Still NO Adverse Yaw Effect on C152 and C172

Adverse yaw has always been something that is poorly done in simulators, most aircraft in X-Plane 11 and even DCS require virtually no rudder input outside of taxi, takeoff and crosswind landings. It seems with MSFS this has not changed.

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It’s very easy to create the desired amount of adverse yaw in FSX/P3D flight models. Shouldn’t be any different in MSFS.

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Yh that it exactly. That is called Adverse Yaw Effect (turn indicator used to correct skid and slip). Not the autopilot function! Thanks for pointing that out…

Wow this is the exact video that I am looking for… but note that this pilot says this high performance aircraft not really intended to demonstrate this! So it really depends on the aircraft design and its configuration.

I think this picture explains better. This discussion is very sensitive! so we have to be clear in this.

The topic that I have created is the Adverse Yaw Effect. Which is the initial tendency of the aircraft which slips to the right when you make a left turn (without using the rudder at all). In this condition the ball in the turn coordinator will go to the left side indicating the pilot to use the left rudder! At this point, pilot should apply left rudder to coordinate his flight. If he applies more rudder the aircraft goes to skid!

@hobanagerik With a left hand bank, you should see the ball drift up to the right to indicate a skid, and that right rudder should be used to return to coordinated flight

This think he is mistaken or talking about skid when he says right rudder should be used to coordinated flight.
This condition is known as skid! When pilots make left turns to his final approach (coordinated: applying left rudder) he/she might apply more left rudder which is very dangerous! (Different topic). Nevertheless, at this time the ball in the turn coordinator goes to the right side! which indicates that pilot should apply right rudder to compensate skid. Again, if he applies more right rudder the aircraft goes to slip again.

I think this explains the current situation. Correct me if I said anything wrong! Thanks.

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Still NO Adverse Yaw Effect on C152 and C172 Please see this post… Thanks.

No you will see the adverse yaw effect in X-Plane 11 and DCS even in FSX! Maybe the exact motion might be wrong. We are talking about commercial game products, which can not exactly simulate these phenomenon. But in MSFS it is completely not visible. That the problem!

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Another awesome video which demonstrates the adverse yaw effect! @hobanagerik @PZL104


Yaw damper is only for auto pilot.

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I don’t know if this is related to the problem, but I noticed in the C152 that while the slip indicator shows the ball on the right side, the aircraft is still perfectly going for its heading. I would expect the aircraft to slowly turn left due to torque-forces/p-factor.

Anyone else noticed this?

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I felt like I noticed this as well, but I assumed I was missing something. This is very disappointing. The direct comparison video you made is very telling.


Is there a way to move this thread to the Bugs section so it can be voted on, or does that require creating a new thread?

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That’s something a moderator can do, I assume.

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Another great video. Pretty much anything from this channel is gold!


I’m ready to vote for this bug if it’s listed already or gets created.


I think I can move this thread!..

I have changed this post to Bugs and issues… You can vote now! but this should be reported via Zendesk.

Now the post is moves to bugs and isssues…

I have moved this post to bugs and issues.

Thanks! Voted.

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