The B787 Has Improved Dramatically via the Heavy Mod

I might give it a go later and see if I can reproduce this also.

Flew a quick flight out of Denver earlier and everything started up just fine. APU running, APU Gens on, Ground powers off. Started number 1 first then number 2. EEC to start L side, threw up the fuel L side engine spooled up just fine, same for number 2. Using the latest development version of the heavy mod. Hope you got it working, it doesn’t take much at all to start it up so either something is borked on your end or you’re missing something when you start it up. The checklist in game will highlight the switches for you to kind of guide you through it. Hope you got it going! :wink:

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Can you tell me how to install it ? i ready download it to my pc ?
Thank you

Just extract the files and put the folder “B78XH-main” into your community folder. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I jumped back into the cockpit and the HSI doesn’t work again. Has anyone else had this problem?

The heavy mod works just fine. Been flying it all week.

I guess there development has kind of slowed? Haven’t seen an update for the development version in a while.

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Last update was right after SU5 to make it compatible again. He’s having to rebuild a lot from ground up, particularly with SU5, so it’s a bit slow, but it’ll get there. I’ve been flying it with zero issues over the last several days.

Do you have the download link?

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Thanks for the info. Yeah I sure do, thanks! I get it from their link on discord. I downloaded it the other day just to check the md5 in the archive file and it was the same. Well, I think that’s an md5 but I could be wrong: 84e55aba3c4ea25765f93fe7a5437124f6403281

Cheers! :grinning:

Md5? What’s that?

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:grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :wink:

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How is the 787 w/p any mods now? Is it emminently flyable?


Last time I flew the 787 a few weeks ago it was flyable using the dev version of the 787 mod. Haven’t been able to check if the dev version has been updated recently or not. Though reading through their discord under the dev updates section just now there is still work being done and changes being made as of yesterday on their github. Just downloaded the latest version and can confirm it has been updated past the version I last used. So, cannot confirm for you now that all is well with it. Will have to test it soon.

Version I last used: 84e55aba3c4ea25765f93fe7a5437124f6403281

Current version: cd26ca3c6c1fec08e7c3431512e8e86a40d358a1

how to short cut the IRS alignment in B787 heavy mod , its starts with 7 to 8 mins,

Click on HEAVY button, then options. IRS Align can be instant.

That or just try turning on the IRS on the overhead, haven’t had to use the option in the CDU for the past two versions. And the dev version has been updated since the sim update.

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Yep, exactly. DEV version has been updated about 15 times in just the last 3 days.

How do we find the DEV version? I hope the altitude change control has been fixed it was unuseable after WU6 for me.

Dev Version link -

I also noticed yesterday that the SIDS and STARS for WSSS didn’t show on the APP window of the MFC.

You can also grab it from their Discord Page

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