Good morning to all F-18E sim pilots, here’s important information for a new Sim Update 9 feature.
To be able to steer the jet on the ground below 80 knots, you need to bind a key/button to “SET NOSE WHEEL STEERING TO LIMIT”. The first press will turn on the steering and give an NWS indication in the HUD, subsequent presses will toggle between NWS and NWS HI. Once turned on, the “TOGGLE G LIMITER” command will turn NWS off.
Tutorials on the new CRS steering modes and waypoint/SEQ management to come in the next few days.
This is a completely unnecessary feature. We have to bind a button on the controller just to be able to steer one aircraft, while it could be used for all other aircraft for any other function? Am I understanding this correctly? As it stands the F/A-18 is unusable with the Xbox controller. I hope they remove this with a hotfix.
I imagine this is being done in prep for when the “fully complete” Hornet goes live with the Top Gun Maverick addon is launched. If they include carrier operations with it, NWS HI will be a necessary feature to maneuver on the carrier deck.
You can access it without a keybind, the button for it is on the front of the simulated flight stick so you could use the mouse. It’s quite hard to get at though.
What is the difference between NWS and NWS HI? Also, it’s still an issue for anyone with an Xbox controller. Such extra features should be automatic. Imagine how many players are puzzled now. How should they know what to do?
NWS allows up to 22.5 degrees deflection for the nose wheel, NWS HI allows up to 75 degrees deflection. Essentially NWS is for normal operation, NWS HI is for tighter turns operating narrower spaces.
Thank you. I think that NWS HI should be active by default then, and if someone wants more immersion then they could map the button to their peripherals to change the mode. But disabling steering by default and not saying anything about it is not user-friendly. They can’t expect everyone to come here and find your thread. Prepare for many complaints - I think this is an oversight.
This was in the beta too. It’s in the interactive checklist, I figured it out without any trouble even before seeing this thread. I’m on xbox but with HOTAS and mouse.
OK, I ended up binding this new feature to LT+RT. It at least makes some sense as the triggers are used for steering anyway. And this combination is not used elsewhere.
Please just open the sdk for weather radar and chaseplane, why do you guys waste so much time on this nonsense , if you want to fly a study level F-18 get DCS