(SOLVED) Fenix A320 EFB does not switch on

Really hope you guys get it sorted, its a great Aircraft to fly.:pray:. Just hope there is good support.

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Their support is poor so far for me. Two tickets with no answer after 36 hours.

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Does this fix the EFB.

See post above

Theres a new update out may help you out :slight_smile:

Hi. I installed new update. Unfortunately the EFB still doesn’t work.

Open a command prompt (WIN+R then type cmd and hit enter) and type ipconfig. Get the IPv4 address for your computers ethernet port to the internet like this;

Go to your browser and put that ip address in the URL followed by a colon and 8083 like this:

You should now see the EFB in a browser window which of course you can make full screen and put on a second monitor like I am like this:

I LOVE THIS OPTION personally!

That’s too bad. This plane flies so smooth. Did a flight yesterday and it was flawless. You can completely trust this aircraft. And the EFB is so well designed. Hope you fix it.

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Exactly like by me, EFB off and “map not available”

Same here.
It worked one time, but ever since I start the Fenix it just stays very cold and remains dark.
EFB is dead, and there is also no battery power.

Make sure you’re running both the external Fenix Program and MSFS as Administrator. Once MSFS boots in and you’re in a Flight with the Fenix -i .e; you have a Live Cockpit - you can safely exit the Fenix Program (to free up PC Resources)

I have received feedback from support on my ticket:

„ You will need to ensure your antivirus isn’t blocking any of the fenix sim processes. Once done, please exit and restart the fenix program.“

This does not help as I don’t have any antivirus software installed, even windows defender is deactivated.

I tried all types of solutions or combinations.
The EFB still remain dark. And the update is already installed.

Also no success with all the suggestions…
That thing is grounded on my system :worried:

Did you try to disable a firewall, windows or other if you have any?

Definitely running both MSFS and Fenix Program as Administrator?

Yes, I tried.

Yes. I did it.

Is the rest of the aircraft Alive?