The B787 Has Improved Dramatically via the Heavy Mod

Awesome thanks for that!

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I’m up in the air but for some reason I’m not seeing my navigation path in the map, nor is it following the route I input (direct EGLL>LPPT). The IRS was aligned, the map appeared but as I say no route nor LNAV tracking. What did I miss?

Once you input the route into the FMC, did you Activate it and then Execute it?

Thanks I will look again. I did copy the destination LPPT, input it into the 2nd route page, looked for an Activate so i could Execute, but didn’t see it. Are you pretty sure the current Dev mode does in fact work correctly in this regard? Thanks!

I haven’t flown the 787 since last weekend but it was working great at the time. There have been a few updates to the Github repo since then but nothing that should affect the LNAV or RTE activation.

Thanks again, I think it’s broken in a couple of spots. What I said is true, the route does not display after Act/Exc. 2nd, I am unable to get to clearance via ATC. I can use ground services, but then after those are complete while waiting the 10 minutes or so for the IRS to align, I’m not able to get to clearance to request the IFR route. Anyway, thanks I’ll go back to the OEM, unmodded version which at least works! Looks like they are continue to make great changes though so will stay tuned.

The ATC issues have nothing to do with the mod - that’s just the in-sim ATC being broken, unfortunately.

Sorry you’re having issues. You should join the Discord and ask the mod’s developer (Comi) about them - I haven’t seen any issues like your LNAV problems being talked about.

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Make sure you’re adding your route via simbrief. This is all configurable via the Heavy button settings in the FMC. Using MSFS to create your flight plan doesn’t work well with this mod.

I fly this every day and have zero issues.

Excellent I’m new at this mod so that is great to know that’s for chiming in. I’m also new at Simbrief! Is that an app to buy? I can look it up but if you’re still there thanks!

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Well, it works fine for the OEM version. I guess this is a function of integrating Simbrief, which I wasn’t aware of. Is it normal to go about 10min to align the IRS?

Yes, that’s about how long it takes in real life. However, if you go to the HEAVY menu in the FMC, you can force the IRS alignment instantly.

Is there any hint so see when the mod is updated? File is alwaya and the date still something in july.

On the Discord. Latest date is September

In our discord, there’s a sub-channel that Comi shows every time he’s updated it. He’s a machine at the moment and adding more stuff each week (keep in mind, this is done all outside of MSFS protected files (why they’ve encrypted the 787 is beyond me, guess because it’s “premium”), so the fact he can do what he’s done is a huge achievement).

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Happy to help! I am a tester for the Heavy mod, so happy to answer what I can.

Simbrief is a god-send for any simmer. Granted, it’s $7/month (owned by Navigraph) but I use it every single time I fly and the majority of airliners in MSFS and Xplane all have Simbrief integration.

UPDATE: I stand corrected… just spoke to Comi.

Here’s what he says – you CAN use the World Map to plan your flights:
But you have to go into the HEAVY button (on the FMC) and make sure you have set “Sync strategy “ to OneWay


To be clear, if you’re okay with NOT using the latest AIRAC, you can use Simbrief entirely for free. Since I play with MP and AI traffic off just for fun/stress relief, it’s perfectly fine to use an obsolete cycle.

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Ahh, I didn’t know this! Good to know.

There was a time when i would have cherished what Simbrief is bringing to the table, but it’s an extra step I’m fine avoiding at this point in time. Nice to know you can still use the HD mod w/ the World Map.

Yeah but then you end up with like only two or three STARs to choose from at major airports. At least that’s what I noticed last time I tried to use it and none of them worked at all for my flight plan nor would work for current traffic conditions at the time. I guess that’s what they do to get people to sign up and pay. Which is all good I suppose but using the free version is pretty limited from what I have experienced.

Thanks for the info. Is the from the developer version on the githup page still the newest?