Thanks Asobo, this turbulence is absolutely spot on!

Looks pretty good to me!


Can see you have between 9-14Kts. Is that too much movement for that kind of winds? Should the plane be like on a rail there?

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Yes, in this case the simulation is fine. But this is not reflecting the problem we were talking about before about the superfast changing winds. Under some gusty crosswinds the slip indicator oscilates like 5 times faster than in your video, but even with winds softer than the ones you had. It´s so noticeable that you can even see it while in external view and it´s non stop for several minutes. Fly for a while intentionally on crosswinds (full right or left side winds) and sooner or later the effect appears, also with live weather. You will notice it very quickly because it´s so overdone compared to the regular oscilations you see on the other situations. There is when simulator is inyecting those full min to full max wind variations every few seconds.



That actually looks great. Unfortunately for me, for reasons that elude me at present, I’m not seeing this aircraft behaviour. At wind gusts 1/2 what you’ve shown I get that incessant oscillation in yaw axis swinging back and forth 5-10 degrees. Perhaps other factors are involved. Location? Realism settings? Server? Really puzzling. I was flying the Baron yesterday at 7,000ft in the Caribbean with similar wind gusts and the oscillation was horrible and most unrealistic. As I approached a cloud bank I thought…oh no, it’s going to get worse. Entered the clouds and to my surprise the oscillations stopped. Near smooth flight. As I descended out of the clouds the oscillations commenced once again. Something weird is going on. I would be quite happy replicating the flight characteristics shown in your clip.

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How did you messure the winds in the sim? He uses shift+z addon that show exactly what winds we get in the sim in real time. Like an anemometer. I always use that.

Sounds like those oscillations is thermal turbulence as a result of the new solar radiation simulation going on. For such an important feature, you would think everyone would be talking about it in threads like these, especially since MSFS is the first and only sim to even attempt this. Maybe it’s time for a dedicated thread on this topic.


I’ve flown the default 172 for something around 20 hours in SU10. In the air the sim feels pretty good to me and definitely an improvement, viewing the aircraft from outside it looks less restrained and more alive. There’s still room for further tuning though and I have noticed this fishtailing motion others here mention. Additionally the 172 is now for me very challenging to control on the ground when the wind is 10kts or more, it seems the airplane is affected too much by wind when on the ground but this is may be an issue with surface friction.


I think the new turbulence on the whole is good…but I’ve seen similar issues with the piper arrow 3/4 on the ground…whether developers will need to tweak for the new modelling or Asobo need to fine tune but something doesn’t quite feel right

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Yeah same here very hard to control on the ground with a fairly low wind speed.


Yes. Me too. Although it might be a problem of surface friction rather than wind speed. Definitely needs some Asobo attention. I’ve had planes slide sideways on the runway as if on black ice. In < 5kt crosswinds!


Thank you for giving me the chance to vote: I don’t like it; turbulence should be reduced.

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There’s a wishlist topic for a runway friction model!

I found this :smiley:

Helped me. Now it feels good in crosswind.

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Most pilots and passengers don’t like turbulence. That doesn’t make it less real. Don’t reduce, refine.


I’m going to try that!

For all this talk of unrealistic tail waggling I thought I would see what XP12 does in comparison. I know quite well what it looks like in MSFS, when viewed from an external camera, but thought it would be interesting to compare the two.

The weather preset I used was the default convective weather. To be fair I don’t see a great deal of difference between the two, and I think the reason for this is you have an external camera that is focused on a fixed point, the centre of the aircraft.

If the plane is blown to the left, right, up or down you won’t see this as the camera moves with it. Like those chest mounted action cameras you see on cyclists, or free runners. But if the plane changes heading, then you will see that immediately as the tail moving about. I don’t think there is any way around that, without having some fuzzy logic on the camera where it tracks the plane to a degree but will allow the plane to get away from it briefly, then re-centre.

Anyway, enjoy!


You can use Littlenavmap or PlanG flight planners. They include a pointer in map with instant wind direction/speed. That’s similar and easy.


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Yes i use those too :+1:

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I wish to nominate this quote for comment of the year. :laughing:

This describes the meteoblue weather we had, before the vocal minority of people on the forums bullied the devs into including METAR information in weather depiction. We have officially come full circle. :sweat_smile: :laughing: :rofl:

Why is it smoking? Do you have failures set, and have an engine oil leak?