Stutter and rdr thread issues since 3080ti please help

Hi all.
I recently changed from a 2080 to a 3080ti
I upgraded the psu to 1000w gold corsair

Also from a 27" monitor to a 31

Fs runs off a samsung evo ssd
32gb 3200mhz ram dual channel
Ryzen 5 5600x

Now the game runs terrible

Im dev mode it keeps stuttering.

Surely the cpu cant be bottlenecked.

Although the cores do go to 100%.

Cooling wise its a h100i elite which i changed to try and stop it.

Im sick of spending money on this now to run this simulator.

I keep flashing red with rdr thread and main thread from what i can make out. The fps just drop.

Never had these issues before with the 2080


This may not help as it seems to be more specific to vapor trails, but maybe worth a try because it effects amd/invidia combos. Turning HPET off.

F-18 vapor, trails, and visual fx massive fps drop - Bug Reports / Aircraft & Systems - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

Are you aware that update 9 changed a lot?
I am running an 3080 and had to lower my settings drastic. And still I run only 30fps if i am lucky. Just checking…

Are you sure it works properly with other games? Did you load optimized defaults in the Bios? Does it work with the old 27" monitor?

The 27 has gone now so cant try it but pretty sure it was better.

The rdr thread and main thread seem to be the issue

I have messed around with all the nvidia settings, updated bios.

The not much more.powerful cpu wis other than a ryzen 9 5900x. But its getting ridiculous now

Long shot attempt to help you from a non IT expert. I also recently had a severe stuttering issue. Any chance you have malwarebytes running in the background? If so, turning it off for me immediately solved the stuttering. Maybe other security softwares have similar effects on msfs but some Im trying now have worked much better with the simulator. Best of luck solving this.

A couple screenshots of fps with and without malwarebytes:

Main and RDR thread usage indicates IO and CPU bottlenecks. Turn off Online Functionality, test again. Turn off ALL AI activity in Traffic. Test again. Also, if you are using a third party performance monitor the sim has to pass the frame to the 3rd party application before it gets to the screen. Turn off 3rd party system monitors.

Have you tried a clean install of the video drivers after running DDU. Not sure how much it would help if your thread locked on the CPU but it can’t hurt to try.

Does sound like your CPU bottlenecked so not sure any setting change is going to make a difference.
Only thing that will fix it is a CPU upgrade.

Though I will say does seem to be an issue with performance when editing in the sdk where performance degrades over time seen it drop to 10 fps few times, I don’t have the issue when running sim in normal flight.
Just to check are you running it on dx11 or dx12?
similar to what was said above just make sure there are no unnecessary programs running at the same time that are using up CPU resources.

I recently upgraded to 3080ti + 1000w PSU but its paired with an i9-9900k which is 8 core seems like a good combo in games tried it on so far.

Your new GPU isn’t loaded enough.

Also, traffic under SU9 has a much larger CPU impact than earlier versions. Start by reducing traffic sliders to 5, then read this thread:

Stutters on final, lower end systems - #3 by Grabber523

Using live traffic also helps a lot (or at least it works for me), not sure if that is due to offloading some CPU cycles on Asobo’s hardware or due to it’s sparseness.

thanks for your advice. i have tried everything. still getting the stutter.
i just dont understand how changing to a better GPU and a bigger monitor can cause this.

are you playing in 4k?

Try setting vertical sync on adaptive in Nvidia and limit max frame rate to 35 in Nvidia settings

I rarely if ever see any of my CPU cores at 100% on my ryzen. One core gets steady higher usage, but never really gets pegged at 100%

I think I have solved some Rdr Thread issues in the past by deleting the rolling cache.

If you continue to have this problem then enable developer mode and the FPS graphs to show us a screenshot.

Then you probably need to read that thread again.

Ryzen 5 5600X and GeForce RTX 3080 Ti | Microsoft Flight Simulator Bottleneck Calculation | PC Builds (

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This is really interesting! I did my own legwork to select parts for my Flight Sim build based solely on hardware reviews and speculation prior to the game’s release, but it turns out, according to this calculator, that I nailed it:

Now, I still had a lot of trial-and-error science to do when it came to optimizing settings and figuring out which sliders do what (see the link to the thread I posted just above), but I feel like my experience has been better than most.

I used PC builds for my set up. I7 12700 ,32 gigs ram rtx3060ti runs sim great

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People sleep on the 3060ti. It punches way above it’s weight, and really is the perfect card for 4k in this sim.

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