After seeing how blurry the distant landscape had become after the patch I decided to edit the user config file and change terrain LOD from 2.0000 to 4.0000. This cost me about 15 fps (from 60 to 45) but honestly makes the world look so much better. It got me thinking about whether or not the distant cloud rendering was affected as well. Regardless, I’m recommending this.
Does that lead to seeing decent quality ground textures in an area larger than a postage stamp? I was doing a virtual sightseeing tour of the USA… I’m giving up now as the graphics are TERRIBLE after the update. Absolutely awful, no point bothering anymore. Unless it improves in a future update I’m going to give up on simming, I’ve had enough of this.
It’s likely not due to the update, but rather server load. People have been getting those issues randomly, and then having them fixed without any updates whatsoever.
For example:
Try again in a week or two when the “try it out once” part of the new Xbox players have left and people with an interest remain.
Let’s hope that’s the case, but this is my main hobby - taking 2 weeks off whilst MS sort themselves out is kind of a kick in the teeth. Maybe I should just give up, I’m too old and have seen this kind of thing repeating and repeating over the years. I reckon for every hour of quality simming 30 minutes is wasted working around new bugs/issues/failed updates. Personally I think MS should charge a monthly fee so they can deliver proper bandwidth - they have to make a profit after all. Better to do it honestly than just deliver a junk experience to its paying customers.
I agree. On the same settings like before now the draw distance of trees is dramatic. Textures are very low on high altitudes. This is a downgrade, not the update.
How did you change that and where can I find the file?
So will the blurry terrain get fixed once the servers are fixed? Is this a server issue? I am new to this game. I have 100mbps internet, the game hardly uses 10 or 20mbps. This is a server load issue, right? My terrain and object LoD is at 5.0 in the userCfg file.
I want to play this game so bad but these blurry textures just turn off the mood.
I just checked the bandwidth, the game is only using 100-120 kbps.
While typing this reply, I pressed Esc to pause the game. Now the terrain is better loaded but not like the community screenshots. So a server load issue? right??
Man, I finally got it fixed with the help of this champ here.
The fix:
The results of the fix, no more blurry or bad textured ground(NOTE that LOD is at 500):