Stuck on loading screen /

Same here, started about 30 miuntes ago.

Xbox Cloud user, having the issue of not being able to progress to the main menu, had this since 22:10 BST 8/8/22.

Same has happened to me. Been trying numerous times to load but it hangs on the 100% blue bar progress.

I had just uninstalled FBW went to restart the game and got stuck so I thought it was caused by the FBW uninstall. So I’m kinda relieved it’s a Microsoft issue that’s happening as I was about to do a total reinstall.

Agh! Ha. I just installed a new GPU and then this happened, so I’ve been tearing my game folders apart for the last hour trying to fix this problem because I figured I had corrupted something.

Thanks for reposting it and making me actually read that message - I’d seen there was a message up there but completely blanked on it.

Thanks Wagnard6948, that got me in. getting tired of the server issues

Well I’m back in game in now.

Kinda worried about logging out again now.

Well I’m in the same boat! This just started an hour ago, blue line is full and then nothing. I’ve been trying to fix a massive lag and stutter in VR with my Q2. MSFS is so bad, that when it starts up, my quest frame rate goes almost to zero with the load screen! To make it worse, while troubleshooting, now MSFS won’t even load!!! ■■■■■■■■■■■. DCS is running flawless in VR. WT Flying HELL is going on???

And of course the game disconnected, froze, then crashed and I’m back stuck on the loading screen again.

Same issue. No remedy in sight.

Played fine 12 hours ago. Today, stuck on the loading screen. Likely a server issue as others have posted.

EDIT: yep, disconnecting and reconnecting the Internet got me right in.

unplugged my internet and it immediately went past the starting screen.


That`s the solution! Disconnect the internet, accept the offline message, turn the internet back on, and voilá!

Microsoft poop show at their best!

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Disconnecting the internet solves this!

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Having the issue here from Australia. Blocking the app using my firewall lets the game load up. Here’s where it would otherwise be connecting:

There’s a server issue now. They’re working on it.

Same here in Canada. Disconnecting and reconnecting didn’t work for me.
EDIT: It did finally make it to the main menu after a couple more attempts.

undo the last KB5015878

I don’t have the KB5015878 update installed and was facing the same issue as everyone else. Disconnecting from the internet when the loading bar was stuck at 100% fixed the issue for me.

Here is how I solved the problem. I uninstalled MSFS, rebooted and used REGEDIT to remove ALL references to MSFS in the Registry. Reinstalled the game and it works again. I just don’t understand why this happened. The only major change is my purchase of Hondajet and it’s on again off again problem shutting down the computer… Anyway good luck

I’m having the same exact issue. For now, disconnecting/reconnecting from/to the network seems to fix the problem. Since it appears Asobo/Microsoft is working on a fix, I’m gonna continue using it as a solution until the big boys solve the problem. After all, turning off/on my network adapter is a much easier answer than removing msfs and starting over. Hopefully this gets worked out sooner than later.

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