which one of the two would be easier to build ? The pro micro is half the price of teensy lc where i live. i plan on
4 throttles(linear slider potentiometer)
one elevator trim(rotary pot)
1 brake throttle(slider pot).
1 5 way selector for flaps
1 5 way selector for air brakes
1 toggle switch for lights
1 toggle for beacons,
toggle for autopilot
4 on-of-on for individual fuel mixes.
Couple more toggles for DCS world.
The pro micro afaik supports 8 axis total.i have been able to find some code for it,the teensy i haven’t been able to find code for ,i saw a youtube vid where the teensyduino ide has it preloaded.I may have to program the boards for signal high/low for the 5 axis toggles for which i have teensy code for from a ets2 button box build. Are teensy c libraries the one with the .h files cross compatible with the Arduino ?
The pro micro can be configured as an joystick, which makes it a lot easier with direct support for potentiometers and switches. It is then also directly recognized in the sim. Really easy to do if you have some experience with Arduinos. As far as I’m aware, rotary encoders might a bit more tricky, as you need to convert the input to a switch signal (since joysticks don’t have rotary encoders).
I just ordered a bunch of them through AliExpress, they are really cheap. My home cockpit now has a couple of them in use, next to Arduino Uno and Mega.
Leobodnar.com has some nice interface boards with breakout terminals and already configured for many uses. They also have lots of switches and knobs with outputs appropriate for interfacing.
i would love to use a leobodnar but its sort of expensive,my whole aurdino/teensy based box comes out to the price of a single leobodnar(device+customs+shipping).plus it would be quite fun to code things than to do something out of the box.
I use the Teensy 2.0 for my controllers and the Teensy 2.0+. It’s really simple. You use the same code as Arduino. The cool thing is you can give each board it’s own VID/PID combo so they are unique.
I did learn (barely) enough so I could modify the core files so it shows up as only a joystick. Not a keyboard/mouse/joystick. Making a joystick/controller is simple.
I also use a pair of MEGA2560s with Mobiflight for my main button box. As many of the functions I wanted to control don’t have the ability to assign them in the UI.
Can’t argue on price. And the Bodnar stuff is Arduino with their programming on custom boards. I just mentioned it for those unable or uninterested in rolling their own.
True. But I’ve done the interfacing thing and it works very well. I’m just now at a stage where for me it’s quicker and easier to buy stuff from Bodnar and just wire it up.
Hey guys, have been going to make a switch panel using a MEGA for some time now. Have all the components & switches wired up just haven’t had the time to get my head around the programming. Anyone able to send me the coding for this?
Woohoo! You da man. I just finished my throttle quadrant yesterday and had to run it through a Teensy 2 that I had in a drawer. It’s mounted to the bottom of my button box so I may have to run it through one of the Mobi boards. I’m printing my trim wheel now so I’ll probably hook them both up at the same time.