realistic experience.
I’ve got 1600 hours + and transferred from PC to Xbox when I could no longer afford to upgrade to the latest and greatest gaming PC rig.

The Xbox is a very capable machine in fact and probably holds its own with a lot of mid and lower range PCs in terms of MSFS 2020 performance. There are a lot of serious MSFS xbox users out there - this sort of post is just not helpful to anyone.

I haven’t made the switch to MSFS2024 as it does not run as well as MSFS2020 on Xboxes (from all the review comments), I wouldn’t be able to use my third party add ons yet either. I’ll wait for it to improve - though I’m not 100% sure that it can be reduced from this point.


Xbox series X runs 2020 in “Ultra” graphics mode and does a very good job of it. 2024 had some kind of dynamic LOD that reduces the level of detail depending on how much is in the field of view and how far away it is. So if you are at 40000 in an airliner, the ground is a complete blur with zero definition. Down low in a Cessna it looks good

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As others have said. When using small GA aircraft, performance is good, and ground detail is also good (I’ve disabled photogrammetry)

Larger airliners are a different story. I did a flight in the Beluga. Low quality ground textures, flickering ground textures, airport buildings appearing with no lod at all (just square boxes). Then at the end of the flight, click to go back to main menu…and it crashes :man_facepalming:

Same. Anytime, I get into a jet or complex aircraft, basically, anything that isn’t an Asobo GA aircraft, the blurry textures, LOD issues, flickering and flashing textures in the distance - all such issues pop right back in.

As long as I’m flying a cub crafter or cessna, e.g., things look fairly good.

I’ve also stopped meddling with the rolling cache size and just left it at 32GB because I don’t believe it makes a major difference. The game isn’t even downloading that much data onto it after multiple flights, you see data usage as only a couple of hundred MBs or around 1-2 GBs. How odd.

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I’ve noticed the low data use too. It’s using much less that 2020. That would often be manyz many gigabytes. Odd, considering 2024 is all streamed.

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I have both, PC and Xbox x, and am impressed how good graphics look in Xbox, but saying it runs “Ultra” graphics setting is not verifyable, because it has only one setting in graphics menu and that is HDR on/off, so we don’t know for sure how much optimisations are being made in background.
So short, it looks good but we don’t know for sure which graphics settings they use.



Hmm, but we do know that the Xbox instance of MSFS dynamically changes settings AND optimizes output for TV sets, whereas the PC instance optimizes for computer monitors. This we know as fact from what was shared out last year during SU15 beta (and perhaps at other times prior to that beta). Any direct comparison to how the PC instance manages graphics is not easy to make nor relevant, as this part is coded differently for each platform type. Cheers

It was stated at one point that it uses ultra but it also has dynamic LOD which reduces the draw distance based on demand rather than forcing it to stay at a certain level as you do on pc


Even the career mode office doesn’t seem to load in properly. It has a nice untextured coffee brewer, and what I think should be a printer. It’s better than the other day, when the desk was missing too!


I lower my xbox x res to 1444p and turned off HDR (65’ qled TV) , this gave me a huge boost of performance, although console is most often limted to 60 fps still 120hz of hdmi bandwidth boost it somehow. It is now much smoother in any my simulation games on x. In terms of realism HDR made msfs quite cartoonish, now it looks much more realistic. Generally only thing xbox x lacks is VRAM and Ram for me, dc-6 can happen to ctd … :thinking: I play only 2020 for now.

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I do hope they can get performance stable and satisfactory for the console users, but please Asobo, don’t start reducing visual quality to do it! Especially for the PC users!

If anything, they should be upping visual quality. The sim is not utilising consoles or PC properly. It needs vastly more optimisation and should never have been released in this state. That, and their dodgy servers, those are the two key culprits.

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I think the lack of communication from Asobo about these Xbox issues is really sad. We spent alot of money on a product that simply doesn’t deliver.
The minimum of what they can to is to publicly acknowlage the problem and reassure us that they are working on a fix.

I don’t have a problem with waiting for the fix. Half a year, a full year, doesn’t matter. As long as I know it’s gonna come.

But all we get is silence from them. :zipper_mouth_face: