Software for buttkickers?

Did you build your 2DOF rig? If so, can you share what you built and how you like it? I am planning to do the same and am researching options. Thanks

Anyone know why Windows Defender is saying this has a virus?

I would bet it’s a false positive. What’s the error message it’s giving?

Pretty generic at first but digging into Windows Defender I see this - not so generic

Ah - the screenshot you showed points to Opus MSFS Flight 1. I pulled their site up (didn’t know about them!) and it sure feels like a “false positive” from Windows Defender.

You may already know how to deal with this, and I apologize if you do:
If you go into your Windows Settings → Privacy & Security → Windows Security → Virus & Threat Protection, I believe in there you can tell Windows that a file is ok. If I recall (I don’t have any listed at the moment), the file it thinks is bad will be listed in there, but I can’t recall exactly. It might be on the right side of the screen. (this is in Windows 11, but I think 10 has the same path to get there).

I know it’s been a while but just wanted to thank you for your post, I used it to to help setup my own Voicemeeter with my DIY bass shaker setup.

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Sure, you’re welcome!

Just noticed this reply… Yes, I built my own. Here’s the post: My DIY 2DOF Motion Platform for MSFS - adding a whole new immersion level to VR, on a budget - VIDEO
I added a DYI pendulum yoke and other things since the post, but the essentials are there.

Thanks, I’ll check it out!

Thanks all, this works really well with everything I tested so far - jets, rotary and single engine prop. I’ve got an SRS U-Shake 6 which respond well across a range of frequencies, so I’m using a 200Hz low pass filter. A1 is set to output to my Realtek audio 4.1 speakers, A2 to the SRS sound card/amp box and A3 for MSFS ATC coms only goes to the HP Reverb G2 headset. Note that I up mixed to 6.1 for the haptic seat, and only really need to adjust the master volume.