SU5, and?

Absolutely! I am disappointed…


Yup, the ground textures are not as good, for sure. I’ll have to rework all my airports, ha…haha…ha…(slow death) over…out…

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Also, the grass is a lot higher… not sure if it’s just me… but on grass strips, the cessna is a lawnmower.

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It seems like everything (what is going on with the trees?) is lower quality. I have everything maxed out and it still is not as good as lower settings before the update. Looks much more like a video game.

Agreed. It justooked more… solid before, somehow. And much less blurry/shimmery

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It’s not good

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config Ryzen 5 2600X, RTX 3070, 32Gb RAM, nvme 1Tb
before, settings at HIGH for the first ones, RR at 40, community empty, TBM930 giving 22 FPS with these loads

After upgrade, same parameters, 36 FPS and these loads

so i tried to upgrade all parms, by tuning at some max, cf screen shots below
i was able to stay around 18 FPS, very stable image, and smooth, absolutely no stutters, but several freezing for about 2 mins each, no crash and these loads


and 200, 200 for PC settings

here a view taken by screenshot on one eye in the MSFS screen

bit annoying is the changes made on buttons and actions in the cockpit, need to find how it works…
but i saw that there is a legacy mode which maybe comes back to previous way of working

Absolute ■■■■. SU5 took a perfectly working game and turned it into a constant crash.


Flying VR only, this is what I see. Note that I did a clean reinstall to avoid issues.

Good stuff

  1. Just having the menu open would ramp up my GPU like crazy. This is no longer the case
  2. Much better performance - I am now able to crank my G2 rendition settings to 130 in OpenXR and 80-90 in MSFS all the time, including in places like Tokyo, cockpit indicators are crystal clear.

Meh stuff

  1. Bush trips are harder to scroll through with single row, scrolling down. We used to see around 8 trips per screen, now only 3. This is bad design.
  2. Buildings pop-in and out in VR, when looking around (which you always need to do in VFR at least). It doesn’t bother me as much as other people, buildings seem to get populated within a few hundred milliseconds
  3. Popup menus in VR are no longer antialiased and look terrible. Not game-breaking, but I haven’t tried an EFB yet - I’m scared of what I will see

Bad stuff

  1. Lots of shimmering if you have reflections ON. Reflections have to be turned off, and most of that shimmering will be gone (from both cockpit and external world). It’s as if reflections try to follow head movement.
  2. Still shimmering through the prop, which is very distracting (even with reflections off).
  3. Colors seems more washed out than before (and they seemed already washed out), everything feels too bright. It makes me want to go back to Quest 2 + Virtual Desktop gamma control.

My setup:
Ryzen 5800X
32GB dual channel 3200Mhz CL16 RAM
HP Reverb G2


My first impressions, Reverb G2 & 2070Super;

  • Not seeing as big a performance boost as others, gained about 10fps average in different scenarios, but this is using SteamVR as i use an overlay app. Using just WMR I do see more of an increase but only a bit extra not a huge amount.

  • biggest gains seem to be in bigger planes and night flying as per my benchmarks in the other thread, smaller GA isn’t as much which is what i mainly fly.

  • scenery pop in is visible when turning head sharply, I don’t notice it as much when turning head normally but it is there , not game breaking but certainly could be better.

  • LODs on 200 and Trees set to Ultra yet the “circle” around the plane is clearly visible so this clearly has not been fully rectified, better than SU4 yes but still not good enough.

  • Anti Aliasing is awful in the menus and worse in the cockpit than previous.

  • Clouds are now awful, Ultra looks exactly like what Medium was before the update and yet there’s still a huge FPS cost, this is a massive backwards step.

Overall first impressions: I much preferred lower FPS with better overall visuals as seen before the update, I hope that Asobo can address these issues specifically for PC users and VR users sooner rather than later as overall this update is very “meh” so far…


Have you Updated all the Stuff in the Content Manager? Any Mods Removed?

I had so far no Crash.

For me, it was a downgrade. No stuttering anymore but horrible graphics quality and if i increase them, bad fps.


I had to completely uninstall, reinstall.
Even updated, many 3 rd party crash.

Nice speed improvements, when it stays alive.

Feels like a Beta product, or rushed out….

For me this was a definitive boost in performance. (Ryzen 5900x, RTX2070). Now it is possible to fly glasscockpit planes with good med clouds, high glass cockpit refresh rate and 100% render scale.

I had a blast flying around today. As mentioned above, the popup window I tried from Navigraph was not antialiased and unreadable. Thankfully the WT G3000 has charts integrated!

VR is astonishing for me now, just had 2 fantastic flights…one from RAF Valley to Rammstein air base in Germany at sunset…and another from Valley to RAF Lossiemouth in Scotland and they were the smoothest flights I’ve ever had.
Render scale at 100
Object LOD 100
Most settings on high and couple of mediums

OTT super sampling at 1.6
ASW Mode at 45Hz forced
OVR server priority at Above Normal

Was using the F-15 and the MB-339 and it was sublime

My Q2 is at 80Hz refresh rate and rendering resolution 5408x2736 (1.6x)

Ryzen 7 3700X
Radeon RX5700
32 Gig Corsair RAM

going to try and increase the in game settings even more and see how far I can push it :beers:

What can I say…
I was really looking forward to the update.
The simulator ran perfectly for me on my Oculus Quest with my settings and now I am no longer able to play it.
Three attempts and again and again CTD.
In addition, the parking brake can only be deactivated using the mouse and no longer using the button on my throttle quadrant.
But that’s the smallest problem.
I can’t fly anymore.
Up until now I have never had a single CTD and unfortunately nothing works anymore.
The simulator crashes and NeoFly with it.
I installed the latest NVIDIA driver and the current Oculus version.
The weekend is saved :+1::ok_hand:
Can I have the old version back, please?

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It is quite a substantial improvement for me!
I get to increase render scale to about 75-80 (was 65-70) before, and still increase all settings across the board! I have terrain & objects LOD at 100 now and I could get away with 115 (used to be 75-80 or so), and a lot of things on ultra (buildings, trees, gras, terrain, etc). OXR 100%

I am more than thrilled with it!
(Granted I never fly airliners and seldom glass cockpits; mostly GA VFR so no big PG cities, but I do fly from a handcrafted payware airport)

I5 9700 watercooled which is benefitting A LOT from SU5
32g RAM
Reverb G2

Some bugs yes, but Iove the update!
The details and visuals I now have are just mindboggling!
And no stutters whatsoever!

I have the parking brake problem too, but only in some planes (arrow) it seems. The bugs keep getting weirder…

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Yes i am also using the arrow

I did some extensive benching last night using a pre-recorded flight and capframex and for me performance difference of SU5 vs. SU4 is within margin of error for the same settings (+/- 1FPS in avg/1%/0.2%). Considering the reduced graphics/quality/glitches, SU5 is a downgrade for me.

Great for those with a low/mid end rig, but a serious slap in the face of all enthusiasts who have spent serious money on hardware.

Btw. - with the dev overlay, I’m not seeing main thread / GPU limitation anymore, but instead limited by render thread. My GPU however is utilized pretty much ~100%. Anyone else experiencing this? Any explanations?


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