Since switching to a 4k monitor, I get these random bouts of stuttering within the simulator. Usually, I can Alt+Enter to windowed mode then go back to fullscreen and it resolves itself but now it is not resolving and I am stuck with this major stutter spell. Any ideas?
Seems to resolve itself with DX11 however the sim is actually laggy with DX11 and not smooth like DX12. When this stuttering starts, in dev-mode it shows my frames limited by both CPU and GPU, when running normally, it runs at about 50-60fps (the max).
This was not an issue before switching to 4k. I wonder if there is some kind of setting I need to change or any other kind of idea. I uninstalled the nvidia app to even be able to run dx11 so that is already off my system.
Strangely, I can usually solve it by alt+enter out of full screen and go to windowed mode, then back to full screen and it 95% of the time fixes itself.